longevity \Lon*gev"i*ty\, n. [L. longaevitas. See Longevous.] Long duration of life; length of life.

The instances of longevity are chiefly amongst the abstemious. --Arbuthnot.


Lyric of the moment: If tomorrow is judgement day, and I'm standing on the front line, and the Lord asks me what I did with my life, I would say I spent it with you..." Whitney Housten, My Love is Your Love


10/25/99: Don't I suck at updating this particular page? Anyways, if you haven't been paying attention, I added Dreams, sequel to Beautiful. I also added Graduation tonight, a new story that does NOT include Kendall, Amy, Chloe, Lila... Whoever. No girls, I promise.


Story of Us


Pieces of You

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