WORLD OF RADIO #1056, produced November 1, 2000 by Glenn Hauser

*B00 season now underway for next five months [not six]
*Our times on WWCR have shifted one UT hour later; no frequency
 change until December when 9475 ex-15685 Thursdays at 2130
*V. of Tibet clashes again this winter with us on 15685 1215-1300
*WOR on World Radio Network now at only two times: to NAm Saturdays
 1500 UT; everywhere else, including Euromax, Saturdays 0900
*WOR website has been inaccessible for almost two days, so try backup site with
 more recent info only:
* also provides archive of DX Listening Digests
*Radio for Peace International plans new frequencies, 15065 and
 7480, but for now still on 15049 and 21815-USB; alternates 6970
 and 5920
*Our first broadcast anywhere on WBCQ1 is one UT hour later, Thursdays
 0030 on 7415, but giving up on WBCQ2 Friday repeat; hope to have a
 replacement time. WBCQ2 authorized 17495 for daytime, testing soon
*Art Bell`s lawsuit against WWCR has been dropped following apology
 and confidential settlement
*WMLK has registered three new frequencies, one even on 15 MHz
*New schedule for RCI shows drastic changes; cancelled most CBC
 feature programming, especially on weekends. New Canada Today and
 Canada Review; still Mailbag, retimed; This Morning now three hours
 daily; new broadcast to Africa via relays only
*Tiny Halifax SW station CHNX has been revived and widely heard
*New frequency for RTE Ireland via UK to Mideast
*BBC WS will definitely move from Bush House to Broadcasting House,
 by 2006/7
*Both France and Germany back on 11m band this winter
*YLE Radio Finland resumes English to us in mornings, but only two
 other English SW broadcasts remain
*Scandinavian Weekend Radio, Finland, first Saturday of each month,
 testing three different directions this month including toward
 North America
*V. of Russia on new Vatican relay, and monitoring direct; also has
 resumed morning broadcast to West Coast
*R. Ukraine International`s new English schedule
*In the midst of WOR 1056, or P O Box 1684,
 Enid OK 73702 USA; website supposed to be
 or if it is down,
*Thanks this week for financial support: Alan Bosch
*Standard disclaimer
*You`ll be sorry if the Republicans gain control not only of Congress,
 but the White House and the Supreme Court. Don`t let it happen:
*R. Maryja, Polish Catholic station, in 40m hamband
*Hello Sea, from Varna, Bulgaria, weekly on Cuban jammer frequency
*R. Romania International, partial English schedule
*R. Prague has resumed morning English to North America
*R. Austria International has cut back, relaying domestic German;
 less English, but two times still audible; not via Sackville
*V. of Greece, new schedule via Delano; and evening direct
*Galei Zahal, Israel, varying around former RFPI frequency, and on
 15 MHz, times also vary
*R. Jordan, new English schedule
*R. Pakistan, new English schedule
*Christian Voice, Australia, new licensed frequencies
*R. Australia frequencies registered for Cox Peninsula
*New series on R. Australia, also via WRN, Lines of Communication
*V. of the People, clandestine from Madagascar to Zimbabwe, moved
*V. of Sudan, clandestine from Eritrea, has been closed down; see
 DXLD 0-131
*Tunisia heard on 120m band: it`s a difference mix of two SW channels
*Algeria appearing again on two shortwave frequencies
*R. St. Helena apologizes for year delay in QSLing: printing problems
*New Peruvian sounds like Condor Radiante, La Radio
*Third harmonic on 4 MHz turns out to be La Voz de la Alabanza,
 Dominican Republic
*R. Mexico International has revived 25m frequency
*KDKA Pittsburgh 80th anniversary special Thursday November 2: see
*Low power FM still not resolved, but Pres. Clinton did veto
 appropriations bill Oct 26 which would have killed LPFM
*Maximum Usable F2 Frequency exceeding 50 MHz; harmonics on 30 and
 40 MHz bands; TV from Germany to Australia; 6m ham contact from
 Illinois to Reunion
*Propagation outlook from Boulder Oct 31: flux range 195-160-195
*And so concludes WOR 1056; I`m Glenn Hauser               ###