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In every generation there is a chosen one. She alone will stand against the vampires, the demons and the forces of darkness. She is the slayer.

Buffy was a normal teenage girl. She was a cheerleader, very popular, and her only worries were whether she'd be asked to the prom, was her nail-polish chipped & where her parent's fights were leading. Then before she could say "Can I have $500 to buy a new pair of shoes?" she was being introduced to the world of demons, stakes, holy water & apocalypses. Her life would never be the same. WELCOME TO BUFFY'S WORLD!

I hardly have any time anymore, so this site will be a read-only site until I get more time. I'm really sorry. CyberWillow

If anyone is interested in doing graphics please email me.

Buffy's World is a non-profit website. It's used for entertainment only. It is owned & designed by CyberWillow. Graphics are done by Starrcharm of Dark Enchantment. Please do not take them without checking with her.

I do not own the Buffy characters or show and am in no way affilated with any of the cast and crew of the show.

AWARDS:Awards I have won and soon some of my own to give.
BUFFY'S SLAYERETTES:My Buffy Club/Keepers with titles.
CLUBS:Clubs I have joined.
HAUNTED HOUSEA collection of Buffy-related cyberpets & adoptions.
ENTRANCE:The main page including voting booths, webrings & buffymail.
INTERACTIVE:Chat, message board and guestbook.
MAKE A WISH:Where you can make a wish on a characters behalf.
QUIZ HEAVEN:7 quizzes including a personality quiz.
SUNNYDALE SLANG:A collection of weird and slang words used by Buffy and her friends.
VOTE FOR NAMES:A voting booth for what you think the next Buffy character should be named.
WATCHERS:Become a watcher for a Buffy character.
WHAT A NAME!:Check out what characters names mean.

Coming Up
