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If you would like to be part of one of the Coolest Clubs on the Internet.



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This is an Embee Graphics Globe. Please visit the site by clicking on the Globe


To join this club you must be over the age of 18 years and under the age of 100years, you should also be living in Sydney or surrounding areas of Sydney in NSW, Australia. Please by single we mean single, seperated or divorced. Married people who are still living in a Married environment in the home are NOT eligible to join.


For those of you who have already joined this club, you will note that the membership criteria has changed. To those who had joined and no longer meet the criteria we apologise as you will be removed from the membership list.


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Another Embee Graphics Globe. Please don't forget to visit the site.


We do realise that a lot of people, that may wish to join the club have small children, so GUESS WHAT we are not going to forget them either. Some outings etc will be organised to include the children and let them have a good time as well.


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When you go to the membership joining form please answer the question about if you have a Web Site. By doing this when we add your name to the membership list we can add your home page URL with a link allowing other members to visit your site and learn more about you.


The membership list will show the members name, age, brief description of them and what they are looking for in a partner, and if they have a web site or not. The list will also contain the members ICQ No. and email address on the condition that the member ticks the authorisation for us to do so on the join form. If there is no ICQ No. or email address and you would like to contact a person please email us and we will request permission from the member to forward their details on to you. Please remember you MUST be a member yourself to request this information. THANKS


If you have any queries PLEASE don't hesitate to contact Cuddless on ICQ 1531304


Please feel free to email us

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To get to the Members list and the Joining form please hit on the links below.






Please make us happy by signing the guestbook.


Guestbook by


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The ICQ Romance People Ring
The use of the ICQ People Rings Navigator is subject to the ICQ Tools Notices

Rings: Art Audio, Video and Sounds Cars and Vehicles Computing Family Games Health and Medicine Internet Lifestyles Local Money and Business Movies and TV Music Romance Science and Technology Sports Students Travel Webmasters Women


You will note that the Sydney Singles Club site has a whole new look.

This new look was created on Sunday 10th October, 1999 by Ruth a.k.a. Angel

Sydney Singles Club would like to thank Net Surfer for our Joining Form.

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