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The Death of Mewtwo

By: Phillip Minnich E-Mail:
The day after Ash had captured Mewtwo with the help of the legendary birds and Mew, he was battling his third Pokemon League battle. He was down to his second-last Pokemon. "Mewtwo, go!" Ash said. A large, cat-like Pokemon appeared. "Mewtwo!" it yelled. "Don't use him!" yelled Misty. "It is too dangerous! Besides, you can't control it!" said Brock, former Pewter City Gym Leader. "I can control him! I have the Earth Badge!" exclaimed Ash Ketchum. He commanded Mewtwo to do Swift on the Nidoking it was fighting. Mewtwo did Swift, but after that, he took over Nidoking's body and killed him with Psychic! "Nidoking! NO!" the other trainer screamed! "Alright, you murdered Nidoking, now you'll pay! Go, MEW!" A Mew came out of the Pokeball! "MEW!" it said! Ash recognized the Mew. It was the one that helped him capture Mewtwo! "Mewtwo! Don't kill it! AHHHH!" Mewtwo shot a powerful Psybeam at his new trainer. Ash collapsed, almost dead! "Mewtwo!" Mewtwo said. He then began to battle Mew. Mew shot out a Psybeam, while Mewtwo began to Mega Kick Mew. Mew was hurt more, but still fought. Mew kept shooting out Psybeams, while Mewtwo kept kicking Mew. "Mew!" Mew screamed in pain. Mewtwo then let out the strongest Psychic ever! He then flew away while holding Mew. "Mew!" the trainer yelled! "Pidgeotto, GO!" Ash yelled, after recovering! Pidgeotto went after Mewtwo, but was shot by a powerful Psybeam. Mewtwo took control of Pidgeotto and slammed him to the ground after traveling up to 20,000 feet. Pidgeotto was killed! "PIDGEOTTO!" screamed Ash, angrier than ever before. "Mewtwo! I vow to end your treachery! You're reign of terror will end! You may be strong, but not invincible! Try to kill every Pokemon on Earth! You can't! If you do, you will be defeated by your superior!" Ash yelled. Ash realized what he had said. He vowed to end Mewtwo's treachery once and for all. "Ash! You're crazy!" said Misty and Brock at the same time. "I will end Mewtwo, even if it means his murder. He must die." Ash answered. Misty and Brock were scared now. Their friend was nuts. He was trying to defeat Mewtwo! But, he might, someday... Later, that night at 12:00, Ash began his journey to get Mewtwo once and for all. He left Brock a note saying that he must defeat Mewtwo, without endangering Brock snd Misty. Ash took his remaining Pokemon with him. Pikachu was ready for anything. He remembered being beaten by Mewtwo with one Psychic. But he was ready. "Pikachu, are you sure you want to help me?" asked Ash, worried. "PI!" answered Pikachu. Ash smiled, knowing he always had Pikachu. No longer was Ash attempting to become the greatest Pokemon master there ever was, but he was attempting to become a hero. He must win this battle, for the sake of all Pokemon. There must be a way...
Ash had left Misty and Brock, not wanting to endanger them in a fight that he alone must face. He was thinking about Pidgeotto, how they had become good friends, and how Mewtwo ended Pidgeotto's life with one powerful Psybeam. The thought of Pidgeotto dying just made Ash angrier and gave him more determination. "Pikachu, where do you think Mewtwo would go with Mew?" asked Ash. "Pikachu. Pika Pika. Chuuuuuuu." which meant, "I don't really know, Ash." Ash and Pikachu continued on the road,and came upon a small building. "Let's check inside, Pikachu." said Ash, worried. When they entered, an old man was working on what looked like a lab project. "Who's there?" asked the old man, in a froggish voice. Ash answered, "It is I, Ash Ketchum, trainer from Pallet. Oh, and here is my Pikachu, my best friend." The old man looked up, and smiled. "Cute Pikachu. Best friends, are you? That will be tested." "What do you mean?" asked Ash. The old man replied, "You are searching for Mewtwo. The legendary Pokemon. You are angry because he killed your Pidgeotto. I can read your mind, young one." Ash and Pikachu were bewildered. "You...can?" asked Ash. "Pikaaaa?" asked Pikachu, the same question as Ash asked. The man laughed. "Yes, I can indeed. Do you know the legend of Mew, Mewtwo and the secret Pokemon?" asked the man. "No, sir." answered Ash. "Well, it goes like this...a while ago, on Cinnibar Island, a Pokemon was created. An extremely powerful Pokemon. A Psychic type. Mewtwo had been born from Mew's DNA. Mewtwo went crazy and destroyed the lab, just as the scientists were making plans to make a Pokemon stronger than Mewtwo that would be loyal to its trainer. Mewthree would be its name. Mewtwo had gotten hold of these plans and Mew stole them from him and hid them in a secret stone house far, far away, somewhere near Saffron City. Mew read the plans for Mewthree. Mewthree was to have the power of 2 Articuno, 2 Zapdos, 3 Moltres, 1 Mew and Mewtwo. They chose three Moltres because Moltres was just about the strongest legendary bird, stats wise. The only way to create Mewthree is to find the plans and restore them. That is how the legend goes. You must know that, if you wish to defeat Mewtwo." Ash and Pikachu were amazed. "I will find the plans." Ash announced. "Good. Here,when you do, fly back here. Since you lost Pidgeotto, take this Pokemon. It should help you." the old man said. Ash accepted the Pokeball, and opened it. A Dragonite stood in front of Ash! "You may keep the Dragonite." "Thank you, sir! What is your name, anyway? How do you know everything about Mewthree?" asked Ash, thinking very hard. "My name is John. I study Pokemon a lot. I think Professor Oak knows me." said John. "Thank you, sir...I mean John." Ash eagerly said. When Ash left he said something very smart for once. "Mewtwo is defeatable. He doesn't realize that somewhere, out there, Mewthree is waiting to be born. Then, the terror of Mewtwo ends."
