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Star study started in middle east 6000 years ago. It spreaded out to the whole world

2000 years ago. West , East, American Indians, Polynesians, Tibetan .etc.... ALL base on
the same tao or way.
Which is the force make all things , and program the way we live until and beyond death.
The symbols in western astrology are the same chinese characters used 4000 years ago.(found in
Start from the bottom of lopan is TZI (rat) which is= Libra, clockwise next is ox(girl in
tiger (leo), rabbit (cancer) and so on. West see the stars at noon,. Chinese see stars at midnight..
1)Air-----rat, dragon, monkey-->Think FORCE: UP
2)Water--rabbit, pig. goat--> eat and reproduce: FORCE: IN
3)FIre --- horse, dog, tiger-->move and mate FORCE: OUT
4)Earth---ox, roaster, snake---> Defend.(build hard weapons or shells) FORCE: DOWN
These are the 4 basic tools for survival, no matter you lived in a jungle 6000 years ago or live in
modern city. These forces apply to all things. For e.g. a tree 1) shoot up, 2)grow 3)flower, 4)fruit.

Simple living things has 1 cycle then repeat. Complex things repeat these 4 forces with 2 levels.
Man is so advance, we made 1 cycle by repeat them 3 times. Some man may even go for the 4th

Rearly be achieved, their thinking can stay even without a body. (Blue flame will come out of their
body when die, and harder then bone crystal will be found in their ash). Only our thinking energy
will stay in space and may end up someday in a black hole.
Iching start with yin yang, --> 4 forces--->octagone (repeat 2 times)--->64 (octa inside octa) for
Western astrology with new, fix, mature levels--->12 signs in 1 year.
Each sign rule 1 organ channel, 12 channels system is what the chinese medicence base on.
In lopan the out most circle is the name of stars. Some of them they just name it with our organ
belong to,. e.g. the left most is heart in tiger (leo), top is liver, bottom is bladder, counterclockwise

bottom is small intenster, next right is stomach ect.


*Note that China has no lion thus use white tiger instead.

*Virgo actual stars shape like knee down praying woman.

*Milkyway play a important role for naming ICHING and sections of sky because it is so easy to
Finally HOW TO STUDY ?
Here are some guide lines:
Name is not important, because you can name anything anything.
Position is not important, because no extract extract.
For beginners remember the order of 4 forces: 1)up, 2)out. 3)in, 4)down.
Study books relate to this, (western , eastern or any-tern.)
Observe one subject closely well, so you can put it in one of the force.
Make predictions of what will come up and what will die out.
Ask me when in doubt.
Use knowleage to help others. The more you do, the less problem you will have. Finally you will
have no problem at all

Then you will laugh at what you were today.

by JUMA.

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