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Autistic Units and Research

Here are some links to Autistic Units and some current research, I hope you find them useful

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Autistic units & Research

Autism99 ( New site)
The Options institute
National Autistic Society
The Scottish Society for Autism
Autism Research Unit (University of Sunderland)
Online Aspergers Syndrome Information and Support (O.A.S.I.S.)
P.E.A.C.H. Parents for the early intervention of autism in children
Seattle Childrens Hospital Project ( siblings)
T.E.A.C.C.H. Treatment & Education of Autistic and related Communication Handicapped Children-Adultsc
Autism-Uk mailing list ( Lots of useful local contacts)
South Lanarkshire Branch N..A.S

More Autistic Links

Best homepage of the month.
ANDI :- Autism Network for Dietary Intervention
A.M.A- Association of friends of Autism
Current Research Projects
Autism-UK : Conferences
Autism Research Unit - Latest News
MMR - Parents Concerns and Media Interest
National Vaccine Information Center
SFTAH.UK The Society for the Autistically Handicapped
Food Additives and ADHD
Asperger/Autism :- good links site , lots of info
The Theraplay Institute
Gracewood State School & Hospital

If you know of any other sites to be included, please let me know and I will include them

Drop me a line