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My Hobby, My Joy, My Passion.... My Obsession!!!!

Welcome to Anime Obsession I intended to have this place completely up and running awhile back, with listings, news and all sorts of almost encyclopedic anime info. But then, other projects happened... my attention completely diverted in other directions. Not all of this shall come to pass, but in the coming weeks you'll see a huge image gallery sprout up and a few other things. As soon as I have time >_< Finals coming up and Tekyu has a LOT to make up for this semester.

I've got some various Anime related items up for sale on my Yardsale

Tekyu's Mostly Anime rants

Tekyu newer new Jar with new anime funness.


Tekyu's Anime DVD and Videogame reviews

Click Sylia to email Tekyu ^_^

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Neo Tekyu in a Jar

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[Anime Web Turnpike]
Anime Web Turnpike

All characters and images are the original property of the copyright holders. This page is affiliated with ANY of the companies, studios, etc. in no way whatsoever. The purpose of this and all other pages connected with Tekyu in a Jar is either informative or (hopefully) entertaining.