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Yoga and the Art of Motorcycle Poetry

Welcome to my World. The World of Art where Spirituality meets Poetry and Motorcycles are the vehicles of choice! This is a new project where bikers, poets, artists and photographers from around the World can contribute and express their soul, heart and art through Poetry and Photography. You can submit your work to me via E-mail and I will compile the Poems and Photos into a professional book called Yoga & The Art Of Motorcycle Poetry and have it distributed and available for you to order as well. The Guidelines for submissions are as follows: 1. The poems should be based on the topics of spirituality, motorcycles, music, love, peace and positivity! However there are no constraints! Let loose! Not all poems and or photos will make it into Yoga & The Art Of Motorcycle Poetry. You will be contacted by the E-mail Address that you provide. I will suggest changes or will let you know if your submission will be included in Yoga & The Art Of Motorcycle Poetry or not. Limitations do not exist it's all in the Mind. If you follow the guidelines your submissions should make it to print! Also send the photos as attachments and do try to keep the files nice and manageable! Yoga & The Art Of Motorcycle Poetry will be distributed locally here in San Francisco in fine establishments and motorcycle shops such as City Lights Bookstore, San Francisco Cycles, Mars, Golden Gate Cycles and also nationwide. You may want to contact your local shop or mechanic so that they may carry some books to spread the Art! Yoga means Union with the Divine, it is a way of life, a state of mind, a higher awareness. Bikers are in tune with this connectedness already, that is why we ride, we seek the thrills but also ultimately ride towards the Divine within. We express our Divine Nature through Art, through Riding, through Nature, through Music and now through Poetry and Photography. The title also pays homage to the classic book that everyone has read and knows by heart. This project and book is the first of it's kind, become a part of this exciting event and help create, expand, evolve, promote and further the Motorcycle Culture! Ride on! E-Mail: Sponsored By Netpoolone! Sign up and get 1,000 free shares of Pre-IPO Stock and get discounts on goodies later, heck why not it's free and Free Pre IPO Stocks are even better! Check it!


Photo Submissions
Honda Challenge Championship
StreetBike Magazine
Poetry Excerpts From Yoga And The Art Of Motorcycle Poetry
Photo Gallery and Portfolio
Artsy Biker Chicks From Canada Check 'Em Out!