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What Have Ike, Tay & Zac Been Up To?
Find Out In Our Up-To-The-Second Update!

Letters continue to pour into our offices here at 16, all asking the same thing: Where's Hanson? A lot of you Hanson-devotees have been wondering where your beloved Tulsa threesome has been these days.

Well wonder no longer! We sat down and had a long chat with the guys recently, and they wanted us to pass the word along to you-they'll be back with more music before you know it!

16: Here's the big question- when are you guys releasing new music for your fans?

IKE: All i can tell you at the moment is we've completed about 25 songs which we've written. We've been talking to producers for the past several weeks. It's possible we'll start recording as soon as May, but it's not comfirmed.

TAY:We're very excited about our new music. All the songs are very unique.

ZAC:We'll be recording the new album all summer, and then this fall we'll hopefully go on another tour.

16: When will the new album be released?

IKE: Tentatively, and I do put the emphasis on

tentatively, we're hoping it would come out mid-fall or early winter.

16: You had so much success with your first album, Middle Of Nowhere-is there pressure to live up to that success?

IKE: some might say yes, but I don't really feel any pressure. We're really just going forward to make the best album possible. We're going to make this album to the best of our ability, and that's what we did the first time.

16: A lot of fans have been wondering why it's been so long since the first album.

IKE: I think it was circumstance. We did a lot of different things. We did the Christmass record, and

Three Car Garage, plus we released the live record and the live video. Unfortunately, I don't think people knew about some of the things we did. So now we're just going to concentrate on making the best album possible.

16: Has all your success changed you?

TAY: I have an extra leg! No, I'm kidding! I don't think we've changed. The reason we got into music was because we love music. Just because you get notoriety, that doesn't change the reason you got into music in the first place. We're still the same people we were when nobody cared about Hjanson or the music, and we're still enjoying it, so that's the key for us.

16: Since you released you first album, a lot of other pop groups have hit the charts. Do you ever sit back and think, hey, we started all this?

TAY: I wouldn't say it's our influence, but definitely since Middle Of Nowhere came out, there's been a big change in what's playing on the radio. Music is constantly changing, and that's cool. I think music should evolve and keep things interesting.

16: The question everyone is asking is, do you guys have girlfriends?

IKE: I definitely have dated people on and off, however no girlfriend, no. But I'm not neccessarily the type of guy who like to be single. I think I would really enjoy having a girlfriend.

ZAC: I'm not dating, but I definitely like girls.

TAY: And I'm single too!

16: Taylor, we heard all about you getting an earring...

TAY: Yeah, I got a cartilage piercing up on top. But that's the only big change-we've all grown up a bit, voices have dropped a little bit. Not a lot has changed in the appearance of Hanson.

16: Do you have any message for all your fans who can't wait to hear your new music, and to see you on tour again?

ZAC: I am Zac! I come in peace!

TAY: Just that we're looking forward to seeing everyone again. And we hope everyone will really like our new music.

IKE: That's the thing, if everyone likes our new stuff, and we can keep making music and doing this, we're going to be happy campers!
