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Ulric's Prayer

May the wolves always lead you to saftey while the winter destroys your enemies. May the heart of a wolf beat in your chest and your attacks be those of a blizzard one-thousand years in the making, so that victory will be yours in the waining moments of glorious battle...

Stoke the Fires! Stoke the Fires!

For those that hide from battle, wolves or winter just remember that the brave die but once, but a coward dies many a death. Rely on courage for it is the only thing that will comfort you at nightfall. May those that lie and show cowardice die a slow and painfull death...

Stoke the Fires! Stoke the Fires!

Death to those that would defile our sacred halls and trusts. Death to the minions of chaos for they defile all. May all warriors rally to put chaos back into the pit from which it crawled. May the wisdom of Ulric increase our own to end this senseless slaughter of life...

Stoke the Fires! Stoke the Fires!