DX LISTENING DIGEST 1-160, October 27, 2001 edited by Glenn Hauser, wghauser@hotmail.com {Items from DXLD may be reproduced and re-reproduced only if full credit be maintained at all stages and we be provided exchange copies. DXLD may not be reposted in its entirety without permission. For restrixions and searchable 2001, 2000 contents archive see} http://www.angelfire.com/ok/worldofradio/Dxldmid.html [NOTE: If you are a regular reader of DXLD, and a source of DX news but have not been sending it directly to us, please consider yourself obligated to do so. Thanks, Glenn] WORLD OF RADIO #1102: NEXT BROADCASTS on WWCR: UT Sun 0230 on 5070, 0630 on 3215 and/or 0730 on 3210, UT Mon 0100 on 3215 NEXT BROADCASTS on RFPI: UT Sun 0000 on 15040, 21815-USB; 0600 on 15040; 1200 on 15040, 21815-USB (STREAM) http://www.worldofradio.com/wor1102.ram (DOWNLOAD) http://www.worldofradio.com/wor1102.rm (SUMMARY) http://www.angelfire.com/ok/worldofradio/wor1102.html WWCR: Contrary to the new WOR schedule distributed Oct 26, we found WOR already airing at 6:30 am CT Saturday Oct 27 on 15685, not 5070 (1130 this week, so 1230 from next week). B-01 BEGINS!! Over the past month, we have attempted to preview a great many new schedules for the B-01 season which is just beginning as this issue emits. Please let us have your monitoring observations about anything we have missed, or which has changed unexpectedly, or which involves an interference clash. Thanks, (Glenn) ** AFGHANISTAN. Media round-up 27 October 2001 Balkh radio still heard by BBC Monitoring Radio Voice of Shari'ah of Balkh Province - the Taleban-controlled provincial radio station based in the northern city of Mazar-e Sharif - signed on as scheduled at 0230 gmt on Saturday 27 October for its afternoon transmission; however, reception deteriorated and was inaudible by 0300 gmt. Balkh radio was again heard signing on as scheduled at 1230 gmt. Balkh radio broadcast the following items in Pashto/Dari from 0230- 0430 gmt on 27 October: - Religious programming including sermons, and recitations and interpretation of verse from the Koran - A patriotic song praising Afghan warriors. Kabul radio still unheard by BBC Monitoring The Taleban radio station, Radio Voice of Shari'ah from Kabul, has remained unheard by BBC Monitoring since Monday 8 October. Radio Voice of Shari'ah from Kabul, which is usually on the air from 0130- 0400 and 1230-1800 gmt, has not been heard on any of its three frequencies - 657 kHz and 1107 kHz mediumwave and 7085 kHz (variable) shortwave - since 1610 gmt on 8 October. US PsyOps broadcasts to Afghanistan continue Information Radio was again observed by BBC Monitoring broadcasting in Pashto and Dari on 8700 kHz from 0030 - 0530 gmt on 27 October. During a US Department of Defence press briefing on Friday 26 October, Rear Adm John D. Stufflebeem, Joint Staff, said the US on 25 October flew several Commando Solo broadcast missions. Stufflebeem said the US dropped leaflets across the northern region near the cities of Mazar-e Sharif (Balkh Province) and Sheberghan (Jowzjan Province); and near the southern Taleban stronghold of Kandahar. Al-Jazeera TV airs statement by Taleban leader Al-Jazeera satellite TV carried a taped statement by Taleban leader Mola Mohammad Omar calling for worldwide demonstrations against the US-led attacks on Afghanistan. The Qatar-based station at 1621 gmt on 26 October broadcast a three- minute recorded statement by Taleban leader Mola Mohammad Omar, read by Taleban spokesman Mola Ahmad Khan. According to the statement, which was addressed to "Muslims and non- Muslims", "the factors of terrorism are the following four countries: America, Russia, India, and Israel". In his statement Mola Omar called on his supporters throughout the world to stage demonstrations during "the next 72 hours" to express their support for the movement and to condemn the US raids on Afghanistan. The statement said: "...If Muslims in the world share my viewpoint, then they should stage demonstrations in squares within the next 72 hours... Non-Muslims who share my viewpoint must show this within 72 hours in front of the entire world. If the Muslims agree with this viewpoint and if there is an iota