WORLD OF RADIO #1031, produced April 5, 2000 by Glenn Hauser

*WOR times on WWCR now in DST terms by UT: Thu 2030 15685, Fri 0930
 7435, Sat 0300 3215, Sat 1130 15685, Sun 0230 & 0630 5070, Mon 0000
 3215, Mon 0500 3210, Tue 1100 15685. We hope the 1130 and 1100 times
 avoid clash with V. of Tibet and its jammers
*WBCQ times are now: Wed 2130 on 7415, Fri 2030 9330-CUSB
*Disregard last week about WRMI relays of Slovakia, Budapest and
 Polonia, gone from new schedule even tho we heard Budapest
*New WRMI show: Worldbeat USA; new time for Wavescan
*KNLS heard on different English frequency than in new schedule
*Texas 2 MHz harmonic IDed as KMIL, Cameron
*WTAW in Texas widely heard on new X-band frequency
*Mike Malloy, liberal talkhost, fired by WLS. Story in Chicago Trib 
*Art Bell quitting radio April 26; litigation involving WWCR; see
 and hear at
*Nets To You, exhaustive original listing of amateur radio nets by
 John Norfolk posted in new edition on our website:
*On RCI Quirks and Quarks comes back in May replacing NS Kitchen Party
*Ham radio involved in high seas rescue and evacuation drama off
*R. Continental, Venezuela plans to resume SW with education
*R. Oriental, Ecuador, 60m frequency varying
*Peruvian on North American pirate favorite frequency, R. La Voz del
 Campesino, Huarmaca
*R. Cielo, Peru heard in 4.7 MHz area
*R. RGS, Brasil, plans Spanish and English on 49m
*LRA36 Antarctica occasionally runs as late as 0100
*Nigerian stations must carry new weekly program by the president
*Website for group backing R. Liberte clandestine is
*Quasi-clandestine Tamil and Burmese broadcasts via Madagascar
*Mogadishu, Somalia reported to have new SW station, #6
*FEBA Seychelles, new English schedule
*African Beacon really IDs as World Beacon, African Service in tape
 at and their own site is
*BBC WS multiple streaming off to a disastrous start, wrong streams
 sent to transmitter sites making programme schedules useless
*BBC Write On and Waveguide all new times converted back to GMT
*Greg Dyke, new BBC head increasing proportion of income spent on
 programming to 85%, adding 200 megapounds per year; mostly re TV?
*In the midst of WOR 1031
*Standard disclaimer
*P O Box 1684, Enid OK 73702, USA; or by fax if
 really necessary 1-580-233-2948 attn Hauser. See our website:
*One RFI English broadcast audible in North America
*Spain`s new English schedule
*RDP International, Portugal, clashing with VOA Greenville
*R. Polonia, new English schedule, hard to hear on SW in North
 America, but fine via WRN on internet; see sked at
*R. Romania International has started webcasting with three streams,
 a great improvement over their poor SW reception:
*R. Minsk a.k.a. R. Belarus International, new English sked
*V. of Tatarstan, Russia new schedule
*Radiostantsiya Chechnya Svobodnaya new schedule via St. Pete
*V. of Greece English now hard to find; changes in VOA relays, plans
 for expansion to all-day
*UAE Radio, Dubai, no longer heard, and missing from registrations
*V. of Mongolia retimed its first English broadcast; and the rest
*R. Taipei International via WYFR in English to Europe et al.
*R. Thailand frequency change in English
*V. of Vietnam via Canada relay sporadic, but language rotation
 confirmed replacing Russia; originally to be 10-day experiment
*R. Western Highlands, Papua New Guinea, off the air while frustrated
 staff petition for greater security
*SIBC, Solomon Islands, new transmitter is confirmed operational
*R. New Zealand International has interference clashes on 17675
*Rod Williams asks, is this the future of radio? See
*Propagation outlook from Ottawa March 29
*Propagation outlook from Boulder April 4: flux always above 200!
*WOR 1031; Glenn Hauser inviting your input to Box or Inbox
*Do join us again next week for World of Radio              ###