My Mind Cleansing Hideaway

I start EVERYTHING from seed in here...I nurse it, sing to it, baby it, and then when its time, I plant it everywhere I can possibly fit it in my yard...and when my yard gets full, everyone elses' yards get it...and when their yards get full...well, by that time its winter here and I don't have to worry about it anymore...

Temperatures can reach as high as 110 degrees in here...whew...what a sauna for me...I HAVE been known to get TOTALLY overheated in here, so they know to come and check on me every once in a while....

I have my radio, light, heater, and I stay out here for literally HOURS....

I have a special thing where I like to dedicate the things I grow to family and friends and lost loved ones...For example...I planted Sweet Williams everywhere around my yard in remembrance of my dad William...My Sweet Alyssum that is everywhere you look, is after my brother Walt because he was so sweet...The Bleeding Hearts are because my daughter loves them so much...The Canterbury Bells are because they are the first thing my son grew with me...The Nicotiana are for my mom and I, because we share the gift of gardening and their wonderful smell...Purple petunias are for me, as I love the deep purple color and their SMELL, oh boy, their smells are my idea of heaven...The corn for my young days growing up in Minnesota and how my Uncle use to take me on his snowmobile in the winter through the cornfields - without any snow - just frozen ground, bump, bump, bump, and what a blast flying through the air with each bump and laughing my fool head off...and Last but not least, the daisies for our dog Holly, as the are beautiful, loyally come back every year, and they stink - just like she does...

But of course...one of the most special plantings is that of my ...Love in a Mist... and the name speaks for itself...

We built this from scratch... Donated items from just about everyone I can think of... Evertime someone heard that we were building this, they would bring us some more materials so we could keep going... We got all of the plastic up after this pic was taken...It all started when I took a plant class on...Learning How To Grow Plants From Seed...and came home and gave it a whirl... I had ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA that EVERY SINGLE SEED would grow!!!...Pretty soon there were plant trays EVERYWHERE...all over the picnic tables...the benches...on the lawn chairs...in the garden...Everyone started complaining that there was NO PLACE TO SIT...EVER...ANYMORE...and that something needed to be done... SO....THUS...MY GREENHOUSE.....I love it so much, and it has been the funnest project I have EVER jumped into...I look at my yard and I look at my greenhouse and...I SMILE A LOT...The thing that I always make sure I do is to ...STOP, and smell my flowers... They are at their most fragrant state in the morning... and... In the still of the night... ... My corn was 10ft tall last week...this week it is 12ft tall...Pretty soon I'll be able to reach the sky...what a thought...~smiling~

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<BGSOUND SRC="images/InTheStillOfTheNight.mid">
In The Still Of The Night