of faith in their hearts, then they must go out and express their position. God is the source of success." Taleban to try French reporter for spying "in a few days time" - agency The Taleban said on 27 October arrested French journalist for Paris Match magazine, Michel Peyrard, will tried for espionage "in a few days time". A Taleban spokesman told the Afghan Islamic Press news agency in Jalalabad that investigations were complete and that Peyrard was due to appear in court on charges of espionage. "He has been charged with several offences. The most important is the charge of espionage, but the final decision will be made by the court," the spokesman said. He added that it had not yet been decided if Peyrard, who was arrested on 9 October, would stand trial in Kabul or Jalalabad. The spokesman said investigations were still continuing into the case of the Japanese journalist Daigen Yanagida, arrested earlier this week in Konar Province. He added that the journalist was in good health. Compiled by Foreign Media Unit, BBC Monitoring Telephone +44 118 948 6261 e-mail: fmu@mon.bbc.co.uk Source: BBC Monitoring research, 27 Oct 01 (via DXLD) ** AFGHANISTAN? Hi all, if I could draw your attention to 4775.0 kHz. From 1556 to 1630z I listened to a very weak signal there. The noteworthy thing is that it`s a Voice of Sharia frequency. Now, I know that the USAF supposedly bombed them and put them out of operation. But I also read somewhere that they put up another TX at Mazaar-al-Sharif. True or not ??? I don`t know. Anyway, the signal was obviously jammed and only halfway discernible on LSB. Very weak with fading but a few usable peaks with language that "could" have been Dari or Pashtu and some Koran singing... 73 de (Thomas, DL1CQ, Roth, Oct 26, Germany, swl@qth.net via DXLD) They had not been using 4775 for long time before the recent difficulties (gh, DXLD) Don`t you believe... Marie Lamb on this week's DXing with Cumbre. Just listening on 9495 kHz at 2250 UTC. Marie gave the frequency of "Information Radio" TWICE as 8400 kHz. She then played a tape of the station, then reported it on the right frequency of 8700 USB. She also said that the station is referred to as "Radio Information" rather than "Information Radio". (Sheldon Harvey, QU, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Well, I keep mispunching it as 8070 for some reason, but hope I have never published or spoken it thus (gh, DXLD) [non] Frank Rich: "How to Lose a War" NYTimes Op-Ed Column http://www.nytimes.com/2001/10/27/opinion/27RICH.html?todaysheadlines October 27, 2001 JOURNAL (via Chet Copeland, DXLD) Sinking feeling... (gh, DXLD) ** ALASKA. Let me add a bit to the kind Doctor's report on Aurora Communications based on a visit I made to Alaska last summer. I met with Alex, the guy who seems to be in charge. KACI [for Aurora Communications International, which is the call he hopes to get] is constructing a station on Alaska's Kenai peninsula. Ironically, the site is only about 55 km north of Alaska's other station, KNLS. They have purchased the land and when I was there, a number of volunteers were working inside a metal industrial building where the transmitter is housed. The volunteers were living in their recreational vehicles. They had also dug a large pit to get gravel for the roads on their property. I think they have about 50 acres of land bordering on the Pacific Ocean. The plan for an antenna is to purchase KNLS's old log periodic antenna. I met with Alex, but he was quite secretive, he didn't want me taking any pictures, nor would he let me tour the inside of the building where the transmitter is. Alex said that it would be better to take pictures after everything was completed. I thought this odd as they were to have a ground breaking ceremony in a few days; surely they would let them takes pictures then. I learned that although KACI was constructing a station, they didn't have a construction permit from the FCC [Perhaps this has changed since I was there in late July.] I have also learned that there is no documentation for the transmitter. [How it all goes together, how it operates, etc.] It is worth noting that this transmitter was sitting in a potato barn in pieces