GLENN HAUSER'S SHORTWAVE/DX REPORT 99-54, Nov. 18, 1999 {Items from this and all our reports may be reproduced and re- reproduced only providing full credit be maintained at all stages} THIS WEEK ON WORLD OF RADIO 1012: See topic summary at ** BOLIVIA. R. Juan XXIII, San Ignacio de Velasco, Santa Cruz de la Sierra departamento, which has been on 4965 for 32 years, tells me it will move around the end of November to 6055, because most receivers tune the 6 MHz band upwards. Uses slogan "La Voz Catolica de la Chiquitania". Besides pastoral work, this station broadcasts, news, notices and literacy programs (Rogildo Fontenelle Aragao, Cochabamba, translated by Hauser, WORLD OF RADIO 1012) ** CHECHNYA [non]. Radiostantsiya Chechnya Svoboda (Radio Free Chechnya) is a new service from Russian government transmitters, not really clandestine. Among conflicting skeds we have seen: (Hauser) Here is RCS current schedule (per MIDXB 137) 03.00-05.00 594 1089 5925 5935 7335 05.00-06.00 594 1089 5925 5935 15515* 06.00-07.00 594 1089 11635* 15515 17665* 07.00-11.00 594 1089 11635 15515 17665 11.00-12.00 594 1089 11635 15605* 17665 12.00-13.00 594 1089 11635 15605 17665 13.00-14.00 594 1089 7445* 15605 17665 14.00-15.00 594 1089 7340* 7445 17665 15.00-16.00 594 1089 7340 7355* 7445 16.00-18.00 594 1089 7340 7355 7445 18.00-19.00 594 1089 7305* 7355 7445 19.00-21.00 594 1089 7305 7355 7445 [*meaning of asterisks not explained] (via Nikolai Pashkevich, Moscow, WORLD OF RADIO 1012) ** CHINA. I had a look at the reported CNR-1 txer on 15070 earlier today. This seems to be a jammer, but I do not know what they are jamming. Nothing was heard underneath. From before 0700 until 1100 the txer was modulated with a jamming signal consisting of FM modulated audio with a low freqy buzz added. From 1100-1300 the audio was clean but had a telephone line quality that is only heard on jammers. The same kind of jammer is heard on 17495 and 17525 0300-0700 [against US RFA outlets, ed.]. Considering the strong jamming signal, the stn they intend to jam must be strongly disliked by the Beijing authorities. (Olle Alm, Sweden, Nov 13, BC-DX, WORLD OF RADIO 1012) ** GREECE [non]. Glenn, I think you might be right. I am only basing this on past reception of VOG relays via Delano and Greenville. The Delano relay always produced stronger signal and better reception than the relay via Greenville here in the Chicago area. I am listening to VOG on 17705 and 17565 kHz almost daily between 1830 - 2200 UTC since October 31st, and I can say that 17565 kHz always has better signal. (Christos Rigas, IL) cf our Report 99-52. The 75 degree beam from Delano has to inadvertently cross the USA through the Four Corners and Wichita, exiting quite close to Greenville on the way to its prime targets, no doubt, of Bermuda and Cabo Verde (Hauser) ** KURDISTAN. V. of Iraqi Kurdistan, main studio in Salah al-Din, on 4085: daily 0350-0400 Kurdish, 0400-0500 Arabic, 0500-0600 Kurdish, 1615-1800 Kurdish, 1800-1900 Arabic with news at 1830; same frequency carries Harim Radio, V. of the Regional Government of Iraqi Kurdistan, daily at 1430-1530 in Kurdish ((c) BBC Monitoring Nov 10 via WORLD OF RADIO 1012) ** PAPUA NEW GUINEA. Glenn, 3235 Radio West New Britain has been heard regularly through this year --- My last logging was in early July of this year. This station was also recorded at Graylands in June by the Graylands DXPedition ( and I recorded it there on the evening I was there. My last QSL letter was for reception on 9 Feb 1999 (I haven't sent any since) Regards (Don Nelson, Beaverton, OR) Corrects item at end of WOR 1011, and in our Report 99-51. I WELCOME corrections like this, so we can get it right later, if not sooner! (Glenn) ** SA'UDI ARABIA and UAE do a good job of matching their frequencies to within a few Hz of 21605 at 1400 Nov 16, but time signals were some 5 seconds apart! If anyone were depending on these for navigation they would run into a reef or a mountain. I'm baffled why any station which cannot broadcast timesignals (pips of any number) accurate to within milliseconds bothers to do so at all, unless it is to pretend to scientific prestige (Glenn Hauser, OK) ** U S A. Never mind about the WWCR spur on 7461.8. Further checking with a portable radio inside the shack found the signal peaking near the back of our computer -- and it disappeared when we disconnected either line from the modem! Apologies to WWCR for concluding prematurely it was their problem. BTW, lest ye think our report of Romanian spurs may be the same -- certainly not; we first heard those from a remote location far from our modem, and such spurs have been noted by many others, such as Hans-Joachim Koch in Germany (Glenn Hauser, OK) ** U S A. HI GLEN: TX # 1 : 5.0 AND 9.0 MHZ RANGE TX # 2 : 6.0 AND 12 MHZ RANGE TX # 3 : 3.0, 7.4, AND 13 MHZ RANGE TX # 4 : 2.3 , 4.8, 5.9, AND 15.6 MHZ RANGE TX # 5 : PLANNING STAGE I HAVE TO FILL 7000 SQ FOOT BLDG! MORE ANTENNAS ! AT BIG TIME DEEP DEEP DEEP DEEP DISCOUNT AIRTIME RATES!!!! TRI - / QUAD CASTING TO BOOT!! NO EMPLOYEES TO FEED! LOW OVERHEAD!! = SAVINGS PASSED ON TO CUSTOMERS!! SEE YA! PS HOW DO YOU LIKE THE FREQ RANGES?? ANY COMMENTS?? (Dave Frantz, WGTG, Nov 16) ** VIETNAM. VOV's English at 1230 was coming in well Nov 16 on 9840, better than //12020, including report on floods in central Vietnam, 1245 press review, 1250 on rights of the child in Vietnam; only significant music was fill at 1253-1257* sounding like a saw. Reception was quite choppy, complementing the Vietnamese accent which was heavier from the woman announcer than the man, making her the harder to understand (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 1012) [Note: I mentioned this item on WOR, but not in such detail, as is often the case in comparing what I say with what I write here...] ** UNIDENTIFIED. Now BBC has co-channel interference on what ought to be its worldwide exclusive frequency, 12095! Nov 17 at 1205 found native flute music and talk in what sounded like Vietnamese or some nearby language; by 1215 BBC was losing out to it; 1220 into ballads and softer-sounding tongue, perhaps Thai/Lao. A few notes of "Jesus Loves Me" makes me suspect a religious station, tho nothing else was overtly evangelical; paused at 1229 and continued in Vietnamese or maybe Cambodian; off at 1259 leaving BBC in the clear again (Glenn Hauser, OK) ###