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  • Issac like Pamala Lee.
  • Ike thinks logos are cool, but new ones aren't.
  • Want's a new Corvet.
  • Likes chunky peanut butter.
  • Tay and Zac say his face looks like chewbacca from Star Wars.
  • Names his guitars after girls he likes, he has a guitar named Hannah and one named Kesha but at the moment his guitar is nameless.
  • While he was watching 101 Dalmations with girl he kissed she and she ran home crying to her mom. (Why would anyone do that??)
  • Went out with a girl named Tara, but they broke up because she found someone else.
  • Once he sprained his anklebad after falling out of a plum tree.
  • Once he wrote a love letter to a girl and Taylor was so disgusted with it he threw it in a fountain.
  • He wrote a letter to a friend that was a girl and Taylor ended it with 'I need you desperatly'.


  • Tay thinks it's immature when people cuss.
  • Tay was Elvis Presley for Halloween when he was six.
  • Tay was mad at Ike for a week because he got his own room.
  • Taylor loves scary rides!
  • Tay wet the bed until he was ten.
  • Tay is a pyromaniac.
  • Taylor got in a fight with his parents once, because they wouldn't let him dye his hair blue.
  • Tay wants to outlaw sweats.
  • Tay always eats Tiny Toon Fruit Snacks on the airplane while on tour.
  • Taylor is writing a song for Zoe. When Tay was eleven he tried out the for the part of a Lost Boy in a stage production of Peter Pan, but in the middle of his little dance he fell off the stage! He didn't get the part.
  • Tay calls Zac "Beaver Boy" because he has big front teeth with a gap inbetween them. (Tay, no offense, but your teeth aren't that great either!)
  • Taylor grew his hair out when he was younger, because he wanted to be in a Pert Plus commercail and thought you had to have long hair to do that. He used to go around the house saying, "Great hair, no fuss.", while flipping his hair over his shoulder.
  • Once, Zac lost a bet with Taylor, so Tay bought a jumbo size bag of M&M's and made Zac seperate all of the colors. When he was finshed, Taylor made him go through the candy again, taking out all of the M&M's in which the "M" was not visible.
  • At a swimming party, Taylor came up with a new game: line up a bunch of empty coke cans on the side of the pool and then do cannonballs off the divingboard to see whos splash can knock down the most cans.
  • When Tay was six, he wanted to buy a pack of gum, but didn't have any money. He tried to trade Zac for the gum.


  • Zac's favorite animal is a snake.
  • When Zac got his first paycheck, he wanted a puppy.
  • Brokes his nose before from a seesaw, Taylor and him were using the seesaw to throw rocks and Taylor accidently threw one at Zac and that's what broke his nose.
  • Zac collects mini shampoo bottles from hotels.
  • Zac is very bossy-he says no one messes with him. (more will be added soon)