GLENN HAUSER'S SHORTWAVE/DX REPORT 99-57, Nov. 20, 1999 {Items from this and all our reports may be reproduced and re- reproduced only providing full credit be maintained at all stages} WORLD OF RADIO ON WWCR: The new frequency for Sat 1230, 15685, was audible even here thanks to flux exceeding 200. But Wolfgang, is V. of Tibet still there at the same time? Nov 20 WOR actually started at 1228:30 as if to get ahead of a frequency change, but there is none now afterwards. Our Thursday 2130 broadcast was chopped off early for frequency change announcement starting at 2158, a recurring problem at WWCR, which will go away again from Dec as the change to 9475 will be at 2100 (Hauser) ** ANGUILLA. One windbag blows off another. Oops, I said that before. Thanks to Hurricane Lenny, Dr Gene Scott not to be heard on 6090 Nov 20, tho I did not note the time. At 1530, 11775 was also missing DGS, just the commie Cuban turn-on-and-forget bubble jammer since Marti has also been using 11775 at 0000-0700 (Glenn Hauser, OK) ** COLOMBIA. The Army has set up a network of radio stations on MW, in areas of military activity, including this new one testing logged by Rafael Rodriguez. He appends a list of other Army stations authorized; not all of them are on the air yet. Note the odd callsign format, alphanumeric. Initially they will operate individually before forming a network. The police have their own network, all on FM. 1600.1 COLOMBIA MIA. 0050-0200 Nov. 13 Musica tropical sin parar. A las 0104 la identificación de esta forma: "..muy pronto llega la nueva emisora del Ejercito Nacional, Colombia Mia, emisora al servicio de la comunidad, sintonizanos en la banda AM 1600 Khz, esperala..." Luego el domingo 14 " ...ya llego tu emisora Colombia Mia la que te pone a gozar en los 1600 AM en tu dial..." este dia ya habian dos locutores que se identificaban como los soldados Gutierrez y Castro. Solicitaban comunicacion de los oyentes con la emisora a traves del tel. 8237287 Esta es una nueva emisora transmitiendo desde Carepa, Antioquia. Hace parte de una cadena de emisoras que esta instalando el Ejercito de Colombia, en zonas de alta presencia guerrillera y paramilitar, copiando el modelo establecido por la Policia Nacional que ya cuenta con mas de 30 emisoras repartidas por todo el territorio nacional aunque estas estan en F.M. Observando el ultimo listado del Ministerio de Comunicaciones le han autorizado al Ejercito mas de 10 estaciones, cabe aclarar que no todas estan en el aire, y que por ahora transmitiran localmente, para luego hacerlo en cadena. Las estaciones autorizadas son: 1120 HJQ92 EJERCITO DE COL. Yopal, Casanare 5kw 1150 HKX59 EJERCITO DE COL. Tibu, Norte de Santander 1kw 1270 HJQ99 EJERCITO DE COL. San Jose, Guaviare 5kw 1510 HKV41 EJERCITO DE COL. Barrancabermeja, Santander 1kw 1520 HKT21 EJERCITO DE COL. Tierralta, Cordoba 1 kw 1530 HKD65 EJERCITO DE COL. Caucasia, Antioquia 1kw 1540 HJC52 EJERCITO DE COL. Chaparral, Tolima 1 kw 1550 HKV38 EJERCITO DE COL. Pitalito, Huila 1 kw 1570 HJE96 EJERCITO DE COL. Palmira, Valle 1kw 1570 HKX53 ARC ARMADA DE COL. Puerto Leguizamo 2 kw 1600 HKD72 COLOMBIA MIA. Carepa, Antioquia 3 kw Estas emisoras tienen como fin principal acercar la institucion a los pobladores de estas regiones que estan en constante contacto con los diferentes actores del conflicto armado que sacude a mi pais. (Rafael Rodriguez R., Bogota, Nov. 19) ** COSTA RICA. RFPI was again inaudible in the 1800-2030 period Nov 19 on 15049 and was either off the air or the frequency was too low to propagate at mid-day. Rechecked at 2227, not only was it on, but 6975 was on and audible a sesquihour earlier than scheduled. If this keeps up, it will be added to the list for our Sunday 2300 WOR broadcast. Unfortunately there was no new Mailbag Fri/UT Sat (Glenn Hauser, OK) ** COSTA RICA [non]. If you hear Dr Gene Scott on 11870 do not necessarily conclude it is TIDGS unless off-frequency, at night when 5935 is also on. That super signal often causes receiver-produced 2nd harmonic here on our ATS-909, for example (Glenn Hauser, OK) ** INDIA / COSTA RICA. I was so wrapped up in the decimal point that I slipped to the left on the AIR/DGS clash in 99-56. I meant to say: 13749.9 for India, 13749.8 for CR (Hauser) ** INDONESIA. Voice of Indonesia with a fair to good signal in English at 2000 UT on 15149.830 khz. (just a tad drifty, by 2018 UT down to 15149.825 khz) Regards, (David Zantow, Janesville, WI, Nov 19) ** PANAMA. Cam, HP1AC, reports that he and others here will be using the special prefix 3F between Dec 1 and Jan 5, to commemorate the turnover of the Panama Canal to the Republic of Panama. Look for him as 3F1AC on 40 to 10 meters CW only and QSL via HP1AC (Ohio/Penn DX via Vernon Ikeda's Ham Radio Report, Nov CIDX Messenger) They should be using a Chinese prefix, per the far right fearmongers (Hauser) ** PHILIPPINES. Sat Nov 20 from 1200, BBC was clear on 12095 as FE conditions were subnormal, but by 1243 we still heard the FEBC clash (Glenn Hauser, OK) ** TURKEY. Another typo in 99-56 was the second CIRAF Zone for the non-existent Spanish broadcast. Zone 37, not 27. This spurred me to check for a key to the meaning of these zones which Tom Sundstrom had been promising. Thanks to Dan Ferguson, it is now there, but unfortunately with no map. 28 is