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Christmas 2000

Reflecting on the holiday
I ask you each to pause
To count your many blessings
And recognize the cause
It is not by our own luck
That we have all that's good
But by our God's faithfulness
To give as no man could
For it started with His son
A sacrifice He would be
To save and to heal us
To give life eternally
Do you truly comprehend
The cost of love for you?
Giving your only child,
Is it something you could do?
Or hanging on a cross
A death degrading and slow
It's something you and I
Will never have to know
Do not take for granted
The gifts of love They gave
The precious purpose of them
To bless, to heal and to save
And as our family gathers
To celebrate Christmas day
Focus on the blessings
We receive in every way
Through good times and in bad
Each of us here has known
The supernatural mercy
That our Father has shown
To fix a problem
Or meet a need
To give us hope
Or water a seed
To give us comfort
Or a place to rest
In all these ways
It is His best
Not all look at their family
And see all that I get to
A group who truly love each other
And are blessed in all they do

This anointed word was written by
my beautiful granddaughter, STACY!

Martha's Moments With The Master