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Crazy Little Thing Called Love



Author's Note- My third (wow, already?) fic with people other than the Nsync family. I love fights, so this story will have a few! Written out of my annoyance with a silly sophomore. Enjoy!

"God dammit!" Joey cursed as he kicked the flat tire of his car. They were all suppose to meet for a rehearsal in ten minutes, which he was clearly not going to make.

"You got a flat, didn't you?" Chris yelled from the passenger side of the car. "Told you to dodge the potholes!"

"Shut up, okay? I don't want to hear it. If it were my car, we would have flown over it! But this P.O.S. rental car sucks!" Joey argued.

"Then call the guys with your cell phone," Chris replied.

"Battery's dead," Joey mumbled. "What about yours?"

"I kinda lost it…at the hotel," Chris said, looking out the window as the cars drove by.

"Well that figures," Joey said to himself. He heard a horn honk behind him and he turned around to see an '87 Bonneville pull up behind them. The driver was a 20-year-old girl with light brown hair down to her shoulders. She turned the car off and got out.

"You guys look like you need some help," she smiled.


End pt. 1

"Yeah, actually, this dumbass car got a flat tire," Joey sighed, turning back to the car.

"I got a spare in the back," she said, motioning to her trunk.

"Thank you so much," Joey said, returning the smile.

"Sure. My name is Emily."

"I'm Joey, and that lazy guy in there is Chris," Joey said as they walked around the Bonneville. Chris had turned the radio on and was so involved, he didn't even know anyone was there.

"This is a kick ass car," Joey said, admiring her car. He saw the bumper sticker that said, 'Chick Magnet' and laughed.

"What?" she smiled as he helped unload the tire.

"The bumper sicker," he said, pointing.

"Oh, yeah. This is the Chick Magnet, AKA, my Pimp Mobile," Emily said, smiling. "Complete with Mardi Gra beads," she pointed as they passed the front of the car.

Joey looked and saw all the plastic necklaces dangling from the rear-view mirror. "I'm gonna have to look at that engine when we're done," Joey said as they laid the tire beside the flat.

"No problem. Guys love this car. I get offers all the time, but I could never sell it."

"You should keep it. It's a classic," Joey said, starting to jack up the car. "What the-?" Chris started, turning around. He jumped out of the car, annoyed. "Oh, hey," Chris started over when he saw Emily.

"Hi," she greeted.

"Chris, this is Emily. She's helping us out with the flat."

"Hey thanks! Joey was having a fit about that." Chris teased. Then he saw the Chick Magnet and his eyes lit up. "Oh, wow, awesome car!" he exclaimed, going over to check it out.

Emily smiled as she watched him. She then helped Joey get off the old tire and put the new one on. She laughed when he accidentally wiped some grease on his forehead as he was wiping off sweat.

"What?" he asked, confused.

"You. Here, let me get that," she said, gently rubbing the spot with the end of her sleeve.

"Oh, thanks," Joey said, seeing the grease on her sleeve.

Emily glanced back over at Chris, who was eyeing the interior of the car. "It's open, you can check it out," she called over the cars that zoomed by.

"Really? Thanks!" Chris replied, opening the driver's door.

Emily laughed as she asked Joey, "Is he always like this?"

"I'm afraid so," Joey mumbled.

"I think he's kind of cute," she replied, blushing slightly.

"What about me?" Joey asked, giving a sweet smile.

"You're sweet too," she said, handing him a paper towel.

"I know," he laughed. (lol)

"So where are you guys headed?" she asked watching Chris pop the hood of the Chick Magnet.

"We're on our way to rehearsals. You wanna come?" Joey asked.

"Me?" she asked, stunned.

"Yeah. As a payment for the tire."

"Sure, I guess. Thanks!" she beamed.

"Cool. I think you'll have to take him though," Joey said, nodding to Chris, who was still enthusiastically checking out her car.

"No problem. I'll just follow you down," she replied.

"Okay. I hate to rush you, but we're gonna be late as it is," Joey said, replacing the jack in the back of her car.

