This is Roguen's Dress Up Page...for a lack of better title...

Halloween, Christmas, Easter, or for no reason at all, Mom will embarrass the heck out of me by dressing me up. Moms do that you know.

I guess, I can put up with it.
Mom gets to show me off and I get to be center off attention.
Not a bad trade off.

Black Velvet (the closest we could find to black satin)

My First Halloween

How embarrassing for a handsome young Rottweiler!
I was a little over three months old.
I managed to lose the holster and the handcuffs
by the time this picture was taken.

TwiquiSu of Arabia

TwiquiSu actually liked getting dressed up
-- and flirting with the rest of the world!
Here she is as a harem girl.
This was the same year I went as a cowboy.

My First Chirstmas

Me and my first meeting with the Jolly Old Elf.
See how much I'd grown since Halloween?

My First Easter

Me and the Big Bunny himself!

Roguen, the Runner

My second Halloween.
Mom and I were into the running club big time.

My Second Christmas

Devil Dog

Handsome Devil!

Count Rogula

I vant to drink your blood. No, not really.
I can see my image in the mirror...
But don't I look dashing?

Count Rogula 1999

And the winner is...

Hey, I won best in show at the Pet Spook Parade this year(1999)!
I won free food for a year,a $25 gift certificate, and a duffle bag.
I got a mention in the paper.
Life is good when you're a born ham!

Roguen's Story

The Night I Met Mom

Roguen's Family Album

Roguen's Rainbow Bridge

Roguen's Awards Page

Roguen's Second Page of Awards

Roguen's Third Page of Awards

Roguen's Great Companion Award
The above is an award you can win from Roguen and his Mom.

I'd like to thank these wonderful ladies for all their help and encouragement.

Graphic copy righted by Peggy Rose