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BBS Rules

Ability Scores

Your ability scores reflect your character's strengths and weaknesses with numbers. There are four scores: STRength, VITality, INTelligence, and AGIlity. Each of these scores represents a different physical and mental relation, listed below:

STR - Muscle strength, pure and true. Relates to lifting power, carrying capacity, overall ability to break stuff, etc. A high STR score improves damage with most weapons, and can be helpful when swimming and applying yourself in highly physical areas.
VIT - This defines how tough your character is. A high VIT score improves your DEF (Defense) and can also reflect a resistance to poison or other health-related aspects.
INT - Your character's strength of reasoning and mental capacity. A high INT is good for characters who rely on their brains to get themselves out of trouble, such as those who learn their spells from books. INT is used both for magical attack and defense.
AGI - Can reflect your character as having great speed or being very nimble. AGI affects how quickly a character can react to a number of things, and it also determines how accurate they are when trying to hit a target.

This set of abilities comes from Breath of Fire, made by Capcom. It is both versatile and simple, so I thought it might work well in this application. More information soon.