"That's okay, I understand. You coming with me?" she asked Chris.

"What? What's going on?" he asked, confused.

"We gotta go, and I invited Emily. Who are you riding with?" Joey explained.

"Well why would I ride in a sucky car when I could ride in this thing?" Chris exclaimed, smiling at Emily.

"Fine. Bye," Joey said, getting in his car and pulling back out into traffic.

"Well, we'd better get going too," Emily said, looking at Chris, who was at the passenger door.

He stuttered for a moment, studying her figure as the passing cars blew her shirt tight against her body. "Uh, yeah. Okay. What?" he asked, turning his attention back to her voice.

"Get in," she mumbled, rolling her eyes.


Emily smiled as she watched the guys go through their dance moves. She sat in the front row of the empty arena, put people form the lighting and sound crew kept walking in front of her. Chris had introduced her to the others, and they welcomed her warmly. The guys were pumped up for their concert later and were being extremely goofy. Every time she laughed, they would do something even more funnier.

Eventually, they got done and she congratulated them as they jumped off the stage. When Chris came over, he put his arm around Emily's shoulders and said, "I think we did pretty good, don't you?"

"Eww, get off me! You're all hot and sweaty!" she teased, shrugging his arm off and moving away.

"Come back here, I wanna give you a hug!" Chris called after her.

"No, I got a better idea. Why don't I cool you off?" she grinned, picking up one of the super-soakers.

She started shooting at them before they had a chance to run. They scattered, Joey and Lance grabbing their water guns and started running towards Emily. J.C. and Justin kept her busy while Chris ran behind her. He grabbed her super-soaker and then held her hands behind her back.

"Hey!" she yelled, laughing at the same time.

Joey and Lance grinned evilly as they approached with their water guns.

"Uh, guys? I'm sorry, please don't-" Emily was cut off when they blasted her with water, soaking her. She struggled against Chris, turning and managing to make him block the water.

Then he let go of her and yelled, "Hey, get her, not me!"

They all laughed and roughhoused for the next fifteen minutes, Chris getting more and more friendly with Emily.

When they were done, they sat down in the audience seats. While the guys teased each other, Emily secretly was checking out Chris. 'God, he's hot,' she thought.

"So, Emily, where are you from?" Justin asked, interrupting her thoughts.

"I'm from Kansas City," she explained.

"So you're a local?" Lance asked.

"Yeah. So are you guys planning on staying in Missouri?" she asked, stretching in her seat.

Chris's eyes wandered down her body as she stretched, her wet shirt clinging to her. When he looked up, Justin was looking at him, smiling.

"We're gonna be here a few days," J.C. said.

"Well that's good," Emily said, smiling.

"Guy talk!" Justin interrupted, jumping up

"We'll be back," Lance told Emily as he got up. "He doesn't take too long."

The guys went a couple of feet away from Emily and formed a circle.

"Okay," Justin began, whispering. "From what I'm seeing, Chris and Emily might have a thing going on. Now, we all know how much Chris needs a women, so I say we let her tag along to see if they got anything."

"Will Johnny go for it?" Joey asked.

"Screw him, we can have girlfriends if we want," Justin shot back.

"What do you say?" J.C. asked, looking at Chris.

"What the hell," he sighed. "Let's do it."

"Good. Break!" Justin said, turning around and heading back over to Emily.

"Me and my compadres," Justin started, "have come to the conclusion that you should travel with us for a while, if that's okay with you."

A huge smile lit up her face and for a second, she didn’t know what to say. She looked at the rest of the group, waiting for them to crack up, but they just stood there, waiting. "Sure!" she said at last.

"Good," Lance smiled. "Welcome aboard. Chris will show you around."

"Thank you guys so much!" she said, jumping up and giving each of them a hug.

Chris glanced over at the others when she hugged him, and he smiled. "Well, let's go," Chris said, grinning.

The others watched as the two went off to look around. "I think this is really gonna turn out good," Lance said.

"Yeah," the others agreed.


"So this is the bus? It’s bigger in real life," Emily said in awe, looking around the inside of the tour bus.

