Welcome to Chadland

CHADLAND - home of the chadster

Yo yo yo whats up. You have found my webpage. Welcome to the world of Chad. Dont be afraid, it's cool. Hey, you just found the coolest site on the internet, I promise. I even did like a survey and 100% of the three people that I interviewed agreed.

I am this tall, dark, and handsome guy from birmingham, alabama. You can see my sexy picture above (what a stud) and all the things that I find cool in this crazy life on this page. This is my first webpage ever so if it sucks, then you will understand, right? Right? Answer me dang it. Anyway, I am this silly silly dude, and you will find out all of this if you keep looking around here. I am a Christian first of all. I love the Lord with all my heart. He has called me into ministry, but I don't know in exactly which field yet. I also love music, note the long hair. I have been playing guitar for about 6 years now. I am not as good as I should be, but I am decent. I love learning songs that I hear on the radio. I am also a songwriter and poet. You can click here to find out more and see more about me.

I have the coolest family in the world. My dad is a very suave dude. You should be so lucky to meet him. He has a salt and pepper beard going on. What a stud. And then there's my little brother. That boy defines pimp. I swear he gets more phone calls in one hour than I get in one month. Its like as soon as he walks in the door, the phone starts ringing. I think all of his women have a radar on him. My older brother is cool too. He doesn't live with us anymore. He got whipped and got married. He is also stuck in the 80's. What a wuss. Anyway, then there's my dad's girlfriend Kathy. She rocks my world. She's an awesome cook, and she is kinda fun...sometimes. Click here to see the craziest family ever

Now I can tell you about some of my friends. I dont have a lot of friends, but the ones I do are pretty nutty like myself. I have this friend that lives in Texas named Ginny. I met her over the internet over a year ago. Recently, she drove all the way to Birmingham from Texas to see me. Can you believe that? She rocks. She's a hootus head but we will forgive her of that for the time being. Then there's Pam. I work with Pam. What a nutcase. I mean can we say lunatic. She kinda used to be my boss and she got me in real trouble with the head boss one day. She says that she was just doing her job, but I still havent gotten over that one. Anyway, she is cool as crap that Pam. She has been there for me in so many ways that you cant even imagine. There are a lot of other cool people at work too. Too many to mention individually, but you will soon see pictures of them. I also have a lot of cool friends that go to my church. The youth director at my church is cool. His name is Andy, and he plays guitar too. I am a huge Train fan. If you havent heard of them, then you need to check them out. I have some friends that i met through them. Val, the groupie extraordinaire, has helped me as far as Train and with this website. Mad props to her. So those are a few of my friends. Click here to see my goofy friends

Anyway, so that is about it. Please look around and come back often.

Email me with suggestions, ideas, differences of opinions, hatemail, whatever, i'm open to anything by clicking on the mail box.

the views expressed on this page are in no way supposed to make sense, be logical, funny, intelligent, or even in english. if they do, it is purely by mistake. if you happen to agree with some of these opinions, then you probably need to re-evaluate yourself and your ideas. the unauthorized reproduction of material printed here is strictly prohibited without the express written....ah, who am i kidding. if you are reading this, then there is a 99% chance that you are a family member. and even if you arent a family member, then why in the world would you want to reproduce this?
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