His name is Sholace Quei (pronounced like "Kay"), and he's an elf. He's 7' 9" tall (gargantuan for an elf), and he weighs 247 pounds. He has blonde hair reaching halfway down his back, and his eyes are a deep amber. His armor is made of light blue steel, and the front is decorated with the image of a mountain, surrounded by clouds, with the Quei family symbol floating above it. The back features a gigantic tree with birds flying around it. The greaves and gauntlets are etched with vines. He wears no helmet, and he has a mantle over his shoulders (sea blue outer, sky blue inner). His sword is a longsword made of light blue steel and mythril. The quillions are angled toward the blade, and slightly curved inward, and are engraved to look like feathers. The grip is made of mythril chain around steel, and the pommel is circular. In the middle of the pommel, visible from either side, is a round sapphire, which glows when he uses his Holy Sword. The metal surrounding the gem is etched with runes and symbols of the elves. The blade is engraved with the symbol of Corellon Larethian, and is made of the same light blue steel. Its sheath is decorated with images of leaves and flowers on vines, and is capped with gold on the ends. He wears a holy symbol of Corellon Larethian around his neck on a light blue steel chain.