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Welcome To Steve's Stuff

This is the Internet home of Steve Burns. Actor, Father, Evangelist, Pastor, & Advocate for the Lost, Hurting, Homeless, and Poor. Ya see, I'm carrying a

for God, trying to light the dark places that haven't seen the light of Jesus yet.

There, now that we have that out of the way, let me share with you some of the "IRONS I HAVE IN THE FIRE!"

Where is Your Heart?

The Bible teaches that "...where your treasure is, your heart will be also." (Matthew 6:21) Oh Man, I thought this would be a cool page, but it's just another page about religion! No, my friend, it's about


You see, if we don't have a relationship with Jesus Christ, and God, our Father, then we can't enter Heaven and will be condemned forever (that's a mighty long time)to Hell, and that would, well break God's Heart.
Yeah, you've got the picture.


Well I would be too! Except I have already accepted Christ as my Lord and Savior, and turned my life over to Him.
More later!
For Right Now, grab a cup of your fave beverage and let's get to know each other...

I am currently a student at Oral Roberts University where I am completing a double major (B.A.)that consists of Drama/TV/Film Performance/Production AND English Bible. Doesn't that keep you busy? Yeah, it keeps my wings flapping, but it's all worth it.



I was "saved" in 1971, but didn't get into a church or the Word of God. Consequently I returned to my old lifestyle. In 1988 I came back to serve the Lord. This is sometimes called re-dedication, I just knew that I was "called" to minister the Gospel, the Good News, the "euaggelion", the redeeming message that Jesus Christ can change your life forever, literally,


I was without hope, addicted to cocaine, and a number of other dangerous drugs,consuming mass amounts of alcohol daily,and my life was spinning out of control.
A friend who also was my "coke" dealer, told me about a new church that had been having home Bible studies, and had just started meeting in a building (read church.) In fact the day we went it was the second service they had ever had. He wouldn't tell me where it was, I would find it if it was the "right place."

Wait a minute, did you say your COKE dealer?

Yeah, neat huh!!

To make a long story short, the next morning, I found New Beginnings Christian Center, and, well, my wife and I got a "new beginning" from God, through His Son, Jesus!

New Beginnings was a great church, I became the Assistant Pastor, and served there for about 6 years.

The church was pastored by my very good friend
Pastor Lonnie McCowan,
who is now the Sr. Pastor of Solid Rock Christian Center Solid Rock Christian Center
In 1993 I heard God's audible voice, for the first (and only time so far.) He simply said,


that was enough for me. Sold the house, sold the business, tearfully resigned as Assistant Pastor at NBCC, and moved lock, stock, and barrel (and family,) to Tulsa, OK, and Oral Roberts University!
So here I am & there you are.

I am currently "touring" with:


An evangelistic work, it is a "one man show."
In it, I do five different characters that each,
woke up dead this morning, and want to share
their findings. Shakes us, and helps us to
see more clearly, people that we walk by every day.

This is what I have chosen to use as my
Senior Paper. I will chronicle what went
into the writing, choice of characters,
costumes, and production, writing, and
acting in this production.
This "tome" will probably weigh
some where between 50 and 75 pounds...
Little joke there...

"This Morning When I Woke Up Dead", is available
in "Teaser" format for your CD-Rom for your computer.
This teaser shows clips of each character
and the dramatic impact that each has.



Forty minutes with one of the world's most
renowned evangelists. Wigglesworth lived in
Wales at the turn of the century, and many,
were saved, healed, and many were even raised
from the dead through this mighty man's
faithfulness to follow God's call.
Father has told me that this will be a
powerful time of salvation, healing and restoration.


Clive Staples Lewis was one of the most
prolific writers of his time. His work is so
popular that even today, many of his books are
still in print. This piece deals with
"The Problem of Pain", "Images of Salvation",
and "The Great Divorce." C.S. steps into your
church, and shares his point of view,
a cup of tea, and time in a rocking chair.

I can also custom tailor a piece
(via the illustrated sermon) to compliment
what you are currently teaching.

John on Patmos

Dear Friend, our task is
to reach a "Sight & Sound" generation before someone
else does (history proves that if we don't,
someone else will.) Illustrated messages catch
our attention, hold it, and burn the message on our
present mind, psyche, and long term memory.

How can I serve you and your congregation,
youth group, theater group? I travel wherever
I am invited. Please contact me so we can
talk about coming to your area!

Please take a moment to pray,
and ask Father to consider what He
wants to do in your church.

Then let's get in touch.....


(918) 282-2530

Now a little while ago we were talking about salvation. If you have made it this far, and you don't know Jesus Christ as your personal Lord & Savior I've got some good news, and I've got some bad news!
First the bad news. If you don't accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, it's gonna be HOT where you end up. No, not chili pepper hot,


Now for the GOOD NEWS


came so that you could be set free. All you have to do is repeat this simple prayer:
Lord Jesus, I confess that I am a sinner. I know that you came to earth of your own will, A choice that you made just for me. I repent and ask you to forgive me of all my sins and I also renounce the devil and all of his works. I make a conscious choice to follow you, and to make my life one that counts and makes a difference. I know I can only do this through you. I ask you to come and live in my heart, sit on the throne prepared there for you. When I die, I know that I'll go to heaven where you have prepared a house for me. I pray this in Jesus name. Amen.

And you thought it was going to be hard! There are multitudes (that means a bunch) of folks in heaven shouting, singing, dancing and just generally having a party over the decision you just made!!!

Your future means a lot to me.

Do you have something you need prayer for?

Touch your mouse to this box, and send me an e-mail.
And let's stay in touch!


Where Jesus IS Our Solid Rock

Seattle Faith Center
Pastor Tommy Barnett
A Wild Young Man, with the Master's Plan
It takes GUTS to serve Jesus
Pastor Jack Hayford, a man WITH God's heart!

Visit Tulsa, OK

A Great Search Engine

Come Back Soon, it's always changing.