"Yeah, it's pretty cool, but I wouldn’t want to live in it," Chris said, trying to straighten up his bed.

Emily turned and saw him desperately trying to stuff things anywhere they could fit. "Don't worry about it," she said. "This looks like my room."

"Oh, okay, cool. I'm glad you're not a neat freak like Lance," Chris said, pulling everything back out. "So, uh, while we're in KC, we’ll get you a hotel room, but when we're on the road, you can sleep on my bed and I'll take the couch."

"No, it's okay. You stay in you're bed. I'm used to the couch anyway."

Chris made a mental note to ask her about that comment later, but she continued before he could reply.

"Do you want to come with me to get some of my stuff?"

A silly grin lit his face. "Will I get to ride in the Chick Magnet?"

"Of course."

"Hell yeah! Let's go!"

Emily laughed at his enthusiasm. "Okay, let's go then!"


"Okay, here it is," Emily announced as they pulled into the driveway. She blushed when she realized her homemade Nsync flag was still out. (Contact me for ordering info!)

"Nice flag," Chris said, smiling.

"Sorry," she apologized.

"For what? I'm glad you're a fan!" Chris said. He started to reach for his jacket in the back seat, and he saw Emily flinch at his movement.

He questioned her with his eyes, but she just smiled and got out of the car. "Hope you like dogs!" she said, changing the unspoken subject.

"Love them. Why?" he asked.

Emily put the key into the lock and as she turned it, an explosion of barking erupted from inside.

"Jesus! How many do you have?" he asked as she opened the door.

"Four," she smiled. "You can come in. They won't hurt ya."

She walked through the doorway, pushing the dogs out of the way. There was a Weimaraner, a Jack Russell Terrier, and two German Wire-haired Pointers. They excitedly jumped up on Chris and Emily as she hurried to the door to let them out. After the dogs were out, the house was quiet.

"Nice house," Chris said, looking around.

"Thanks. Sorry it's kinda messy," she apologized, also looking around.

"That's cool," Chris replied. Then he saw the cage that sat in a corner of the living room. "What's in here?" he asked, going over to it.

"Two gerbils," Emily replied. "You can hold them if you can catch them. I'm gonna get my stuff," Emily said, turning to the hallway.

"Cool. I'll wait out here then," Chris said, looking in the cage. He watched her go back the hallway and caught himself thinking once again how beautiful she was. 'I gotta be careful with her,' Chris thought. 'I don't wanna loose something good.'


In her room, Emily ran around trying to gather things she would need. "OHMYGOD, OHMYGOD! I can't believe this is happening! I hope Chris and me get to be close. I also hope I don't screw anything up for once," she mumbled to herself, thinking of her ex-boyfriend, Dan. In reality, it was Dan who was the control freak, but he twisted everything around and made Emily believe everything was her fault. 'Hopefully it'll be different with Chris,' she thought.

Her thoughts were interrupted when Chris began yelling.

"Ow! Son of a-"

Emily ran out into the living room to see what happened and she saw Chris holding his finger, inspecting it.

"What?" she asked, coming up behind him.

"It bit me," he whined, looking up at her with sad brown eyes.

She glanced in the cage at the fat gray and white gerbil, conveniently named Xena, before she took Chris's hand in hers. "Here, let me see," she said softly.

She looked at Chris's finger, which was bleeding from the gerbil bite. "I think you'll live," she said, looking into his eyes. "But let's get it cleaned up anyway."

He nodded and followed her as she took his hand and led him into the bathroom. "Sit," she ordered, pointing to the edge of the bathtub. He obeyed, and she knelt to get the first aid kit out from under the sink. His hand didn't even hurt anymore, but he let her baby him anyway. She seemed used to it, and she got close to him, so that was good enough for Chris.

"Thanks," he said, sounding pathetic.

"You're welcome, I'm sorry," she replied as she put some alcohol on a cotton ball.

"It's not you're fault," Chris said, bracing himself.

