Sexy Wes!!!!

This page was created on:7/8/99 by Monkeybutt and Lipringbiter.

There is now a simpler way to reach Wes. Our new, shorter URL is If you'd like to try it out, click here.

You know, screw it. If you'd like to help us out, then click here. If not, don't worry about it. We won't break your neck.

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So, here we are: workin' on our site. It's a lot cooler now, because we have actual pictures of Wessy. *Hey, I finally figured out that HTML shit* Now we actually have pictures of Wes, BIG difference. So take a look around, suggest some stuff, laugh at some stuff and, please, please SEND US SOME MAIL!!!! We've been feeling a little neglected lately.

By the way, if you haven't figured it out, there are two (2) people working on this site. Lipringbiter is royal blue and Monkeybutt *that be me!* is orange.

So, have fun and remember: It's all about the he said, she said bull shit!!!!Damn strait! or even the wisely put My fist, your face!!!! If you have Significant Other, and if you don't by now, I should kick your ass! you'll know what we mean!!!!

I think you know by now why my name is Lipringbiter

*Mine's Monkeybutt, 'cause I couldn't think of anything better. I used up the good name on my dear chica. hiss!!!*


It's me! I deleted our last conversation that was posted up here because it was extremely old. So, I decided to start a new one. I don't know how long it'll take LRB to reply, though, 'cause she's just introverted like that. *snicker*

As you all may realize, we suck at updating the page. So, we're going to list the password to our website and let you guys do it. Yeah. Right. No, we'll probably just make you wait, like we always do.

Hey, one thing I did hear: LB is coming out with a new album soon. Better believe I'll be waiting in line for that one.

Last thing from me for today. Does anyone know who's going to be on the warped tour or at least where I can find that out? It would be much appreciated.

The bulletin board has been deleted due to lack of use by all (including us).

M*Kay..... One last thing...PLEASE ask before you use some of our stuff(even though we stole most of this stuff), 'cause we'll give it to you, anyway.

*E-Mail us at: Thankz!*

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I think Wes is "Such A Cutie!"

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and here's a little something I just picked up.. its really true! i hate beautiful // whores

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