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The Will to Fight

The Will to Fight

As I walked in through that big steel gate,
I wondered what should be my fate.
Would I find strength to face the years?
It made me mad as I felt my cheeks
grow wet with tears.

I thought I had it all figured out.
But this change in circumstance made cause for doubt.
Maybe I was a fool to think
I had the world by the tail.
The time I drew left no room for bail.

That gate slammed shut and a part of me died.
I felt the cold as I left my world outside.
How I would miss the flowers perfume!
The chills ran down my spine
as I realized my doom.

It took me awhile to recognize
I must view my new world
through different eyes.
I had to not see the gloom and the dark.
Something buried deep in my mind
began to spark.

I remembered when I was little
and Momma took me to church.
I reached back into time with my longing to search.
For I must find a reason to survive.
There had to be a purpose in that
I'd managed to stay alive.

I remembered this Jesus Momma used to talk about.
I remembered her joy that would make her shout.
Oh, if Momma could just hold me now.
If she could wipe my sweated brow.

Will anyone care?
Do they know of my plight?
Will someone reach out to help me
find the will to fight.......

Thanks, Angel, for sharing your moonrise with me. That's a true friend!


Martha's Moments With The Master