WORLD OF RADIO #1033, produced April 19, 2000 by Glenn Hauser

*New frequency for RFPI and WOR is 6970, but off again recently;
 RFPI nominal schedule but check all frequencies at any time; RFPI`s
 new US address: P O Box 1094, Eugene, OR 97440
*WOR time Sunday evening on WWCR changed to UT Mon 0030 on 3215,
 soon moving again to Sun 2330 on 9475
*Starting now, different time on WBCQ-1, 7415, Wednesdays 2330
*This week I`m providing the media news on VOA Communications World
 See sked at
*Italian authorities close down Rai MW (and SW?) transmitters on RF
 radiation complaints
*Vatican SW transmitters near Rome also accused of causing cancer;
 but extraterritorial immunity
*Beautiful Ukrainian a cappella service on Vatican Radio
*Another token English newscast found from Voice of Greece
*Finland broadcasing dead air instead of English to North America
*Murmansk local radio relayed on 17 MHz marine band
*April 29 is International Marconi Day; special event ham operations
*April 29 is also date for special crossband operations in CW only
 from Portishead Radio, British coastal station about to close down.
 See DXLD 52, 54 and 55 and
*Radio Northsea International back in April temporarily and also
 webcasting at
*BBC WS scheduled Write On and Waveguide at only one time to Americas
 and failed to broadcast it even then; another time added in May
 schedule, already confirmed in April
*BBC April listings for East Asia had totally misconverted times
*GBC Radio 2, Ghana, back on 90m shortwave after valve failure
*4VEH Haiti has new website on 50th anniversary, but not a word about
*Colombian clandestine La Voz de la Resistencia del Bloque Oriental
 and El Pueblo Responde still heard on 48m
*Radio La Hora, Cusco, Peru, has new staffer eager to QSL follow-ups:
 Carlos Gamarra Moscoso, Avenida Garcilaso 411, Wanchaq, Cusco, Peru
*Alberta DX session at super antenna-farm garnered Argentine X-bander
*The non-government, non-communist, non-religious, non-musical, non-
 corporate DX program, WOR 1033, or P O Box 1684,
 Enid, OK 73702, USA; fax to attention of Hauser, 1-580-233-2948. See
 out website for latest info on our broadcasts:
*Producer of CBC This Morning about to quit, and host may too
*Rarely heard-from minority live on the web this weekend from national
 convention of American Atheists, starting Friday April 21, speaker
 lineup. See and hear:
*Jim Bohannon Show Friday evening on National TV Turnoff Week
*Earth Day Living on Earth special April 22 1800-2200 UT on WETA, and?
*Minnesota Public Radio purchases Marketplace Productions in LA
*WMIB, 1660 in Florida plans another DX test with day power, early
 Sunday May 7 at 0400-0800 UT [not 0600-1000 UT as I said!]
*KDGO, Durango, Colorado put out strong harmonic one morning only
*Another disheartening story about shameful sexual discrimination at
 VOA includes Rita Rochelle in Washington Post April 17:
*Radio New Zealand International schedule change May 7, off 15115;
 UAE and Canada clashes on 17675 fixed
*Radio Australia long holiday weekend means programs missing, but
 ANZAC Day special live April 24
*V. of Indonesia's announced English schedule
*China Radio International puts auditions atop regular broadcast;
 last week's new program lineup concerns subsections of Saturday show
*V. of Mongolia`s 2nd harmonic again being heard in Europe
*All India Radio GOS in English, complete schedule
*A-00 schedule of English from Radio Tashkent, Uzbekistan
*V. of Mojahed, Iranian clandestine on two 10 MHz frequencies
*Israel Radio`s new English schedule since DST change April 14
*April 22 is 500th anniversary of Portuguese in Brazil; specials on
 BBC and check Brazilians too
*New WTAW, 1620 in Texas has pix of new antenna and site at
*Propagation outlook from Boulder, April 18; flux peak 220 April 29
*See our website:
*Your input welcome to
*That's WOR 1033; Glenn Hauser inviting you back next week       ###