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Welcome my wild life pictures some I have found on the web

Dream Hunts

Here is what I would like to go and hunt some day . My dream hunt would be to go to Colorado,Montana,or Alaska and go hunting for them

What I used to hunt

This is what I used to hunt back when I was young. My brothers and I would spend long hours in goose blinds waiting for them to fly over.We mostly froze our hinnies off along with any other apendages (feet,fingers,and nose). We always had fun though.

Some Really Wild Animals

These are some really wild animals.I have never hunted them probably never will.Close as I will ever come is hunting the coyote as I love to do that,almost as much as i like to hunt deer. Nothing more intimidating than the sound of a coyote howling at dusk.The howling kind of climbes up your spine and makes the hairs on your neck stand on end. E-Mail me at

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