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Hello hope you like the things that I have put on my pages.As you can see I like to fish and hunt and when it is to cold for either I like to do a little wood working in my garage.I am from Oklahoma. I like to fish at Kaw Lake ,just east of Ponca City and I like to fish Sooner Lake ,just south of Ponca City. I do like to venture out to new lakes but these are far and few between. Best away lake I have fished was Table Rock Lake ,just outside of Branson.From an Oklahomans veiw it was a nice very clean lake as most of the lakes I fish are murky to muddy. I also like to hunt I think more than fish .All of my hunting is done in the Jet area,as my uncles own a lot of farm land in the area.There are always a lot of friends that want to go with me so we make a day of it and have a good time.When we go deer hunting we go all out,start out early in the morning from our deer camp (my grandmothers old house)and hunt til late morning.Then we usually go hunting pheasant and rabbits till mid-afternoon when we go back out deer hunting for the evening.We then come back in for a good meal prepared by a good friend and fellow hunter,usually the pheasant or rabbit we shot earlier that day. I also like to do a little wood working in my garage.I like to build all kinds of things like beds with drawers in the bottom to put clothes,water bed frames with again drawers in the bottom.I usually just get some wood think of what I want to build and build it.No real plans other than the ones I have in my head. Well I hope to be able to add more to this page later thanks for stopping by. My E-Mail address is

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My Favorite Hobbies

Favorite Things To Hunt

My Favorite Things To Fish For