GLENN HAUSER'S SHORTWAVE/DX REPORT 99-70, Dec 8, 1999 {Items from this and all our reports may be reproduced and re- reproduced only providing full credit be maintained at all stages. This means adding the above heading if excerpting. BTW, many of these might also be attributed to WORLD OF RADIO 1015, produced subsequently} ** ARMENIA. Minutes after 99-69 was posted, we have the answer from Wolfgang Bueschel to Brian Alexander's TWR on 6240 under MONACO? Hi Glenn, read your item from Brian Alexander about TWR 6240. Here is the story, to give more vitality to Protestant TWR personnel in Central Asia CIS states in Moslem communities. 73 wb About tx site: TWR is using MW outlets in Kamo, Armenia, and they set up the satellite link there too, as they have done in Albania also. So it would be obvious to send out from same site via SW, and the Russian MCB firm is a reliable organization via Kamo, Armenia (and Orzu, Tajikistan too). Have always exact frequencies from there. Here is the table entry for Armenia, by both HFCC and Bernd Friedewald List: 6240 0015-0100 30 31 ERV 100 78 KAZ/ENG ARM TWR TWR [TWR originally insisted that the site be kept secret for security reasons, but it soon came out from sources above.] TRANS WORLD RADIO - CENTRAL ASIA, CA PROGRAM SCHEDULE WINTER SEASON 99 31 OCT 99 - 26 MAR 00 TIME DAY LANGUAGE MB FREQU PWR ZONE AZI ----------------------------------------------------------- 0015-0030 12345 KAZAK 49 6240 100 30/31 78 0015-0045 67 ENGLISH 49 6240 100 30/31 78 0030-0045 1234 KIRGIS 49 6240 100 30/31 78 0030-0045 5 TURKMEN 49 6240 100 30/31 78 0045-0100 1234567 KOREAN 49 6240 100 30/31 78 1 = Monday ... 7 = Sunday [excerpt from an extensive TWR Armenian relay schedule involving many other frequencies] Trans World Radio Launches "MemCare by Radio" Innovative Program to Minister to Christians in Central Asia. To help meet emotional and spiritual needs voiced by Christian workers living in Central Asia and by leaders of some of their organizations, international Christian broadcaster TWR launches a special broadcast beginning Fri, Nov 5. "MemCare by Radio" will debut at 1720 on both MW and SW from a strategic outlet in Central Asia which provides a strong signal throughout the intended target area. It is a 30-min English language magazine style program prepared especially for expatriate Christians scattered throughout the region. Initially, "MemCare by Radio" will air on Fri and Sat evenings at 1720 on MW 864 and simultaneously on the 41 mb SW 7375. These two programs will be rebroadcast on Sat and Sun mornings at 0015 on MW 864 and 49 mb 6240. The ultimate goal is for the program to be a daily radio broadcast. Attrition is a common problem facing agencies and organizations that position workers in areas such as Central Asia. "MemCare by Radio" was inspired by the needs of expatriates living and working in this region, where Christian meetings are often not allowed, and where loneliness, hostility, and sometimes even danger are companions of daily living. Some are there on assignment for their companies or organizations. Others are there as Christian workers. Where communications through any other means may expose the workers and jeopardize their lives and ministry, radio can effectively and compassionately serve to remind them that they are not alone nor forgotten. The core team responsible for gathering the information and producing the broadcasts are staff of TWR-Europe. "MemCare by Radio" is an innovative way to link up the leadership with workers without security problems or the hassle of crossing borders. I know there were many times when I felt lonely and depressed. If there had been a program like this, I definitely would have listened. I believe that through such a program lots of loneliness, depression, discouragement can be prevented. At the moment most member care is corrective. Radio would be preventive. On behalf of the workers in the field, I plead with you to pursue this radio broadcasting. (TWR USA News release, Oct 28 via BC-DX Nov 18) Checked 6240 at 0015 Dec 8 and could only detect a very weak carrier here; but it is 100 kW beamed the wrong way (Hauser, OK) ** BONAIRE [non]. TWR's Latin American operations HQ are being moved from here to Miami, to save on travel expenses, etc. With satellite feeds origination can be done from anywhere. (gist of TWR press release via John Norfolk) ** CROATIA [non]. DTK Juelich revised schedule Dec. 1 shows Croatian Radio Zagreb staying on 9925 to Ams; no mention of previous plan to move inside 40 meter hamband, all dated 311099 to 260300: 9925 0000 0159 11-16 202 230 3 1234567 HIC 9925 0200 0359 6-10 112 300 3 1234567 HIC 9925 0400 0559 2-10 105 325 3 1234567 HIC 11880 0600 0759 55,59,60 202 230 3 1234567 HIC 13820 0800 0959 58,59,60 208 270 3 1234567 HIC 11605 2100 2159 38,39,52,53,57 306 160 3 1234567 HIC HIC = Hrvratska Informativini Centar (via Wolfgang Bueschel, excerpted by Hauser) ** CUBA. RHC on 13660-USB to Europe until 2130 in English now seems clear of Swiss co-channel, Dec 7 until about 2127 with DXers Unlimited, then dead air until English closing at 2130, into French: I listened carefully to opening frequency announcement, and yes, years after we first exposed this, in French they are STILL claiming to broadcast on FM (frequence modulee) instead of AM! (Glenn Hauser, OK) ** HONDURAS. HRMI was active upon Dec 8 1232 check of 5890, poor but clear on AM, not USB, but maybe a few kW with standard evangelical rhetoric in Spanish, hymn; 