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Soul Storage

Welcome inside my mind, heart and soul. I hope to share my images, thoughts and words with all who may find my world here.

I love this painting

Finally I attempt to update this page! I ahve grown so much since I first started this apge. My art and writing has gotten stronger as has I. I ahve gained more friends and lost others. Life has gone on and gotten better in the process.

I am now working as an outreach therapist. It is a very challenging and exciting job. I get to help children, teens and adults which is very fullfilling for me. I wanted to try something that would force me to improve my lack of direction and boy has it. I drive everywhere now :) I have worked with many people who I was not trained to work with. My confidence has grown so much because of my job.

I have always felt unique. I am an introspective type whose mind constantly processes and analyzes the people I encounter or pass by in this world. I have a happy kid inside me that likes to joke and speak in accents and assorted voices. I am a listener as well as a chatterbox. I can be sedate and at peace and I can be rather hyper and wound up when excited. You will see from the poems and art that I spend time learning about myself. Sometimes I am hard on myself and sometimes I embrace myself as we all do.

If anything in my little webpage sparks something in someone's heart or mind please let me know.

I hope to touch others. I want the emotions I share to inhabit the viewer. I want all to have a small piece of my soul.

Things That Keep Me Slightly Sane

Vanilla Scent
Radiohead, Bowie and Bad Pop Music

Acting Like a Five Year Old
Creating Art and Writing
Cool Breezes
A Dancing Flame
Open Mic at Fire and Water Cafe in Northampton
Hanging at Barnes and Noble
Faeries (I like this painting)

All poems and artwork are the creation of lazea unless otherwise noted so please do not use anything without my permission.

I look unusually pouty and sullen here which is just one of my many moods. I wonder what was on my mind that day....It's the Goth Girl!


Lazea's Poetry From Inside
Lazea's Art From Inside
My Sister's Vampire Erotica (not for the squeemish or the very young)
Shannon's Webpage in Progress. It's Mighty Pretty
Pandora's Box- Romantic Art., poetry and words from a cool lady-be sure to click on home on this site also
Viva la Trivia-Test Your Music Knowledge