After Ash and Pikachu left John's laboratory with a Dragonite, Ash asked the Dragonite a question. "Dragonite, where are you from?" The Dragonite answered, "I'm from the Indigo Plateau. John was a younger trainer then, and he captured me." Ash and Pikachu were extremely amazed to learn that the Pokemon speaks English. The Dragonite explained how John changed its genetic code around a bit to let him speak. They had been friends for a while. After that, Ash, Pikachu and Dragonite were walking down the road and heard a HUGE blast, like when the Viridian City Pokemon Center blew up. Ash and his Pokemon ran forward to investigate. There, they found a Muk, a Mr.Mime, a Jynx, a Rapidash, a Venusaur, a Charizard, and a Blastoise, all very hurt. Then, they saw a Mew lying on the rock hard ground. It was clearly hurt, and might die. "The Mew I saw!", yelled Ash. "Meeewwwww..." said the hurt Pokemon. Then, a gray figure rose in the wreckage of the building. "I am Mewtwo! All shall bow to me, for I am the master of the world!!!" "Mewtwo!", said the Dragonite. "Prepare to die, Mewtwo!", said Ash. "Pikachu, GO!", said Ash, hysterically. "Pikaaaa.", said Pikachu, frightened. "Fine then! Bulbasaur, Squirtle, Pidgeo...oh, I forgot...Go you two!" Squirtle and Bulbasuar came out of their Pokeballs, ready to fight. "Mew, will you join me? I could use you. I will heal you with my Full Restore I found." Ash gave the mew the Full Restore, and in 5 seconds, Mew was ready to battle. "MEW!" said the Pokemon. "Will you join me?", asked Ash. "Mew.", said the Mew. "It said yes.", said Dragonite. "Alright. Mewtwo, prepare to lose, even if I don't have Mewthree yet!" Ash was making just about the biggest mistake of his life. Bulbasaur did Vine Whip on Mewtwo, but Mewtwo barely flinched. Mewtwo did Swift followed by Mega Kick on Bulbasaur. Bulbasaur fainted! Squirtle then tried his luck, using Skull Bash and Water Gun, then Bubblebeam. Mewtwo barely lost any hit points. Mewtwo Mega Punched Squirtle, followed by his Psywaves attack. Then to top it off, he Psybeamed Squirtle. Squirtle would die if he was hit by one more Mega Punch! Dragonite then tried to fight, using Dragon Rage, Slam, Wrap, Body Slam and then Hyper Beam. Mewtwo lost about 250 hit points, showing that he wasn't ready for the Dragonite to try those moves. Mewtwo used Psychic, Psywaves, Psybeam, Mega Kick, Mega punch and Body Slam. Dragonite fainted! Pikachu desided to fight, doing Thunder. Mewtwo had 1 hit point left. Mewtwo Hyper beamed Pikachu, and Pikachu fainted at the power of such a blast. Mewtwo used Recover twice to fully heal himself, then Mew fought, using Mega Punch, Mega Kick, Psychic, Psybeam, Psywaves, Pound, Tackle and Kinesis. Mewtwo's accuracy had been lowered by Kinesis. Mewtwo had 10 hit points left. Mewtwo did Mega Punch, Mega Kick, Body Slam, Slam, Take Down, Psychic, Psybeam, Psywaves, and 2 Hyper Beams. Luckily for Mew and Mewtwo because of the recoil, Take Down missed. But, Mew had 5 hit pints left. Mewtwo quickly did 2 Recovers and 3 Barriers. Mew did all his attacks, Psychic, Psybeam, Psywaves, Pound, Mega Punch, Mega Kick, Take Down, Body Slam (it was amazing he could do it, being so small.), Kinesis, Growl, Leer and Hyper Beam. Mewtwo lost about 200 hit points becuase of the strong Barriers he had used. Mewtwo then did 5 of his moves, but he did them strongly. He used Mega Kick, Body Slam, Take Down, Psychic and Hyper beam. Mew fainted! "If you want to beat me, you will also faint, or worse...Ash Ketchum." Mewtwo teleported away. Ash was left bewildered at Mewtwo's strength. "Mewthree...I must obtain him...or else, Pokemon and mankind may lose this great battle."
