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The Me Page

It's really grainy. Possibly due to the scary over-enlargement.

Me at the Prague State Opera
This is actually the most recent photo here (by about four years), but I just think I look better in the older ones, so I'm leaving them on here. I've just gotten more luxuriously decadent in my old age...

Me as an Arabic Princess
Post-school-play, Nathan the Wise. If I look exhausted, it's because hundreds of hours of work had just culminated in a grueling four-hour production (don't worry, there were only about five people in the audience). (And incidentally? The paleness is stage makeup.)

Me, Adele, and Samar
I know you both hate this picture, but I had to have you here.

Young Me
They used to call me a punk baby. Because of the hair. Personally, I think my expression exudes more Cher-from-Clueless.

South Park Me
Thank you, Alex. You're an artist. =)

My Handwriting
I'm not a big fan of my handwriting. I developed it when I was eleven, and you can tell.

My Tattoo
I love my tattoo. And while I'm aware that one day I'm going to be a 40-year-old with a fucking paw print on her back, it'll be a permanent reminder of my reckless 17-year-old days (oi. Stop laughing).

Sites I Appear On

My friend Samar's site Logically, there's a picture of me in the "friends" section...
The British Library Go to "Oscar Wilde - A Life in Six Acts", then "programmes for schools". See the poser in the purple top? Me.
MB Members' Site I'm all over the place here, in "random photos", and on the main photo site under the name of "Nutshell". No picture, but that there essay was written by me. Call me a geek if you must. I won't stop you.