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While preparing for their summer tour and promoting their new CD, 3 Car Garage: The Indie Recordings '95-'96, Hanson squeezed in a little time for an interview with TEEN BEAT. It's been a little while since we last spoke with Issac, Taylor and Zachary, and they've been up to quite a bit since then. In addition to the tour and the album, Hanson has busied themselves with rehearsing, traveling (Los Angeles, New York, London, Paris, etc.), publicity, home school and a brand new dog named Wicket. They've also made several TV apperances, including The Rosie O'Donnell Show, Late Night With David Letterman, MTV's Live At The 10 Spot and VH-1's Storytellers. Since there's so much to talk about with Hanson, we fired off as many questions as we could during our Q&A session. Part two of the interview will run next month (TEEN BEAT November '98, on sale 8/18). Meanwhile, this is what it's like, from Zac, Tay and Ike!

TEEN BEAT: So, what have you guys been up to?

TAYLOR HANSON: We actually just released some of our independent recordings. It's called 3 Car Garage. That's something that's out right now with the independent recordings.

TEEN BEAT: Does the new album include music from Boomerang or MMMBop ?

ZACHARY HANSON: This is only the music from our sencond independent, MMMBop. The funny thing is, the fans know Boomerang more because it was out longer. MMMBop was only out for a couple of weeks and there are a lot more copies of Boomerang out there. The reason we wanted to release this one was because the fans wanted to hear some of out independent stuff, and this was the stuff that the record labels heard.

TAYLOR: This is the music that got is signed. We used noth records, but nobody really caught ontp Boomerang. But it's kind of funny now, as Zac was saying, because a lot of the fans say, "What about this song or that song from Boomerang?" But the reason we're releasing this one is, first of all, it's even more secret-almost no one has heard it. And also, because it's when we had really begun to play our instruments and it really represents more of who we are now. And the earlier stuff, we didn't want to go back so far that it became kind of like a confusion to people.


~NEXT: ~
