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Haven of idiocy

Here is some crap. Hope it doesnt get stuck to the bottom of
your shoe, or stink to bad. S'what ya get for hanging out
With shit I suppose.

I've had lots of complaints about how down I am on myself on this website. People should understand that if you can't laugh at it.. than it will eat away at you inside... so if I laugh.. especially at myself.. then it means that I am coping with the issues I have with myself...

not that Anyone should be concerned with how I view myself...


Picture of A character on GhostWheel MOO, whose name was Kirgyn.They have since rerolled that character.. but the image of it stuck with me. Speaking of have a gander at GhostWheel


I suppose I should say something about myself here..seeing as
this is my page and all. I dunno. chubby little art cow
To shy and crabby to put her pic on the Net.Fickle as the day is long. Hypocritical to the limit.
To shy to post some of her work to..but Is getting over that
But is not to shy, and just crabby enough to say
If you dont like it you can kiss my ass.


Hop to the next pile of random Junk here
Pile O' Junk


My Eason Art Shrine

A link to some nnew stuff I just scanned... Ill find a better place to put this after awhile.

Its a shitey picture I know.. but its all I have right now.. anyway.. this is the latest in my obsession over angels. This will only be here for a littel while.. till I find another place to put it