"This could hurt," she warned, gently patting the bite with the cotton ball. He winced at the stinging, but it went away when she but a Band-Aid on it. "There you go. Good as new," she said, putting her supplies away. He watched her for a moment, studying her. She seemed so grown up compared to earlier when they were playing around. She was just so easy to like, and he got a safe feeling just by being with her.

She turned back to him and said, "Well, I gotta go get the dogs before they start eating all my plants. You coming?" she asked, holding out her hands to pull him up.

"Yeah," he said, grabbing her hands. When she pulled him, he got up, and leaned in, giving her a quick kiss. He pulled away, waiting for her reaction.

She smiled, and said, "Well thank you. I didn't know you were hurting that bad."

"More than you think," he replied.


"So, you don't have a boyfriend?" Chris asked, hoping for a 'No'.

"Nope. You have a girlfriend?" Emily countered.



They were now driving back to the rest of the group, trying to make small talk.

"So, what was your last boyfriend like?" Chris asked, hoping to get some background on her.

"Well, he was sweet, I guess. He played football and loved me, but only for what's on the outside. Our personalities clashed terribly, and he only wanted me for someone to parade around and for sex. Eventually, he got bored of me and moved on to my best friend."

"What an asshole," Chris thought out loud. He watched her reaction, and was relieved when she gave a slight smile. "Sorry, I just think you deserve better than that. Anyone does."

"Thanks," she replied, glancing at him. "I don’t hear that enough."

He placed a hand on her shoulder and said, "I'm glad you're coming with us. You seem like a great girl."

"I like you too," she replied, simply.

During the rest of the ride there, they didn't talk much. Chris wanted her more than ever now, but tried not to rush it. He didn't know that Emily wanted him just as bad.


They pulled into the empty parking lot and parked beside the bus. "Here we are," Emily stated, turning the car off.

"Yeah, and only two more hours 'till the show," Chris smiled.

They got out and Justin came running up to greet them, basketball in hand. "Hey, you guys are just in time! Wanna play?"

"Sure!' Chris said, excitedly. "You commin'?" He asked, turning to Emily.

"Nah, I'm not too hot at basketball. You guys go ahead though. Don’t play too rough!" She said, moitioning them to go.

"You sure?" Chris asked.

"I'm postive. You guys have fun. I'll be perfectly happy sitting here watching. Now go!" she smiled, giving him a slight push.

"Okay, you don't know what you're missing though!" Chris said as he ran to catch up with the others.

Emily laughed to herself as she sat on a bench. She watched as they played; they were actually very talented. They acted like five normal guys, not like the millionaires that they were.

Suddenly, she received a sharp pull on her hair. "OW!" she yelped, turning around. There stood a fairly tall guy with black hair and gray eyes. "Dan?" she asked, not believing her eyes.

"What do you think you're doing here?" he asked, hands on his hips.

"I'm not doing anything, and it doesn't matter to you," she shot back.

"Don't talk to me like that!" he yelled. She could smell alcohol on his breath as he grabbed her, forcing her to stand up.

"Leave me alone," she whimpered, remembering how abusive he got when he was drunk.

"No. You and me got a date tonight," he said. "If you know what I mean."


"Yes! Man, you're slowing down, Chris!" Justin exclaimed as he paraded the ball back to the center of the court.

"No, he's in love," Joey corrected.

"Hey, can I help it?" Chris smiled, glancing to where he had left Emily. Then he saw her being threatened by a taller, muscular guy. "Hey, hold on guys," Chris said as he ran over to see what was happening. "Hey!" he yelled.

The others followed him as he ran across the parking lot. The taller guy looked up and saw Chris running towards him, followed by four others. "Who the hell are they?" he asked, shaking Emily as he yelled.

Then Chris was there, and he knocked Dan's grip off Emily. "What do you want?" Chris challenged.

"I want her," Dan replied bluntly.

"I don't think she wants you," Chris replied. He ducked just as Dan's fist swung towards his head. Chris rebounded with a strong punch to Dan's stomach, and Dan backed up, holding his stomach and gasping for air.

"You wait until later, bitch," he threatened. "When you're not with you little pals." Then he turned and staggered off to his car.

