GLENN HAUSER'S SHORTWAVE/DX REPORT 99-71, Dec 10, 1999 {Items from this and all our reports may be reproduced and re- reproduced only providing full credit be maintained at all stages. If excerpting, add: (Via Glenn Hauser's SW/DX Report)} THIS WEEK ON WORLD OF RADIO 1015: See topic summary at WORLD OF RADIO ON WWCR SAT 1230 ON 15685: V. of Tibet left 15685 for 9920, then back to 15645: KAZAKSTAN V Of Tibet in Tibetan via Almaty 500 kW/135 degrees 1220-1255 NF 9920 (45544) (x15685 via Dushanbe-TJK, now 15645). U.S.A. "World of Radio" via WWCR from Nov 2O: 1230-1300 Sat NF 15685 (34443) (x12160), 15685 is clear, VoTibet moved 9920 (c.f. Kazakstan) (Observer, Bulgaria, Dec 1) [V o Tibet heard last Sat on 15645 again, ed. = Bueschel] ** ALBANIA. R. Tirana B-99 schedule includes: LANGUAGE AREA UT kHz -------------------------------------------------------------- English Europe 2015-2030 9510, 7180 2230-2300 7160, 9635, 1215 N-America 0245-0300 6115, 7160 0330-0400 6115, 7160 Albanian N-America 0000-0300 6090, 7270 0300-0600 6090, 7270 Web (via Juergen Kubiak, World Wide DX Club via Radioincontro Dec 9, excerpted and changed to UT by Hauser) ** AUSTRALIA. December 20 is the 60th anniversary of Radio Australia. The station is planning a low-key celebration with short historical features appearing between programs during the month to mark the occasion. FEEDBACK will note the anniversary during next weekend's edition. we approach the Holiday Season, listeners to RA are reminded that it is summer in the southern hemisphere and the next six weeks or so are prime vacation periods in Australia. There are likely to be many changes in programming on RA, which we will make every effort to track for you. UT Sun Dec 12 at 0030 on 21740: IN THE PIPELINE: CONVERGING COMMUNICATIONS* - (Part 1) - The 13 week series on coming to grips with digital technology is repeated starting this week. # 1: The Digital Box. Digital Television is set to begin in Australia on January 1st, 2001 and digital radio soon after. This event will be of far greater significance than the introduction of black and white analogue television in the 1950’s. Digitisation will allow for the convergence of audio, video, text and data to be fed into the box in the lounge room. Apart from being able to access a multi-channel environment and high definition pictures, it will open up a whole new range of community and commercial information services. The digital pipeline which delivers information and entertainment will also provide us with the necessary technology to become players in this new ‘information age’ from our own home. (Broadcast earlier on Fri. 1830 and Sat. 0530; Also Sun. 2130.) (John Figliozzi, swprograms) ** CANADA. CBC's new Lost and Found Sound series appeared Fri Dec 10 at 1408-1427 on RCI 9640, 13650 and 17710 - this week, family recordings from the WW II era. Usual web archiving notices and plug for NPR's original version but without time: Fridays 2135/2200, repeated two-hourly (Glenn Hauser, OK) ** CANADA. December 8, 1999. I learned this morning, direct from Jim Connell of 940 News that the station has received authorized call letters of CINW, and that the CINF call letters being used for the past few days on Info 690 are also now legal. According to Gazette Radio & TV columnist Mike Boone in his column today, the all-news format for 940 News and Info 690 will begin on Tuesday, December 14, at 11 AM Eastern time (1600 UTC). (Sheldon Harvey Canadian Int. DX Club Radio H.F.) ** COLOMBIA. Dear Friends and colleagues: During the second and third week of January 2000 I will be visiting the city of Villavicencio, visiting the radio stations of this city. For friends that are interested I will be trying to get verifications from the following radio stations: 4885 Ondas del Meta 5955 Caracol Villavicencio 5975 Radio Autenticas/Radio Macarena 6115 La Voz del Llano For this please send me reports by airmail NOT E- mail. If possible enclose some memento for the radio stations. Afterwards I will communicate the results, and ask for some return postage. (RAFAEL RODRIGUEZ R. Apartado Aereo 67751, Santafe de Bogotá, D.C., COLOMBIA) ** IRELAND [non]. RTE's final broadcast via WWCR will be Sat Dec 11 at 2000 on 12160 (Adam Lock, WWCR) ** KOREA NORTH. Radio