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The Greatest Tag Team in ECW history,and the most hated, the one group that couldnt be disbabnded,run off or banned from ECW, and the 2 of the toughest men in ECW THE MOTHER FN DUDLEY BOYZ

Real Names: Bubba Ray=Mark Lamonica



D-Von=Devon Hughes

Height 6'1


Without a doubt,The Dudleys have one of the most bizare origins in the business.In 1995 when Raven was just forming the Flock a group of so called brothers was assembled called The Dudleys.They were at that time brought in by Stevie Richards to watch his back while he The Blue Meanie and SuperNova watched Ravens. Well it didnt quite work out that way.Originally it was most of the inbred inhabitants of Dudleyville,Bubba Ray,Spike,Snot,Big Dick,Dudley Dudley and Sign Guy, but they left one out or at least thats the way Stevie told it.All of them were brought in to attack any one Stevie told them too,but when the rest would attack,Bubba Ray danced and goofed off with the crowd. This pissed Raven off big time, the rest of the Dudleys couldnt get Bubba to focus on the task at hand so,sign guy decides to bring in the only Dudleyville resident that wasnt in ECW that was D-Von Dudley.Then Raven kicked all the Dudleys out of the flock.

In reality,Bubba and Spike both came from the indies,D-Von had just been discoverd by ECW talent scouts working out in Johnny Rodz Gym and brought him in .But back to the angle. D-Von came in and imediatly started fueding with the rest of the family,after D-von and Axl Rotten took out 2 of the 5 the only ones left was Dick,Spike and Bubba.So a series of bloodbaths took place between the 2 half brothers. D-Von won most of the matches,the fued lasted until febuary of 96 at The Night They Crossed the Line in the ECW arena when D-Von proclaimed himself the new hardcore icon of ECW,this brought out ECWs resident Icon The Sandman. The match started ,The Sandman dominated the match until Bubba,Spike and Sign Guy came out,Everyone thought that Bubba would atack D-von,WRONG,he picked up The Sandmans singapore cane and caned him half to death,embraced D-Von and then they attacked the poor 5 foot 4 155 pound Spike. The Dudley Boys were Born!!!!!

The Path of carnage and Terror started when they tormented there poor half brother Spike,that went on until Spike asked Axl Rotten to help him aginst tha attacks,finally they put Spike in the hospital at Heatwave 96 ,The war between them and Axl Rotten intensified in the fall months aftewards,they promised everyone in ECW that they would debut a new move that would absolutley shock the world.And they did at November To Remember 1996 they took on Axl Rotten and Hack Meyers.After Big Dick took care of Axl on the outside, D-von whipped Meyers into the ropes picked him up and Bubba done a modified Diamond Cutter on him, they named it 3D The Dudley Death Drop, it broke Hacks neck and this move would absolutley revolutionize Wrestling, it left a trail of broken necks all over the place, they demanded a title shot against the Gangstas,they didnt get one, The Gangstas lost to the Eliminators,The Eliminators wouldnt give them one.Then it was no more Mr Nice Dudley.They went and hit 3D on John Kronus and nearly broke his neck ,the match was made at House Party 97,The Dudleys used not only there skills but a assist from Big Dick,announcer Joel Gertner and Sign Guy to take there first ECW Tag Team Title Reign from The Eliminators

3D on Perry Saturn to win there first of 6 ECW world tag team title reigns

This lead into ECWs first PPV Barely Legal,where the Dudleys not only defended the titles against the Elimnators,but debuted a new mamber to the Dudley clan,THE QUINTESSENTIAL STUDMUFFIN: Joel I ALWAYS LEAVE EM SORE BUT THEY KEEP COMING BACK FOR MORE Gertner.But despite all of this they lost the belts at the PPV but won them back within 2 months by breaking not only the neck but the leg of Perry Saturn sending him to WCW.Then they broke the neck of Mustafa Saed in a match against the Gangstas.This causing a unholy allance between New Jack and John Kronus,Krounus and New Jack beat the Dudleys at the ECW arena in August of 97,then in retaliation the Dudleys helped The FBI beat them for the belts.

So a war between the Dudleys and New Jack only got worse as they took Kronus out, then they tried like hell to take New Jack and Spike Dudley out this didnt work to well ,so they started a war with Tommy Dreamer and the Sandman in may of 97,they put the Sandman in the hospital and broke Tommys girlfreind ,Beulah McGillicuty,neck putting her out of Wrestling ,setting up a major bloodbath between the 3 Dudleys vs Dreamer,Sandman and Spike at Heatwave 98,the Dudleys lost at that PPV but they didnt let that get them dowm.They imdedatly went into a fued with RVD and Sabu for the Tag Team Belts finaly beating them in Buffalo,NY with the help of the Triple Threat,they kept the belts until the November To Remember PPV to Balls Mahoney and Masato Tanaka (subbing for a injured Axl Rotten),this only Pissed the Dudleys off more.

So in Queens New York they challenged Balls and Tanaka, to come out,Bubba went on one of his X Rated tirades about Axl Rotten and his ailing Grandmother,this sending out a pissed off Balls and Tanaka. The match was a bloodbath seeing the use of Cheesgraters,and other such instraments of tourture,they hit 3d on Tanaka,bam new world tag team champions,they broke the record of The Public Enemy of most Tag Title reigns with 5.But in true Dudley fashion they bragged about how they took out everyone in ECW,Sandman,Beulah,They broke up the Elminators,and the Gangstas.They called out RVD and Sabu and challenged them to a match , the match took place in Japan there RVD and Sabu easily took the belts away.