for years, so Lord only knows what they have up there in Alaska. I'm told some of the old KGEI-guys were simply trying to put it together from memory and that all was not going well. Alex told me that he hoped to be on in 2002, but we can see that this has slipped already. Alex used to be with KGEI as a Russian announcer (Hans Johnson, WY, Oct 25, Cumbre DX via DXLD) 0.5-assed operation (gh) ** BELGIUM. Now I still have to tape the end of VRT from Waver. The current ROI Intermedia includes an interview with a RVi staff member (sorry, I did not manage to note who it was), stating that RVi abandons Waver because it is too expensive. So VRT leaves because it is expensive, RTBF stays because it is cheap. Huh? Later: The last RVi transmission from Waver was hardly audible here on 9925 but quite good on 5910 until Issoudun on 5915 signed on at 2058 and spoiled my record severely, I just managed to escape the splatter in time for the very last moments. The closing announcement lasted until about 20:59:30, carrier off at 21:00:05 Oct 27. R.I.P. (Kai Ludwig, Germany, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 9925, Radio Vlaanderan International, Final broadcasts via Wavre. Dutch broadcast October 27 presently on from 2000 + is fair to good with some fades, English broadcast at 1730-1800 was quite weak but could hear the music portions. As would be expected // 5910 kHz was not audible here in Ohio (Lee Silvi, Mentor OH, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CHINA. Are the Chinese joining the 21 MHz community now??, at least to jam Mandarin/Cantonese/Tibetan of RFA and other western broadcasters in the 13 meterband. Up to now, China used 90 to 16 mb only, never heard on 21 MHz. 73 de (wolfgang df5sx, DX LISTENING DIGEST): UNIDENTIFIED: Somebody (possibly 2 different somebodies) seems to be making daytime tests at the moment: 21500 noted on several occasions with very Chinese-sounding orchestral music, including 13 Oct around 0200 and most recently on 19 Oct, first noted 0900 and off around 0945. Transmissions last up to several hours between around 0200-1000, but no announcements heard. Quite strong but with disturbance at times from Saudi Arabia 21495 and 21505. 15250 noted 25 Oct around 0200-0245. At first the music sounded rather Russian, beginning with 'Moscow Nights' and then more light orchestral music ending with 'Auld Lang Syne', but from approx 0225 musical style changed to Chinese songs in Mandarin. Strong with co- channel VOA Dari etc. in the background. Again no IDs heard. 21450 0145-0205 on 26 Oct, strong with various test tones and long periods of open carrier. 21550 around 0200 on 27 Oct, Chinese orchestral music again. Very strong, but poor reception after Christian Voice via Darwin AUS came up on 21550 with similar strength around 0215. (I've noted many similar breaks with CV on 21550 in the past few days). Regards, (Alan Davies, Malaysia, Oct 26 via Büschel, DXLD) 21500 also subject to Cuban commie jamming, based on Martí`s minor usage there, but presumably not when you heard it (gh, DXLD) ** COSTA RICA. RFPI: Contrary to what we heard on Mailbag, 15040 (and 21815-USB) were on the air and audible even before 1200 UT Sat Oct 27. Hope they are Sunday when WOR is at 1200 (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CROATIA [non]. Croatian Radio. Starting October 28th 2001 you can listen Croatian Radio on these frequencies: EUROPA 6165 kHz 0500-2300 UT EUROPA 7365 kHz 0500-1000 UT EUROPA 9830 kHz 0600-1815 UT EUROPA 13830 kHz 1000-2200 UT SOUTH AMERICA 9925 kHz 0000-0200 UT NORTH AMERICA-EAST 9925 kHz 0200-0400 UT NORTH AMERICA-WEST 9925 kHz 0400-0600 UT NEW ZEALAND 9470 kHz 0600-0800 UT AUSTRALIA 13820 kHz 0800-1000 UT (Croatian Radio website, via Daniel Sampson, Prime Time Shortwave, http://www.triwest.net/~dsampson/shortwave/ 10/27, DX LISTENING DIGEST) But English lasts only a few minutes after hourtop, and elsewhen most hours (gh, DXLD) ** ECUADOR. The new B01 HCJB program schedule has just been posted, and here are the times for the 30 minute DX PARTYLINE: To Europe at 0700 and 2000, to the South Pacific at 0700 and 0900, to India Sat (Fri?) 2330; to North America at 0100 (east) and 0400 (west). HAM RADIO TODAY is not even mentioned in the program schedule. Has it been canceled, or will a shortened version be heard during the Wednesday STUDIO NINE (at the times above on weekdays)? (John Norfolk, OKCOK, DXLD) HCJB Ham Radio Today http://www.hcjb.org/english/sched.php?sked=eastnam#schedule Hello Glenn, new B-01 weekly schedule table shows only DXPL, but no entry for HRT. DXPL starts direct 'at the hour'. 