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The Meaning of Moo

The philosophy behind moo is fairly simple. It is representative of all that is pointless and fun in the world. There is so much nowadays to get stressed over, it is often difficult to remember nothing is worth getting a nervous breakdown over. It doesn't solve anything and only causes pain. So take time out to relax, have a bubble bath, and do whatever makes you happy. It doesn't matter how silly it is or what other people think of it, just do it because it makes you feel good. These simplistic joys and easy feeling of contentment are all summed up in the meaning that has come to stand behind moo.

There are as yet few moo-ers in the world, so when you meet a fellow moo-er, the bond between you is strong. Moo promotes a sense of belonging and the comfortable warmth that comes with the knowledge that there are other people out there who are just like you, and are feeling the same, and have the same twisted sense of humor. 'Moo' is a way of letting someone know you care, and that you'll always be there for them. Try it. Spread the word of the Moo.

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