Emily turned towards Chris with tears in her eyes. "Thank you," she whispered, giving him a long hug. He didn't know quite what to say, so he just held her.


"So that was Dan," Chris said. They had retreated to the bus, and Emily had gotten herself together again.

"Yeah, that's him," she sighed, trying not to cry again.

"Is he always that friendly?" Chris asked sarcastically.

"Only when he's drunk," Emily replied softly.

"Hey, I'm sorry, I didn't mean-" Chris started.

"It's okay. You guys better get going," she started, looking at her watch.

"Are you sure you're going be okay?" J.C. asked, getting up.

"Yeah, I'll be fine. I'm just gonna run home and get some things, then I'll be back," she sighed.

"Will you stay for the beginning of the show?" Lance asked.

"I guess I can," she said, shrugging her shoulders.

"Cool. Well, we'll see you in a few minutes then," Justin said, following J.C. and Lance out the door.

"If anyone ever bothers you again, you let me know and I'll take care of it," Chris said, giving Emily a quick kiss before leaving.

She began crying again, this time because she felt loved for the first time in a long time.


In the dressing room, the guys began discussing the situation with Emily.

"So how are things so far?" Justin asked from the bathroom.

"I really like her," Chris replied, pulling up his pants.

"Think you can handle this Dan guy?" Joey asked, pulling off his shirt.

"He's nothing. Why?" Chris asked, pulling his braids back in a ponytail.

"'Cuz it looks like you'll have to take care of him first," Joey replied.

"We should get you a girl with no strings attached," J.C. said.

"Guys, I can handle it," Chris assured them.


The concert went smoothly, and Emily watched excitedly from her front row seat. The guys kept an eye on her and noticed when she finally left when there was about 15 minutes left.

She hated to leave because she was having such a good time, but she needed to feed the dogs and get some things she forgot earlier.

She got home in good time, and she let the dogs out right away. She was walking around in the kitchen, getting the dog's food ready when she heard a voice.

"It's about time you got here."


"Dan? What do you want?" Emily asked wearily.

"We had a date tonight, remember?" he replied, nodding to the hallway, where her bedroom was.

"What happened to Stephanie?" she asked, secretly pulling out her cell phone from her back pocket.

"She's old news. Anyway, I like you better. Her eyes wandered too much. I know you'll stay with me," Dan said, coming towards Emily.

She started to punch the buttons on the microwave as she dialed Chris's cell phone number. Then she laid the phone on the counter, leaving it on.

As Dan took her hand and led Emily to her room, she prayed Chris would answer his phone.


"Great concert guys!' the behind-the-scenes people congratulated Nsync as they ran off stage.

But the guys were too pumped to relax. Hey ran into the dressing room, roughhousing and goofing off.

"What's that?" Lance asked, hearing a faint ringing.

The guys stopped and listened to the ringing to the ringing. "It's a cell phone," Joey realized.

"They started digging through all their discarded clothes they had shed before the show in search of the ringing phone.

"I got it," Chris said, picking up the phone. "Hello?…Hello?" he repeated. Then he looked at the phone and read the caller ID. "Emily?" he asked into the phone. The guys stopped to watch him. He listened hard, and could barely hear Emily in the background, with Dan.


Dan led her to her room, and he set down on the bed beside her. "Now, let's get this show on the road," Dan said. "I've missed you."

Emily smiled weakly, not wanting to be there, but knowing that he was bigger than she was.

He forcefully began kissing her, forcing his tongue in her mouth. She went along with him, knowing what he could do. She heard the dogs whining at the back door, wanting to be fed.

Dan began to creep his hands around her and began to take her shirt off, still kissing her.

She started to shake her head, but he thought she wanted him to strip first. He pulled off his shirt, revealing his muscular chest. Then he took off her shirt, showing her full breasts tucked in a black lace bra. He began kissing her again, sliding his strong hands around her smooth, flat stomach.

He undid his pants, leaving him standing in his boxers. He leaned her back, and lay down next to her. "Do me," he whispered, already getting hard.

