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Robert Barton-
"A Man of Many Talents"

Hello and welcome to
Robert Barton's Web Folio.

Here you will discover the creative talents of Robert Barton. He is a designer, a decorator, a character actor, and special event planner. His creative flare is matched only by the enthusiasm he brings to any project.

Robert has been involved with the Hospitality and Special Event Industries for over 15 years and he is consider my many of his peers to be Vancouver's leading Special Event decorator.

Web Page Design By:Robert Barton
© 1999 Robert Barton. All Rights Reserved.


Click Here for the
Y2K Millennium Martian
Promotion for Special Events and Corporate Functions.

To discover Robert's talents and to view pictures of his display work and character actors along with a clientel list please visit his Main Web Site

Both web sites are Best Viewed at 1024x768

Updated: 01/25/00

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