Ash had just taken his Pokemon to the Pokecenter. He was lucky that one was close, but even luckier to learn that his Pokemon were going to be alright. He had to wait about a day until he could try to get Mewthree and defeat Mewtwo again. Meanwhile, three figures were floating above the area where Ash fought Mewtwo. They were in a Meowth balloon. "Make sure this plan works this time, Meowth!" the tall, red-headed girl said. "Don't worry. This plan is Meowth proof. Just wait." the cat-like Pokemon answered. "I'm hungry, let's eat. I packed some chicken!" whined the blue-haired boy. They were Team Rocket's Jessie, James and Meowth. Jessie proceeded to whack James over the head with a fan. "Quit complaining!" Jessie ordered. "Sorry, Jess." answered James, hurt from the impact of the fan. (Jessie could hit hard!) Back at the Pokecenter, Ash was gathering up his Pokemon. "Are you all okay?" asked Ash, worried. They all answered yes. Of course, they didn't say yes, they said yes in their own Pokelanguage. Ash smiled and returned the Pokemon to their Pokeballs, aside from Pikachu, Dragonite and Mew. "AHA! There they are!" yelled the Meowth, who could talk human language. "Let's get 'em!" said Jessie. In front of Ash, grey smoke appeared. "WHAT?" screamed Ash, bewildered. Two figures appeared in the smoke, and recited their all-familiar saying. "Prepare for trouble!" "Make it double!" "To protect the world from devastation!" "To unite all peoples within our nation!" "To denounce the evils of truth and love!" "To extend our reach to the stars above!" "Jessie!" "James!" "Team Rocket, blast off at the speed of light!" "Surrender now, or prepare to fight!" "Meowth! That's right!" "Not you guys again!" exclaimed an annoyed Ash Ketchum. "We're not here for your Pikachu this time. We're here for Mewtwo!" said Jessie. "I don't have Mewtwo." answered an angry Ash. "Don't give us that! We know you do! We saw you training with it!" said James. "But, I don't!" yelled Ash. "Sure you don't! You're just acting like the scared little 11 year old boy, who, when the bad guys turn away, you send out your super Pokemon!" yelled a mad Meowth. "Listen! I...uhhhh...guys, Jessie, James, Meowth..." Ash began. "SHUT UP!" yelled Team Rocket. Ash continued, "You guys...had better run now...Mewtwo is behind you! Believe me, I would run, NOW!" Ash told them. "Huh?" Team Rocket said altogether. They looked behind them, and Mewtwo stood there. Before anyone could do anything, he teleported them to his own battle arena, in front of the temple where the plans for Mewthree are hidden. "So, you want to beat me, huh? Well, here's your chance to get Mewthree's plan. One fight a Pokemon match." Mewtwo explained. "The rules are simple, kill me or be killed yourself." Mewtwo evilly grinned. "Team Rocket, if we are going to win and survive, we need to fight together. It will be like the time when the Saint Anne was sinking. Please?" Ash begged. "Alright." they all said. "May the fight begin!" yelled Mewtwo. "I will fight ALL of your Pokemon. I have decided to change the rules. If I see a Pokemon that is strong, I will let it live, to serve me." "Let's start!" Team Rocket and Ash said. "Ha ha ha...I can never lose!" Mewtwo muttered. Ash sent out some of his Pokemon friends. "Squirtle and Bulbasaur, GO!" "What about your precious bird, Pidgeotto?" James asked. "Mewtwo killed him. Please, let's just beat Mewtwo." "Right. Lickitung, Victreebel, GO!" Team Rocket yelled. "Is this all you have now, Ash?" asked Mewtwo, evilly. "Did I kill some? I'm sorry." said Mewtwo, evil as ever. "No way, Mewtwo. I will send out the rest of my team soon enough." answered Ash. "What about you two? Is this all?" asked Mewtwo. "Uh...yeah. This is all." Team Rocket answered. When Mewtwo was getting ready, Ash asked them a question. "I thought you three also had Arbok and Weezing." "We still do, but they will attack Mewtwo when he thinks he has won, if that happens." Team Rocket explained their plan for a sneak attack. "Good plan, for once." said Ash. "Huh?" Team Rocket said. "Never mind. Are we ready yet, Mewtwo?" asked Ash. "Prepare to die, pathetic trainers. Same with your Pokemon. HA HA HA!" laughed Mewtwo. Ash was determined not to lose again. "Team Rocket, if we lose, not only will we all die, but perhaps all of Pokemon kind and mankind may also die." Ash said to them. "We don't know what you mean, but we will win." said Jessie. Ash, Jessie, James and Meowth stood on one side of the arena, Mewtwo on the other. "Let the match begin." said Mewtwo. "Mwahahahaha!" Ash and Team Rocket were determined to win, and not just for themselves and their Pokemon's sake.

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