Pyongyang - updated to Dec-05 1200-1300 English 13650 11335 9975 9850 9640 3560 1500-1600 English 13760 11710 9335 6575 4405 1600-1700 English 9975 9600 6520 3560 1900-2000 English 13760 11710 9335 6575 4405 0000-0100 English 15180 13760 11710 4405 0100-0200 English 17735 15230 11735 3560 0200-0300 English 13650 11845 (Shigenori Aoki, Electronic DX Press; gh excerpted English only) ** MAURITANIA. Mauritanian radio announced on 7th December that during the month of Ramadan the times of some news bulletins would change, as follows: The evening French bulletin will be broadcast at 2000 gmt. The Friday midday French bulletin will be broadcast at 1430 gmt. The morning bulletin in Arabic and local dialects will be broadcast at 0730 gmt. Mauritanian radio also announced that during Ramadan it would sign on at 1200 gmt and sign off at 0800 gmt the following morning. Source: Radio Mauritania, Nouakchott, in Arabic 2200 gmt 7 Dec 99 ((c) BBC Monitoring) From its extreme west African position, this can actually be heard as late as 0800 to the west and north on 60 metres (Hauser) ** MOLDOVA [non]. Besides the three English broadcasts of RMI in 99- 69, confirmed the fourth at 2130 on 7520 to Europe. Re-listening to tape of the announcement, it still sounds like 11680 at 1500 rather than 11580 at 1300 (Alan Roe, England, Dec 8-9) ** PORTUGAL [and non]. New sked of R Portugal to E Timor from Nov 26: 0900-1000 & 1100-1200 Port, 1000-1100 Tetum 17725 2100-2200 & 2300-2400 Port, 2200-2300 Tetum new 15175 (x17725), //11550 via TWN 1000-1100 & 2200-2300 Tetum (Observer, Bulgaria, Dec 1) ** RUSSIA. R. Gardarika leaves SW. Last minute sad information: R. Gardarika will not be able to broadcast on Dec 10-12 and 17-19 at 2130-2330 UTC on 5865 and 7180 kHz by financial considerations. I am very sorry that my previous reports about these transmissions are invalid in full... (Mikhail Timofeyev, St. Petersburg, Dec 10) ** U S A. Dear Mr. Glenn Hauser, A friend on mine said, "Marion, your name is in this magagize !". She gave me December's issue of Monitoring Times. Glenn, thank-you very much for mentioning my Shortwave Radio Show, "Marion's Attic". I am still on the air at 4:30 PM eastern time every tuesday. [2130 UT on 7415] I play antique recordings on original equipment up in my attic. I have a pleasurable time recording my shows because I can now share these treasures of long ago. I have an attic full of cylinder and disc records. My favorite brand of recordings are Edison Records. I feature music, comedy, orations and and stories from the late 1890's to late 20's. Glenn, if you wish to see my own Web Site, please go to my address: A young lady friend helped me with it, my thanks to her. There you can see a picture (an old one) of me. It makes an old lady very happy that she has radio fans. I've gotten some wonderful e-mail from around North America ! All of which has been kind words. One man from Massachusetts says he records my show and listens when he goes walking. Another has complemented me on the quality of the sound. Thanks to Mr. Allan Weiner for his reasonable rates and top notch facilty, WBCQ, The Planet. Also, I have found "Monitoring Times" very interesting reading. The radios in there look very different than my Philco Console in the living room. I understand you have a radio show also. I will try to tune in. I think it's not too late to spend the money for a digital Shortwave Radio ! It's wounderful to see a modern shortwave magazine with such interesting articles. Thank-you for your time. Keep up the good work ! Lovingly, (Marion Webster, Dec 10) ** U S A [non]. VOA News Now via Philippines missing from usual 9760, leaving quite a hole in the dial, before and after 1300 Dec 10. Still could be heard from other sites on 9645; before 1300 on 9780, after on 9355. Temporarily down for maintenance?? Back on at 1437 check (Glenn Hauser, OK) ** U S A. Thought you might like to know Glen that the 75th episode of Space Ghost Coast to Coast premieres Friday night, with Conan O Brian the sole guest. I can promise it is an excellent show. (Tom Roche, upsidedown editor for the show) That's UT Sat 0400, repeated UT Mon 0530 on the eastcoast feed of the Cartoon Network; on the westcoast feed, both 3 hours later (Hauser) ###