1236 mentioning Misiones Internacionales. I am still waiting for signs of any progress in MI's grandiose worldwide SW network project. After all, if it were not for MI, who could ever hear the Word Of God on the radio? Whenever 5890 is in I am also reminded to check for Miskut/Nicaragua on 5770. At 1241, and continuing past 1300 the frequency was blocked by a huge noisy ute (Glenn Hauser, OK) ** IRAN [non]. [Re: R. International, 7520] Hi, >> I heard the former Soviet Union tune-up tones prior to 1730, but from the excellent strength I wonder if the site is closer to us. << Olle Alm, well-known specialist for CIS transmitters, pointed out, that in the beginning these tune-up pips was at 905 Hz. These 905 Hz tones are peculiar to -- Grigoriopol in Pridnestrovye, the separatist-controlled eastern part of Moldova. Furthermore 7520 is not new as Grigoriopol frequency, a couple of years ago Radio Pridnestrovye had a daily 30 minute afternoon broadcast in Russian on this channel. However, recently Olle found just 470 Hz tones from the master control facility at Moscow (contrary to the mentioned 905 Hz pips, which are generated at Grigoriopol), so probably they have changed to another site, which is cheaper than the big 1000 kW Grigoriopol transmitters. Regards, (Kai Ludwig, Germany, Dec 8) ** IRELAND [non]. Re: 99-69. Yes, RTE is still there, and nothing else on 6155 at 0130 Dec 8 via England (Glenn Hauser, OK) ** KOREA NORTH. Subject: North Korea Correction (Frequency) Well as you know the 17735 freq at 0100 (English) is a doosey to make any voices out over that nasty buzz....listening to the tapes again today and, I have a correction to the 1600 broadcast to Africa. It should be on frequencies of 6540, 9600, and 9975 khz. The 9975 freq I had listed as 9945 [Re: 99-65]. Regards, (David Zantow, Janesville, WI) ** PERU. RADIO AMISTAD. 2358-0050 Dec. 4 Vernacular music; at 0000 announced frequency as 4515, and would be transmitting without interruption starting today, with schedule on SW converting to 0900-1100, 2300-0400 UT. This is the station reported by Can~ote on new frequency ex 4575. 6249.8 presumed RADIO LA VOZ. 1019-1040 Dec. 6 Mx vernacular with Perlita del Chavin in the program Amanecer Andino. "seguimos con el huayno querido, huayno peruano..." no ID heard, male announcer in Spanish and Quechua, Advs. Servicio Agropecuario San Jose. 6522 ONDAS DEL RIO MARAN~ON. 2232-2350 Dec. 1. Tropical music, ``en Ondas del Rio Maran~on a traves de la onda corta internacional llegando a todo el mundo..." Reactivated after months off the air with the old name (ex-Radio Impacto) last heard in December 98. (Rafael Rodriguez R., Bogota, Dec 8) ** RUSSIA. Unfortunately, not any response from KNLS yet. There were their own programs via our transmitters in last October. I nevertheless think they are not interested in our relays at present... In addition to my previous report I can add that R. Gardarika will broadcast on Dec 10-12 (not 11-13!) and 17-19 at 2130-2330 UTC (instead of 2130-2300) on 5865 and 7180 kHz. (Mikhail Timofeyev, GPR-2, St Petersburg, Dec 7) ** SWEDEN. [Re: 99-69] You were a little more diplomatic than I'm going to be: This is disgraceful behavior. What is it, some sort of top secret occasion, maybe a state secret has been leaked! This is one of the many stations that have more listeners in the ionosphere or maybe even higher up! At least it was not only GH who was caught by surprise, because I heard no mentions of it any of the other media programs. This attitude is so typical of many stations; that's why you can have an anniversary or contest and nobody noticed! Well, except guests at the station's party who never have and never will listen to the station! I asked a staff member to contact GH about a special event the station (not Radio Sweden) was going to broadcast and was preannounced on the station several times, do you think GH was contacted? OK COURSE NOT! (Larry Nebron, swprograms) ** THAILAND. Back in Bangkok they are not monitoring what is going out from Udorn nor watching the clock. Otherwise R. Thailand would have been concluding transmission rather than still doing news when cut off 9810 at 1259:30 Dec 8. Putting the news at the end of their English broadcasts is also a daring departure (Glenn Hauser, OK) ** UNITED ARAB EMIRATES. UAE Radio, Dubai, appears to have diminished English times, especially news to only a few minutes. The 1330 broadcast on 13675 Wed Dec 8 ended the news already at 1334 for feature The Arabs in History until back into Arabic at 1347; also on //21605 (Glenn Hauser, OK) ** U K O G B A N I. Glen, the UNID on 3930 kHz will be Laser Hot Hits, a UK free radio station, playing mainly current pop chart music, but with occasional oldies and even offshore recordings. It has parallels on 6220 and 7460. As far as I know, all three frequencies are still on 24 hours 7 days. The address is PO Box 293, MERLIN, Ontario, Canada. [Re: 99-69 EUROPE] Regards, (Tom Read, Macclesfield, England, Dec 8) PS, when I first saw UKOGBANI in Monitoring Times, I assumed it was a newly independent African state!!!!!! THIS DAY'S TAJIK LESSON. Dear Mr. Hauser RE: your wondering in sw/dx report 99-68 I suspect that "Passport...2000" is the source. Therein Dushanbe is translated as "Monday", the ages-old day of the local market. It bugs me, too, when I cannot remember where I picked up tidbits of info. Keep up your good work! (Bill Little, St. Francis, WI) Actually it was Olle Alm, Sweden in BC-DX (Hauser) ###