GLENN HAUSER'S SHORTWAVE/DX REPORT 99-67, Dec 5, 1999 {Items from this and all our reports may be reproduced and re- reproduced only providing full credit be maintained at all stages} WORLD OF RADIO ON WRN1, RFPI: WOR 1014 is available ondemand from WRN as of 1200 UT Sun Dec 5. This was our first attempt at E-mailing it. We hope RFPI will have it in time for 2300 UT Sun. ** AUSTRIA [non]. A convenient time to catch ORF's Spanish DX program ``Mundo DX'' from the Asociacion DX Barcelona is Sat 1650 via RCI 17865. Dec 4 started with puff on TWR, and a few other items, all with continuous musical bed, making it oh, so much more exciting. I should do this with WOR!! (Glenn Hauser, OK) ** BOLIVIA. Dec 5 is municipal election day here for mayors. Many stations will extend their broadcast hours, some will link up into networks and others perhaps will reactivate SW. A good day for listening (Rogildo F. Aragao, Cochabamba, radio-escutas, translated from Portuguese by Hauser) ** CANADA. December 4, 1999. Thanks to a tip from Bill Westenhaver of Montreal earlier this morning, Info 690, 690 kHz has once again changed the tape loop running on the frequency. New call letters are now being given for the station: CINF presumably in reference to Inforadio. Nothing confirmed yet with Industry Canada and/or CRTC here in Canada to determine if these are legal call letters. (Sheldon Harvey Canadian Int. DX Club) ** EQUATORIAL GUINEA. R. Africa, 15184.88 (i.e. about 3 clicks on the ATS-909 detente below 15185.00), 2254 Sat Dec 4 in English laboriously spelling out Cupertino and several African addresses, offering QSL, a bit of music to 2259* (Glenn Hauser, OK) ** KOREA NORTH. Glenn, R. Pyongyang 0000 broadcast is for North America (15180, 11710, 13760); 0100 is to SE Asia/ Central and South America (17735, 11735, 15230). 0200 again to SE Asia/ Central and South America (15650, 11735, 15230). Scheds given on air seem to be OK. Yes, all in English. Regards, (Dave Zantow, WI, Dec 4) ** NEW ZEALAND. This page on my website promotes the acquiring of a new RNZI Transmitter. Please inform your listeners of this page if you can: (M Hackett (webmaster), Dec 5) Says it would pay for itself by renting out time, with dollar projections (Hauser) ** SOUTH AMERICA. Dear Friends: Radio Blandengue from some place in South America will be on the air this weekend performing his pirate activities on 14565 KHz LSB and 6950 KHz USB according to the following sked: ALL TIMES AND DATE ARE UTC Sunday Dec 5 on 14565 KHz LSB 2100 - 2200 Radio Waves International 2200 - 2230 Emisora Z del Dragon 2230 - 2300 Radio Blandengue Monday Dec 6 on 6950 Khz USB 0000 - 0030 Emisora Z del Dragon 0030 - 0100 Radio Blandengue 0100 - 0200 Radio Waves International (Blandengue) Note 14565, which might actually make it some distance (Hauser) ** SUDAN. I have heard Radio Omdurman several times on top of V. of Sudan, causing interferences (jamming) in addition to that music jammer we often hear (//6920). So, on >>good<< days you have three different stations on 8000 kcs at the same time. (Harald Kuhl, Germany) Re 99-66 Sudan National Radio Corporation has web site at: 73 de Pentti Lintujarvi, Helsinki, Finland (via hard-core-dx) ** U S A. WBCQ-2 tested for a couple of hours Dec 2 on 9340 with 8 kW. The few reports received indicated good reception (Allan Weiner Worldwide Dec 4 via Hauser) ** U S A. Space Support Net found Sat Dec 4 at 1635 on 13985-USB, numerous stations with AFA- calls, which I think are basically Air Force MARS. NCS AFA4BR had them QSY after net closing at 1640 to a higher frequency ``Wisdom 7'' to check propagation. This net back next Saturday at *1500 (Glenn Hauser, OK) ###