She moved her hands to his boxers as he kissed her neck, working his way down to her chest. She slid hands in his boxers and began massaging his hard cock, exciting him more.

Then the dogs began barking, defensively. Dan was too occupied to notice, but Emily started thanking God. Dan started grinding towards her, closing the distance between them.


Chris jumped out of the borrowed car and ran up the stairs to Emily's front door. He pounded on the door, not expecting anyone to let him in. He threw himself against the door, images of Dan forcing himself on Emily pushing their way into his mind. He barely realized the dogs were barking outside as the door finally splintered in the frame and letting him in. "Emily!" he yelled, trying to find his way around the dark house.

"Chris!" came the terrified response.

He ran back the hall and into Emily's room, finding Dan hurrying to put his pants back on and Emily sitting on the bed crying as she put her shirt back on.

”You dumb bitch!" Dan yelled, throwing his shirt on.

He barley got it on when Chris charged into him, knocking him down.

Chris started kicking Dan in the stomach, but then Dan kicked Chris's feet out from under him and began pounding Chris, hitting him in the face and head.

The last thing Chris heard was Emily screaming, "Go get him!" from the kitchen and the clatter of 16 paws running inside and back the hall.


"Chris, honey, please get up! I'm so sorry, I didn't mean for this to happen!" Emily kneeled over the unconscious Chris, trying to wake him up. Dan made a hasty exit as the four hungry dogs attacked him, pulling him off Chris. Chris had taken quite a beating before Emily could get to him. Flipper, the Jack Russell, trotted over and began licking the blood that tickled from a cut below Chris's hairline. Emily pushed him away and wiped the tears from her eyes. She had already called 911, but it would still be a few more minutes before they got there.

Emily heard a car pull up in the driveway, but didn't bother to leave Chris. After all, the door was open.

"Chris!' she heard J.C. yell.

"Emily!' Joey yelled.

The dogs began barking as the guys ran up to the door. "Come in!" she yelled, not moving.

The guys pushed past the excited dogs and followed the trail of Dan's blood back the hallway and found Emily crying over an unconscious Chris.

"Jesus! What happened?" Justin asked, looking around the blood stained room.

Emily started crying harder as she told them the story. As she finished, they sat in stunned silence. She was about to continue when she heard a small gasp.

They glanced down at Chris as he opened his pain-filled eyes. He had a bloody nose, and two black eyes, complementary of Dan. "Am I dead?" he asked, trying to smile.

Emily gave a weak smile as she felt a wave of relief. "Are you okay?" God, I'm sorry. I-"

"It's not you're fault," Chris interrupted. "Are you okay? He didn't do anything, did he?" Chris asked.

"No, I'm fine, thanks to you," Emily replied, new tears forming in her eyes. In the distance, they could hear the ambulance coming.

"Hey, buddy," Lance said, making the guy's presence know.

Chris looked around slowly, noticing the others. "Oh, hey guys. What's up?"

"How are you feeling?" Joey pressed, trying to get an idea of how bad Chris was hurt.

"Actually," Chris started, groggily. "I feel like you're sitting on my head."

"Hey-" Joey started.

"That bad?" Justin asked.

"Hey!" Joey said again.

Before anyone could say anything, the paramedics arrived and found their way to the group. J.C. translated Emily's sobs to them and they carefully loaded Chris onto the stretcher and took him to the ambulance. The others followed in their cars.


A Week Later…

"What's up, Crisco?" Justin teased, smacking Chris on the head as he walked by.

"Don't touch me, JuJu," Chris mocked, hitting Justin back.

"You two sure you'll be okay here by yourselves?" J.C. asked as he Justin, Lance, and Joey prepared to go clubbin'.

"I think we can handle it," Emily replied, smiling at Chris. He looked a whole lot better, and the black eyes that got him picked on by the others were almost gone. He escaped the hospital with only a mild concussion. They hadn't heard form Dan since, but they increased security just to be sure.

Chris and Emily had fallen into a deep love, and they were never apart. Tonight was the first night they would be alone, and they intended to use it.