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Colorado Vacation 1999

These are some of the pictures we took while driving up Mt.Evans . We left Denver and drove in from I-70 where we turned off in Idaho Springs. You can see how deep the snow was along the road and how dirty it was also . These snow banks were caused by the snow plow trying to keep the road cleared either in the winter or early spring. The wind at Echo Lake and all the way to the top was to say the least breezy . I would est. it to of been around 50 m.p.h. at least (almost ripped the doors of the truck). At Summit Lake it was not alone wind but the thermometer on the bathroom said it was 34 degrees out . On the way up we saw big horn sheep at Summit Lake but on the way back down the Moutain Goats had taken over both were eating the dirt (for mineral i guess). At the top there were several big Mountain Goats and a few yearling Mountain Goats

On Our Way Up

The snow must of gotten really deep last winter . There was snow everywhere.

Half Way There

At Summit Lake . The lake was still 3/4 frozen over and the ice that was still there looked really thick . The Big Horn Sheep met us on the way up and the Mountain Goats met us on the way down .

At The Top

Well we finally made it after several attempts when I was stationed at Lowry AFB and one attempt 2 years ago we finally made it to the top . There was a restaurant at the top several years ago but it burnt down and all that remains is the rock walls . This makes a good play area for the baby Mountain Goats that were hopping up the walls and running down them like it was nothing to jump straight up 3 or 4 feet . The very top is up ontop of all of those rocks . We would of hiked up them but with the wind blowing like it was, the air temp below 34 degrees the altitude of over 14,000 and us being only in jacket we decided not to go on the 1/2 mile hike . The veiw was spectacular and no pictures can show it and no words can discribe it you just have to be there .