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Hanson-Is Another Crazy Year In Store?

Hanson had another wild year in 1998 and ti looks like 1999 won't be much differnt for Issac, Taylor and Zac. This past year featured Hanson's first major tour, the release of their third Cd, 3 Car Garage, and loads of TV appearances. In between all that, they dealt with enthusiastic fans and found a better way to handle their growing fan base. Hanson is looking forward to 1999 and what lies ahead for them. As Issac, Taylor and Zac told us, a brand new album, possibly another tour and lots more is in store for the new year. Here's Hanson with the scoop!

TEEN BEAT: Are you happy with how your first big tour went?

ISSAC: We were really, excited about touring and it was definitely a lot of fun. We really enjoyed it. We look forward to doing it again.

TEEN BEAT: Your fans seem to get pretty crazy at some of your concerts. Does it ever get scary?

TAYLOR: Most of the time it's cool. The fans aren't out there trying to kill you-they're just excited. Sometimes it can get really out of hand, but most of all, you don't want them to get hurt, because they start pushing each other, then they start shoving and it becomes a problem.

ISSAC: There was one time I went out to the bus and tried to get on, and I was like, I'd better run over there quickly and use the key, 'cause it was locked. Before I knew it, everyone was running toward me! So, I ran quickly into the building.

ZAC: Every once in a while you want someone to go to the animal doctor and check for rabies, but most of the time it's fine.

TEEN BEAT: How would you sum up what this past year has been like for you?


TAYLOR HANSON: I think wow is probably the best word. I think it's awesome because there are so many bands out there, and we're lucky enough to have people hear our music. We've been able to travel around and play our music and have people get into it. I don't think there's one way to sum it up besides, thank you to the fans. That's what it's about.

ISSAC HANSON: Without them going out and buying the records and buying the tickets to the shows, we wouldn't do this. They deserve the credit. We appreciate everyone who has supported us.

TEEN BEAT: What's the fan mail been like?

ISSAC: It's very hard. We do get a lot of mail and email. We've recently started a fan club and a fan club magazine called MOE.

TAYLOR: It's become a way to communicate with the super, die-hard fans, so it's really cool. We write articles in it, so this comes from us.

ZAC: It makes it much easier to stay in touch with fans.

TEEN BEAT: How do you keep it all from going to your heads?

TAYLOR: We can't let it get to our heads because we have tons of fun playing at shows. If you're going out and playing music and hearing the reaction from the crowd, and having people buy your record, that's what it's about.

TEEN BEAT: What's in store for 1999?

ISSAC: The next record is a big deal because, of course, we get to put out new music. So, that's one thing we're really excited about.

TEEN BEAT: Any truth to the rumors that you may do a movie?

ZAC: We're focusing on the music, but maybe later if we find the right movie.

ISSAC: We definitely have interest in film, but not necessarily in being actors. People approach us about all kinds of things. We keep getting asked if we're going to do a sitcom. But we're musicians and that's what we do best and I think we'll continue to do that.

TAYLOR: It's fun to do videos, but we definitely don't know. Movies and things like that are just icing on the cake. So, who knows about that?

~NEXT: ~
~MMMBop Me Baby!~