This thrust them into a 3 way fued between them ,RVD and Sabu,and Balls Mahoney and Axl Rotten.But during all this the Dudleys called out the Public Enemy,the so called greatest tag team in ECW history,they came alright but they only stayed for about a month after the Dudleys ran them out of ECW in threat of a major beating, the focus became clear Get rid of New Jack,Balls and Axl, they then inlisted the help of former gangsta Mustafa to take out Axl,Balls and New Jack. It didnt work,so they got rid of Mustafa and took on New Jack on their own. But still they wanted the World Tag team title, so in Buffalo NY the site of there last title reign, D-Von challenged Rob Van Dam for both belts, and won due to interference by Bubba Ray,Justin Credible and Lance Storm becoming 6 time ECW World Tag Team Champions.This brought a new fued in as Balls Mahoney and Axl Rotten challenged for the belts.All hell would break loose when these 2 would go at it.The Dudleys reintroduced fire into ECW as they handcuffed Axl Rotten to the ropes , set a table on fire, laced it with thumbtacks and barbed wire and hit 3D on Balls Through the flaming table!!!!!The level of violence has escilated and things kept getting worse.Then Axl Rotten went AWOL from ECW and balls was left without a partner.THe ruthless Dudley Boys capitalized on this jumping balls at every turn, until the runt of the litter Spike came back to exact reveng on his abusive brothers.Balls and Spike would team up to face The Duds in some of the most violent matches in ECW history,involing Cheese Graters,Barbed wire,chairs and yes Flaming Tables.At Hardcore Heaven 99 The Dudleys aligned themselves with Chris Candido as his insurcance policy to help him win the world title from TAZ.It didnt work as TAZ took out Candido in under 30 seconds,but after the match they jumped TAZ hitting 3d on him and becoming one of elete few, by sending TAZ to the hospital.They imediatly challenged any tag team in the back to come face them for the belts.Out came Balls Mahoney and Little Spike Dudley.The match was there typical blood bath that seen the Dudleys barely keep the belts.Then the unexpected happend TAZ came back from the hospital madder than pure hell and ready to fight both Dudley Boyz.TAZ and BuH Buh fought all over the mid hudson civic center in yet another bloddy brawl that seen TAZ come back after a tremendous beating to beat both Dudley Boyz and retain the ECW world title

Balls and SPike would go on to challenge the Dudleyz numerous times in some absolute blood baths for the belts.Even meeting in a double flaming tables match in Trenton NJ for the belts.The stips of the match were that moth members of the opposing team had to be put through a flaming thumtack table to win,The Dudleyz won several of the matches.But balls would come back with a vengence usually blowing fire at both Dudley Boyz in retalliation.The stage was set, the match was signed for Heat Wave 99 , The Dudley Boyz vs Balls Mahoney and Spike Dudley in a Extreme Death Match.The match was more than there usual blood bath,seeing them use every weapon in the book to bloddy each other and Spike Dudley jump out of a balcony onto Bubba and D-Von.The surprise of the night through was after all this violence Balls and Spike took the belts with a simple shcool boy roll up.The enraged Dudley Boyz attacked the new tag champs putting them both through double flaming tables.They were about to steal the belts and walk out until New Jack made his return to ECW.New Jack beat the hell out of both of them.But they wouldnt rest till they got the belts back and in a even more violent rematch in Cincinatti they took the belts back for the 7th time,2 weeks later they lost them lost them back to balls and spike a week later.But when TNN complained to ECW that they didnt want the Dudleyz foul mouth on there program and pointng out that their contract with the company was up and they wouldnt let them on TNN without one.They were insulted and this resulted in a blowup between ECW officals and both Dudleyz.Seeing that they might not have a job soon they went looking else where for work .Elsewhere eventually turned out to be the WWF.The week before ECW was to debut there current storylines on TNN The Dudley Boyz became property of the World Wrestling Federation.ECW officails scrambled to find something to do.The Dudleyz went out and addressed the already pissed off crowd at The Madhouse of Extreme in Queens NY and told them there desicion.This caused a near riot in the Elks lodge,they imedatly siad that there last act in ECW they wanted to take on Balls and Spike Dudley one more time for the belts.In probably the most violent of there incounters,The Dudleyz captured the ECW tag team titles for the 8th time.Unprecidented in ECW and even wrestling history.Then they proceded to rip the hell out of the company that made them a star and the network that gave them a national television time slot.Then they made the threat that pissed every one in ECW off,they said they would take the world tag team titles and lay them at the feet of WWF owner and Chairman Vince McMahon.But not before they destorued the utter backbone of ECW in Tommy Dreamer.They called Dreamer out insulting everything he stands for, and even brought up the now infamous inciden where they broke the neck of Tommys Ex Girlfreind Beulah McGillicutty.Tommy could take no more the inured Innovator of Violence hit the ring and took both men on by himself and was doing a good job until Bubba used Dreamers own ladder on him hitting him square in the face.Just then they were ready to end the carrer and maybe the life of Tommy Dreamer out of no where came Dreamers arch enemy RAVEN.He hit the even flow on D-Von went for the pin and took the belts off the Dudleyz sendiing them out of ECW into the WWF.1 week later they debuted on Smackdown and has went on to hold the WWF tag team titles.