Central and East Europe, not including Baltics; 37 is Spain, Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia (Glenn Hauser) ** U S A. The annual Ignobel Prize Awards, which are a laugh riot, especially for those with some scientific background, will be broadcast Friday, Nov 27 (as usual the day after TG), on NPR's Talk of the Nation / Science Friday. We heard a promo during the second hour this Friday, but can’t be sure which part it will appear in; original airing at 1906-2059 UT. As I recall this also appears on CBC's Quirks & Quarks, not necessarily the same week (Glenn Hauser, OK) ** U S A. >Will he confirm or deny that in the first two weeks of November, until we brought it to their attention, 17705 was GR and 17565 was DL? (gh) Dan Ferguson replies Nov. 19: Is, was, is no more, but some day shall be. 17565 started the B99 schedule from Greenville, beamed south. The transmitter that carried it is broken & will be out of service for a while. Thus, its disappearance. Now, to make those happy who think it should be at Delano, it will be, starting 11/21. Barring other changes, when the Greenville transmitter returns to service, then 17565 will return to Greenville. (via hard-core-dx) Is that clear? I suppose this implies that our method of comparing satellite delays to differentiate GR from DL is still valid (Hauser) ** U S A. Notes from Al Weiner Worldwide on WBCQ, UT Sat Nov 20 at 0100 on 7415: Already updating Al's info directly to us in 99-56 is a different day for Radio Detective, which starts Nov 30. It will be on Tuesdays instead of Fridays at 2230. That is because the previously given time has been reclaimed by Helen in Milwaukee for her Pagan Potpourri show. Al thought she had cancelled (and indeed we heard the Nov 19 show which was a repeat of her first show several weeks ago) so according to the usual policy re-sold the time on a first-come-first- serve basis. She should have a new show at her old time starting next week. If it comes back, The Album Zone will be Sat 2100-2200 UT. This Saturday, Radio 5-1-0 will run at 2230-2300. This Saturday a new Radio TimTron Worldwide will run at 2200-2300 [there seems to be a conflict here; maybe meant 5-1-0 at 2130? -gh], but from next Saturday that hour will be occupied by Planet Lavender and TimTron will shift to 2300, perhaps temporarily before changing again, and in turn what is left of Saturday Morning Confusion may be appearing in the first hour of Tom and Darrell Sunday 0500. Allan said that tests of WBCQ-2 on 31 meters may begin in a couple of weeks. Crystals will be ordered once this is authorized. Plans to operate the rhombic bi-directionally, toward Mexico City and Europe at the same time (Glenn Hauser) ** U S A. Greenville is standing by to substitute for the BBC/DW Antigua relay if needed and Hurricane Lenny hits Antigua (Kim Elliott, VOA Communications World Nov 20) And maybe Bonaire too, which last time took over BBC 5975, 6195 for a while (Hauser) ** U S A. This info came in at the last minute - there wasn't time to send out a message with the full QSL info, but here it is: --- A test is tentatively scheduled from WMIB-1660 Marco Island, Florida for Sunday, November 21, from 12 midnight to 4:00am EST (late Saturday night). [Sunday 0500-0900 UT] If on, the test will be running 10,000 watts and will feature 60's Top 40 and r&b. Reports may be sent to: Phil Beckman, Engineer WMIB-WODX 1112 North Collier Boulevard Marco Island, Florida 34145 (Lynn Hollerman, IRCA, etc., etc.) ** U S A. Radio Hall of Fame. Several posters to the NRC-AM newsgroup think it will be at 0200 UT Sunday, and from Chicago not only on WGN but also WLS 890 (Hauser) ** U S A. Hugh Down's Last 'Perspectives' This Weekend: When Hugh Downs retired from ABC TV in Oct., he continued to do Perspectives for November. But this week's show announced that this was his last (he has other ventures he's into). Next week's (Thanksgiving weekend) show will be another 'best of' Downs commentaries. This is the supposed ram for the on demand version (won't work on Web TV's RA 3.0 Player; this week's show may not be posted yet) I once found a link to Perspectives here --ABC Radio (couldn't today): [I know WMAL re-airs it at like 4AM Sun or Mon]. (Chet Copeland/Wash DC) ** DIGITAL RADIO MONDIALE TEST SCHEDULE. Planned to start Nov 15 for the 47th and 50th weeks of the year via the following sites: Der Zeitplan für die Einführung der digitalen Kurzwelle (Quelle: Radiohören und Scannen, Heft 11/99) Feldversuchbeginn ab dem 15.November Voraussichtliche Sendezeiten für die digitalen Tests in Richtung Mitteleuropa in Kalenderwoche 47 und 50 (zu hören sein werden für den "Analoghörer" natürlich nur Dinge wie "Rauschen und Pfeifen" - trotzdem vielleicht interessant, bei den ersten Sendungen zum Test dabei gewesen zu sein): Sender Zeit (UTC) Frequenz (kHz) DW relay Sines 0800-0825 21470 0830-0855 13635 1100-1125 21540 (nur am Wochenende) [weekends only] 1130-1155 15150 (nur am Wochenende) [weekends only] 1400-1425 11915 Merlin/BBC Rampisham 1000-1025 5875 1030-1055 5875 1200-1255 5875 Sveio, Norway 0900-0955 13695 1430-1455 7385 RCI Sackville 1600-1625 15325 1630-1655 13685 Infos über DRM : (THOMAS SCHNEIDER, 17. Nov via Hans-Joachim Koch) I checked website but did not find the info above on it; indeed, nothing recent (gh) ###