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The Ilderton 4H Sheep Club

Learn to do by doing!

4H clubs are all around the world. Their purpose is to help people learn while having fun.

In this site, you can read about...

Our club

The leaders of our club are Brenda Gallagher, Ramond Vail and Ruthan Vanderlaan(Mrs.V). The club works on a yearly basis and every month, we have a meeting. This year, the club's topic is health and breeding, so at our meetings, that's we we talk about. We also prepare ourselves for the Western Fair and the Ilderton Fair. Each member needs to pick a lamb and that becomes their project which they will show at the 2 fairs. In the first meetings, we discuse how to choose our lambs, depending on if it's a breeding ewe or a market lamb. In the following meetings, we discuse how to make it look good for the show, to take care of it and so on.

This year, the club saved up enough money to go on a trip to two major sheep farms in Ontario. We also have different activities like the judjing competion where many different clubs from the region get together and learn how to judge anything from sheep to first aid kits.

Their are many differant 4H clubs, not just sheep. Their are babysitting clubs, cooking clubs, swine clubs and they're all around North America. They give kids an opportunity to meet new people and learn whatever they are interessted in all while having fun. They also teach kids a sense of responsibility. The 4Hs stand for: Head, Hands, Head and Health. So whatever your interests, 4H clubs are a great way to develop them!

Our members

This year, we are lucky to have about thirty members!They are:

President: Sam Vail
Vice President: Charles Eckert
Secretary: Courtney Fox
Treasurer: Justin Gollan
Press reporter: Isabelle Moncion
Sanck co-ordinators: Colleen O'Shea and Amy Smith
Games co-ordinator: Mike Fletcher

Damian Clarke, Marc deGroot, Adam Johnson, Ashley McComb,
Reid and Travis O'Neil, Jamie O'Shea,Garrett Roberts, Marcia and Sandy Schiestel,
Cassandra Studenny, Fraser, Josh and Tini Thuss, Sally Vail, Jason Vandenheuvel and Matthew Versteegh

Our Calendar

Last november, many of our club members participated in this years Royal Agricultural Winter Fair in Toronto, On. They all did a terrific job!Congradulations to all!
Our season is over, but we'll back later in 2000!

Our buisness

Right now, the club has nothing planned buisness wise. But, we do have one of our club members has his own buisness:

O'Shea Club Lambs
Rams, Club lambs, Suffolk and Dorset.
Jamie O'Shea 519-225-2600

...and, if you have any questions, comments or concerns regarding this web page or the club, feel free to e-mail me:

Our sponsors

Without our sponsors, the Ilderton 4H club would'not be able to work as it does today. So to all the following groups, a huge thank you from all the club!

The Middlesex Sheep and Lamb Producers
The Ilderton Agricutural Association

What do you think of this page? It's the first year our club has ever had one (it's also the first time I've ever made one!)E-mail me and tell me what you think!
Thank you for visiting our page, we hope you come back!

This page was last checked on JANUARY 7 2000