73 (Wolfgang Büschel, Germany, Oct 27, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Since weekend news has been deleted. Nothing important happens on weekends, anyway, right? I see that the cancelled Ham Radio Today still has some ondemand audio, while the extant DXPL`s own site hasn`t been updated since April, and no ondemand (gh, DXLD) If you didn`t hear one of the ealier Asian, European or S Pacific airings of DX Partyline today Sat Oct 27, you`ve already missed the last 50-minute edition. Allen Graham said that already this week, it would be cut to half an hour starting at 0100 and 0400 UT Sunday Oct 28 to NAm (Joe Hanlon, PA, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** FINLAND. Radio Finland ENGLISH SERVICE ON SHORTWAVE - All Times UT 0730-0758 daily 9510 kHz Europe, Asia, Australia 21670 kHz Asia, Australia 1330-1359 daily 15400 kHz and 17660 kHz North America (Radio Finland website, via Daniel Sampson, 10/27, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** GUYANA. Striking GBC workers want Radio Roraima re-opened | Text of report by Caribbean Media Corporation (CMC) news agency Georgetown, Guyana, 26 October: Workers of Guyana's lone radio station on Friday [26 October] said they would end their now three- day old strike only if government re-opened one of the three channels it ordered closed earlier this week. Acting General Secretary of the Clerical and Commercial Workers Union (CCWU) Franklyn Wilson confirmed that the union would be pushing for such a clause in the terms of resumption, expected to be hammered out later Friday between the union, management and the chief labour officer. The board of directors of the Guyana Broadcasting Corporation (GBC) on Wednesday decided to suspend the operations of Radio Roraima [RR] because it was registering a loss since 1999. Meanwhile, the Presidential Secretariat, which has responsibility for the state-media, issued a veiled threat stating that actions outside the collective labour agreement between the Guyana Broadcasting Corporation (GBC) "may have implications that could be uncomfortable to some". The more than 40 workers walked off the job on Wednesday, prompting President Bharrat Jagdeo to ask the auditor-general to ascertain whether there was any truth in the workers' allegations of financial misdeeds. However, they refused to return to work unless management agreed to immediately resume negotiations for increased wages and improved conditions of service and work. The state-run Guyana Information Agency (GINA) has said that GBC recorded a 7m Guyana dollar loss for this with a "substantial portion of the loss attributable to Radio Roraima", Radio Roraima recorded revenues of 23.6m Guyana dollars (128,961 US dollars) in 1999, 19.9m Guyana dollars in 2000 and 12.1m Guyana dollars from January to September of this year. Overall, the GBC's total revenue for this year is 110m Guyana dollars of which Radio Roraima contribute 11 per cent while accounting for 30 per cent of the corporation's expenditure of 117m Guyana dollars. "Radio Roraima is a burden to the other two radio stations- Voice of Guyana and 98.1 Hot FM, in that they have to shoulder Radio Roraima's costs because its expenditure is higher than the revenue," the GINA statement added. Voice of Guyana is said to have this year so far earned 58.9m Guyana dollars and recorded an expenditure of 52.8m Guyana dollars while 98.1 Hot FM made 39.9m Guyana dollars and spent 29.3m Guyana dollars. Radio Roraima was projected to earn 16.2m Guyana dollars this year if its operations were allowed to continue. However, for RR to continue the transmitter will have to be replaced soon and this will cost the corporation 13m Guyana dollars. The state-run information agency quoted GBC's acting General Manager and Chief Engineer Ossie Goodman