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homosexual cures                                                 


   It is strange for myself, a teenager; living in the late 90's to consider some of society still finds homosexuality or bisexuality to be wrong. Social hatred and judgement of gays and lesbians is nothing new, it occurs as much as any other form of social judgement, sexism, racism, classism, etc. So what makes gay prejudice worse? well for a start religious disapproval. To your average christian family homosexuality or bisexuality for that matter is considered a sin. This may not seem like a big problem at first, however when you consider a young teenager, raised into a religious family its easy to understand the problem.    It is not just a problem of religion, it is something that is faced by alot of homosexuals who are begining to come to terms with their sexual orientation. By defining someone as different becasue of their sexual orientation can be highly destructive for someone of homosexual orientation. Dispite the fact that we are living in a highly tolerant society (on the outside at least) there is still a great problem with the acceptance of homosexuals in society. People frequently and openly say that they would discontinue a freindship with someone, reguardless of the length of their freindship, if their freind admited to being gay. This could be for a variety of reasions, usualy the most possible is that of sexual insecurity. This is usualy only a problem for males, and stems from the need to be masculine, the thought of homosexuality being a part of their life scares them. Even if it will probably never inflict on their lives in any way, they are still intimidated by it.


   It is fair to say that this is not a problem for all religious families, but it is a very real problem for most. The lack of proper education on sexuality, is at the main root of the problem, as well as standard gay prejudice. Many people think they are okay with homosexuals, or bisexuals, but find out they are not when they find their best friend is gay, or their son. For most people homosexuality is something that is not thought about a whole lot. But for christians this is a different story, and further more is the attempted mental re-programing known as reparative therapy. For the uninitiated reparative therapy, is the process of using basic brainwashing and minor shock treatment in sanitarium faculties, to "cure the patient of their struggle with homosexuality".

"...sexual orientation is not a choice and cannot be altered. Groups who try to
change the sexual orientation of people through so-called conversion therapy' are misguided and run the risk of causing a great deal of
psychological harm..."
Raymond Fowler, executive director, American Psychological Association.

   Reparative therapy has been used widely in the past as a method of re-programing sexual orientation. It is endorsed by Christian and other religious organizations and usually used today at the request of christian parents or individuals. The treatment is used throughout modern day society, it is both scorned and endorsed by various psychological practitioners and organizations. The therapy works by in effect making the individual believe that homosexuality is wrong and un-natural using a variety of methods. When that is accomplished, the individual is encouraged to allow themselves to be attracted to only the opposite sex, or complete celibacy.


   One of the most interesting, and probably frightning things about gay cures is; NARTH, a very small professional mental-health association. NARTH is a acronym for National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality. It is one of the most well known organizations which carries out reparative therapy. For people who require it, they also support the claims of gay cures, and provide information and research into these therapies. The mere fact that this association exists should tell people that there is a problem; these people are trying to tell homosexual, and bisexual people that their sexual orientation is wrong and can be fixed. If you dont think that is wrong then you really need to get a reality check. To have a look at NARTH's website to find information, goals etc, concerining the topics raised in this page; click here.

   In practice this leads an individual to the point of self hate, depression, even suicide, and it does regularly. Countless stories and articles can be found on the subject of needless deaths caused by homosexual hatred in society. Consider a hypothetical situation, a 18 year old male devote Christian, who is also gay. Now his beliefs and morals tell him that his urges are wrong, yet with age his urges grow stronger. With his sexual abstinence grows self hate and depression, when he eventually turns for help or advice, he is enrolled in reparative therapy. He is taught that his feelings are wrong, and sinful, he is taught to not feel the need for sex, he is taught to suppress his urges. He feels as if his parents dont want him the way he is and he is effectivly taught to conform, to change to fit into society.

   It is only natural for the urges that were suposedly "cured" to return at a later date, before too long. Of course when you consider, after all this guy has been through the returning of the orginal sexual urges is not a very easy thing to deal with. It makes him feel as if he has failed himself, his family, his freinds. After being convinced that homosexuality is one of the worst possible thing to be involved with it is a very bad feeling to be back at. He is depressed, alone, and probably feeling shame and guilt, dispite the fact that this is a very bad situation for anyone to be in, but the fact he is in his teen years, makes it even worse. Becasue it is hard enought growing up without being subjected to sexual prejudice by your parents and doctors.


   It is needless stupidity that someone can be subjected to this, through their life for no reasion at all. Personaly i really dont see why this sort of therapy isnt illegalized, it is completly irellevant to sexual orientation. It does nothing for homosexuals except for ruining someones life, and inciting needless deaths through suicide. Please dont support gay cures, and become active in their illegalization if you can, try to make society a better place for our children. A society were our children can openly live thier sexual orientation without being alienated needlessly.