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Atomic Information on Neon
Atomic Number 10
Atomic Symbol Ne
Atomic Weight 20.1797
Group/Family No.  18 or Noble Gases
Electronegativity Approximately 4.50
Charge None
Standard State Gas
Image of Electronic Configuration, 10.3KB; Made by Omar Yassin<----- Illustration by Omar Yassin
Horizontal Line (Wavy line)

Blue BulletHistory of Neon
Blue BulletSource of Neon
Blue BulletCompounds
Blue BulletProperties
Blue BulletUses of Neon
Blue BulletIsotopes
Blue BulletCost/Handling
Blue BulletLINKS


  The History of Neon (Ne)

    Neon was discovered in 1898 by two British chemists by the names of Sir William Ramsay and Morris W. Travers. It was found in London, England. It was found as a small fraction of liquefied crude argon from the air. When they found that it had a glow when it was electrically stimulated, they knew that they were dealing with a new element. These two chemists were also the discoverers of the element Krypton (Kr). Both of these elements were discovered by their work on liquid air.  Later on, Xenon (Xe) was discovered by these two, using similar methods that they used for Krypton and Neon.


   Neon is found in very tiny quantities in the atmosphere, for it is lighter than air. (It makes up only 0.0018% of the dry air by volume). It can also be found trapped in rocks in the Earth's crust. Neon is found more in the space than it is found here on Earth.



    Any molecules of this element are made of single atoms. There is however one hydrate compound of neon, however, due to the fact that it is a noble gas, it is highly unstable.


    Neon is colorless, odorless, tasteless, and lighter than air. When in a low pressure area, or a vacuum, and an electrical current is passed through it, it emits a reddish orange light. This element has the most discharge when voltage is put through it compared to all other rare gases. Neon can be found in 1 out of every 65,000 parts of the atmosphere. It has over 40 times the refrigerating capacity of Liquid helium and three times of liquid hydrogen.


    One of the most know uses for neon is neon lights. They are used for signs a lot. It has the ability to catch people's attention with its colored glow. One place that is popular for its neon lights is Las Vegas, Nevada. Almost all of the casinos have neon lights on them.
    Neon can also be used as high voltage indicators and is even used in TV vacuum tubes. Another use for neon is its refrigerating capacity. Liquid neon has 40 times the refrigerating capacity of liquid helium. It can be used for cryogenics, which is the study of certain substances at very cold temperatures. Neon is also being used (as is helium) to make gas lasers.


    Natural neon is composed of three stable isotopes. They are neon-20, neon-21, and neon-22.

Cost & Handling

    Neon is not found widely here on earth. Therefore, it is not found at a near reasonable cost. Neon is a very good refrigerant. It is even used for cryogenics. It must be handled with EXTREME care.


neon: WebElements Periodic Table (Index)
Neon Light, Neon Signs, Neon Art from Krypton Neon

Neon Signs Delivery

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