as saying that Radio Roraima's equipment are about 40 years old and require costly maintenance. Goodman is also quoted as saying that Radio Roraima was forced to close operations for three months during 1999 because of faulty equipment. (1 US dollar = 183 Guyana dollars) Source: Caribbean Media Corporation news agency, Bridgetown, in English 1827 gmt 26 Oct 01 (via BBCM via DXLD) ** INTERNATIONAL VACUUM. Here's some discussion of aurora from a somewhat different perspective than the usual: http://science.nasa.gov/headlines/y2001/ast26oct_1.htm?list458954 (Russ Edmunds, Blue Bell, PA, NRC-AM via DXLD) I.e., not completely explained reasons for auroras peaking in October and March (gh, DXLD) ** IRAN [non]. CLANDESTINE from IRAQ to IRAN. 5630v, Voice of the Mojahed, 1455 UT Oct 23, heard with commentary, into speech by a YL at 1500 UT. Frequency variates between 5630, 5650 and 5670 to avoid Iranian bubble jammer. 5670 happens to be an air traffic frequency. Good signal (Richard Lam, Singapore, Cumbre DX via DXLD) ** LIBYA. 15435, Voice of Africa, 2035, fair-good signal Oct 26 with news in English. At 2041 changed to French. Relatively clean signal here for Libya (Paul Ormandy, Host of The South Pacific DX Report, http://radiodx.com DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** LITHUANIA. Radio Vilnius announced today that there will be no schedule changes, namely the transmission to North America is to stay on 9875. (Kai Ludwig, Germany, Oct 27, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** NIGERIA. Glenn, 15120 at 2100 Oct 27, Voice of Nigeria, Lagos, Nigeria. English Programme with ID and sudden s/off at 2100 UT when WYFR signed on at the same time. Previously good signal on clear channel. Thanks to Mark Veldhuis while chatting on #IRC for this tip. Recording of this is available on the Online DX Logbook's HF Latest Page 73's Graham Powell, Webmaster for The Online DX Logbook and 21MHZ.COM. Full Details are available at http://www.shortwave.org.uk DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** NORWAY. 7215.05, UKE Senderen (presumed) 0620 Oct 19, rock/pop music. Very weak modulation. Signal strength 1-3 S-points. Really a disappointment considering there was enough carrier to produce some decent audio. Modulation varied from inaudible to audible independently of carrier strength. Been waiting to report this one, hoping that audio problems would be fixed before the 11th of Nov, but it doesn't look like it's going to happen (David Hodgson, TN, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** OKLAHOMA. We had a round of unpleasant correspondence with KOSU a few years ago over their policy of turning off the stereo pilot during Weekend Edition, which while primarily non-stereo in content, does include musical bits and some longer segments about music which are produced in stereo and ought to be broadcast that way. So we were surprised to enjoy `full` stereo during the first hour of WESAT Oct 27, but it was apparently a mistake (like, the remote control operator oversleeping) as the pilot went off at 1259 UT and stayed off, even tho there were musical segments during the second hour. Turning off the pilot does assist weak signal area listeners using receivers with non-defeatable stereo, such as my Sony boombox, where the stereo-pilot-hiss on KOSU is always evident -- but we feel stations have a greater responsibility to transmit content produced in stereo, in stereo! (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** OMAN. 15355, Radio Sultanate of Oman via Thamar'it heard 25 March 2001 at 0339-0404. SINPO=15211. Absolutely BEAUTIFUL and informative 4-color, 4-page QSL in English received in 207 days in response to my mail DX Report + two reminders (Geroge Glotzbach, NM, Cumbre DX Oct 27 via DXLD) ** PERU. 6381.45, R Unión (presumed), 1007 Oct 27, Noted here for the first time this morning. Very distorted. SS announcers, LA music. Unable to ID but 99% sure this is Union Radio. Strong ignal (David Hodgson, TN, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** RUSSIA. I have been checking Voice of Russia's Web-Site. But (up to 1200 or so UT) Saturday 27th October, no B-01 Frequencies seem to have appeared. I