Welcome To EVILicon's smiley face page


Well this is just a page to get a smile I love smiley face and would just like to share that.I like them so much I have one tattoed on my right pointer finger. I also have glow in the drak smiley faces on my bedroom wall as well as a four foot black light and I plan to get smily face sheets and pillow cases soon as well as smiley face curtions!!!OH good news i have a y2k smiley doll hehehe he counts down laughs giggles and shakes his money maker hahaha lol i love him pics soon.

Oh did i mention i like pokamon to ?pika ? lol ok thats the end .
Mail me ok !

My Favorite Web Sites

My Home Page
Teen chat site i hang here a lot
My Page on Who realy makes my smile My love Kara
To Relave pressure punch elmo that will make you smile.
The jokes here will make you smile
Free stuff makes me smile so check this free stuff site out