I LOVE AND LIKE JUST ABOUT EVERYTHING.... HATE RARELY SQUEEZES IN...BUT, I USUALLY HAVE ENOUGH LOVE STORED UP TO SQUEEZE IT BACK OUT REAL QUICK... Dear Lord, thank you for the gift of hearing...Having a brother and sister that are hearing impaired, has given me the greatest insight on being so very thankful that your plan allowed me to be able to hear...I promise to pass anything on I can to my sister with this great gift you have given me...You have already taken my brother, so I am hoping that you are taking care of things on your end...You also have my dad, who is the one who got me hooked on being a Jukebox in the first place... And now you have my Mom... I hope you're a little crowded for a while... In Jesus' name I pray...Amen

<BGSOUND SRC="images/magicmom.mid">
This Magic Moment

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