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~Chatting Up Hanson!~

Ike, Tay & Zac Tell It Like It Is!

When we last spoke with the Hanson brothers, they were about to embark on their first major toour. As we get ready for this summer, Hanson reminisces and shares their concert momories, as well as whets our appetites for the fall release of their long-awaited new album. Ike, Tay and Zac had much to tell us about what they've been up to and what their future plans are. See for yourself what's been keeping you favorite brotherly trio so busy!

ALL-STARS: A lot of the fans have been writing to us asking why it's been so long since the first album. Was it planned to take a break?

ISAAC HANSON: I think it was circumstance. If we would have known how things would have gone, we might have changed a little bit of what we did, but I don't think we have any regrets. We did a lot of different things. We did the Christmas record, which was awesome-we really enjoyed doing that, and then we released 3 Car Garage. We also released a live record and a live video, which was a follow-up to our other long-form video, Tulsa, Toyko, And The Middle Of Nowhere, so we have definitely done a lot. Unfortunately, I think people didn't necessarily know about some of the things that we did. So we're just going to make the best record that we can and hope that everybody likes it. We're not doing it as quickly as possible but we definitely want to get it out.

ALL-STARS: Do you have any message at all for the fans who are waiting desperately to see you again?

ZAC HANSON: Doing the new album is going to be really fun, and just getting back into the studios, because that's something we really love doing, just making music. Most likely we'll be co-producing so that'll be good. As far as a message, it would probably go like this, "Fans, I'm sorry it's taken so long to come out with a second album." We're going to be recording the new album in the summer.

ALL-STARS: What can you tell us about Hanson's next new album?

ISAAC: All I can tell you, at the moment, is that we have completed about 25 songs, which we've written, and done early recordings to put the songs doen on tape and we've been talking with producers over the last several weeks. It's possible we could be recording now or a month and a half from now, but it's not comfirmed.

ALL-STARS: When will the album be out?

ISAAC: Tentatively, and i do put the emphasis on tentaltively, we're hoping that it will come out mid-fall or early fall, early winter. I don't know. We're thinking Octoberish, but, it may change. I wouldn't even print that. I would just say fall.

ALL-STARS: What kind of music are you working on? Are there any songs that jump out at you as a favorite?

TAYLOR HANSON: We're very excited about it, as you hope any band would be about their own music. I think it's hard to say this is the favorite or not, you're into each one, and each one means something to you. But I think different people have responded, when we play for other people and get feedback, there are certain ones that people go, "Oh, that seems like the kind of song that stands out." But really there's just a lot of very unique songs, each one has it's own flavor to it. So we're just really excited overall about the album.

ISAAC:I definitely think our goal is to do something different, make a record that no one has made, but at the same time, keep similatities so that we don't leave people thinking, "Wait, what is this? This is a totally different band." I don't think there would be that problem because it will always be similar and it will always be us. But there are definitely similarities and differences and I think that will be the cool and appealing thing about it. We're definitely working on a lot of different songs right now. We're looking forward to the soon-to-come recording process.

ALL-STARS: How many of the songs have you written?

TAYLOR: All of them. On the last album we wrote all of then, but we did co-write on some of them. That was just the way it happened. We just happened to end of woring with some really awesomek, very talented writers. But, so far, we've written all of the songs by oursleveswith out any co-writers. We've been writing songs for as long as i can remember, so expressing ourselves is just the natural way it comes out.

ALL-STARS: Could you give us the names of some of the songs you've written so far?

ISAAC: Unfortunately, I probably can't. The song titles would have any real significance because it's hard to say whether they would be on the record or not. We have a lot of songs.

ALL-STARS: Have you had any personal experiences that have given you any ideas for any of your new songs?

ISAAC: Well, there have been, but I can't comment on that until the record comes out. The songs really describe them very well, so I don't have to even go there.

ALL-STARS: Do you have any ideas for new videos to with your new record?

ZAC: We've still got to finish writing and producing the songs, so that will come later. Basically, when the single comes out, it will come out with the video.