assume it will be Monday 29th October (unless that is a Public Holiday in Russia?? It is in parts of Europe) before we have a hope of seeing anything. Presume NOTHING has been issued, anywhere, as I am sure you would have 'grabbed' them by now. Probably best to assume similar to B-00 until we hear, this will mean 1 Hour LATER UT for most Transmissions than A-01. Best 73 (Ken Fletcher, UK, stormlamp@btinernet.com October 27th 2001, DX LISTENING DIGEST) I gather from Maryanne Kehoe, VOR publicist, that they are holding off until the last minute, and sometimes it takes them a month to get the new info posted (gh) ** RUSSIA. Glenn: Radio Tomsk uses 171 from Oyash. This site also contains three 1000 kW shortwave units, always listed as Novosibirsk, although there is another site at or near Novosibirsk with a lot of 100 kW transmitters. So when a "Novosibirsk" shortwave outlet has 500/1000 kW then it's from Oyash; when it has 100/200 kW then it's from the old Novosibirsk site (200 kW are a transmitter pair of course). (Kai Ludwig, Germany, Oct 27, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SPAIN. Radio Exterior de España, English Africa 2000-2059 UTC 9595 kHz (Monday-Friday) 2200-2259 UTC 9595 kHz (Sunday) America 0000-0159 UTC 6055 kHz 0500-0559 UTC 6055 kHz Europe 2000-2059 UTC 9680 kHz (Monday-Friday) 2200-2259 UTC 9680 kHz (Saturday-Sunday) (REE website via Daniel Sampson, 10/27, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SWITZERLAND. 9885, Swiss Radio International, English broadcast from 0230-0259, Oct 27, Final day of planned English broadcasts to North America with strong signal as usual. (Lee Silvi, Mentor, OH 44060 USA, DX LISTENING DIGEST) As is well-known, SRI today served Europe on shortwave for the last time. I listened to the last waltz in German, 1730-1800 on 6110 (Jülich): Business as usual until the broadcast was concluded with a very formal statement, referring listeners to the satellite outlets but omitting to mention that they will be shut down, too. Actually I did not expect any mention of the circumstance at all but nevertheless I consider this unfeeling statement as rather shabby (Kai Ludwig, Germany, Oct 27, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** TAIWAN [and non]. CBS-Radio Taipei International 0200-0300 *9680 North America, *5950 North America, 15320 Southeast Asia, *11740 Central America, 15345 Japan & Korea 0300-0400 *9680 North America, *5950 North America, 15320 Southeast Asia, 11875 Philippines 0700-0800 *5950 North America 1100-1200 11985 China 1100-1200 7445 Southeast Asia 1200-1300 9610 Australia & New Zealand, 7130 Japan & Korea 1400-1500 15265 Southeast Asia 1600-1700 11550 India & China 1700-1800 11550 India & China 1800-1900 3955 Europe 2200-2300 *15600 Europe, *11565 Europe (CBS-Radio Taipei International website, via Daniel Sampson, 10/27, DX LISTENING DIGEST) * = known WYFR relays (gh, DXLD) ** TURKEY. V. of Turkey`s DX Corner special tribute to Gigi Lytle was confirmed at 1245-1255 UT Sat on 17830 (and QRMed 17810), so will repeat on subsequent English broadcasts 15 minutes from beginning. Besides remarks from host Reshide Morale, also quoted were Bill Bergadano, Maryanne Kehoe, Tom Sundstrom, and the obituary in the Lubbock Avalanche-Journal V. of Turkey seems to have done the one thing we didn`t anticipate concerning the ENAm English broadcast containing the DX Corner tribute to Gigi Lytle: summer timing, winter frequency. Just before 2200 UT Sat we heard nothing on 11845, so checked the new frequency 9655, and there was VOT interval signal; reception quite poor here, but intonation after 2200 sounds like English. So it`s airing after 2200 on 9655 instead of 11845! By 2230 reception had improved slightly to the point that I could tell Reshide was talking about Gigi, so the show must have started later in the hour than it did on the 1230 broadcast, for reasons unknown. I stayed tuned and at 2300 the English broadcast started all over on 9655, now matching winter time and frequency -- and as Joe Hanlon points out, better even here on \\ 9830 announced as for Europe. One last chance should then be UT Sunday 0425++ on 6020, which propagates poorly (Glenn Hauser, Oct 27, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** UKRAINE. I head RUI return UT Wed Oct 24 0000 on 12040. Nice signal and modulation, minor hash (Bob Thomas, CT, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Glenn, Following info from Alexander Yegorov of RUI. I'm asking the questions and he is replying. When does the English RUI broadcasting day begin? The 1200 UT broadcast? The first output is at 2200. I must wait until Saturday to check the 1200 UT broadcast. If I check Sunday October 28, 2001 at 0100 UT will the new frequencies be in use? It will be an interesting situation: English at 0000 will be aired by Summer schedule, and at 0100 again English -- by Winter schedule. 73, (-.. . Kraig, KG4LAC, Krist, VA, Oct 27, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** UKRAINE. Unpaid energy bills stop media from broadcasting overseas | Text of report by Ukrainian news agency UNIAN Kharkiv, 27 October: Ukraine stopped broadcasting internationally to Western Europe, Asia and the Far East today. The director of the Khar`kiv Regional broadcast centre, Hryhoriy Rozhko, said that this had happened because the Taraniv energy supply centre in Zmiyivskyy District, Khar`kiv Region, which operates the broadcasting, was switched off. According to Rozhko, the centre was switched off following an instruction from the leaders of the Khar`kivenerhozbut [Khar`kiv energy sale] enterprise which was based on resolutions by the Ukrainian Cabinet of Ministers on unpaid energy bills. The total amount of money owed by the Khar`kiv Regional broadcast centre for energy is 3.3m hryvnyas, Rozhko said. He added that the enterprise does not have the money to repay the energy debt since national television and radio companies had failed to pay nearly 7m hryvnyas to the centre for broadcasting services which had been provided. Rozhko stressed that the problem should be tackled and warned that a lengthy idling of the centre means a potential loss of one of the most powerful broadcast facilities in Ukraine. Source: UNIAN news agency, Kiev, in Ukrainian 1006 gmt 27 Oct 01 (via BBCM via DXLD) ** U K. Have a look at http://www.bbc.co.uk/fivelive for an atomic clock application, to keep your Computer Clock in order!!!!! Its modest in size (350/400K) its Free (we are actually encouraged to spread the word about it) and IT WORKS!! Nice One BBC (Ken Fletcher, UK, Oct 27, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U K. DX Information from the British DX Club (BDXC-UK). From Waveguide: London's Premier Christian Radio has been given a warning by the Radio Authority for a number of breaches of programme rules. The authority upheld, or partially upheld, a number of complaints about the broadcaster in its latest quarterly bulletin and warned of "substantial sanctions" if more occur. Listeners complained about one instance where the Koran and the holy books of Hindus and Buddhists were described as "full of superstition and absurdities". On another occasion, a speaker on the station claimed it was a "crazy idea" that homosexuals could be good Christians. Premier Christian Radio said that "rigorous measures" have been introduced to ensure no further breaches of the Radio Authority code occur. The authority failed to uphold a complaint from a listener about Virgin Radio's "tosser of the week" competition, and the use of the words, "bloody" and "slapper" during an on-air telephone conversation. The Radio Authority ruled the word "tosser" referred to tossing a coin and the use of "bloody" and "slapper" were not too severe. (via Mike Terry, BDXC-UK via DXLD) ** U S A. WAVELENGTHS: PUBLIC RADIO, PRIVATE PRESSURES Dan Kennedy, 10/26 Boston Phoenix While listeners rely on public radio stations as virtually the last bastion of serious news and talk, their dependence on corporate underwriting raises some very troubling issues.... Read (via www.Alternet.org/ ) http://www.alternet.org/story.html?StoryID=11807 (via Chet Copeland/nyc, Oct 27, DXLD) ** U S A. WWCR has finally posted new transmitter schedules, including: B01 Winter Schedule Transmitter #1 - 100 KW - 46 Degrees FREQ TIME (CDT)[sic] TIME (UTC) DATES 9.475 4:00AM-5:00AM 1000-1100 28 Oct 01-30 Nov 01 15.685 5:00AM-4:00PM 1100-2200 28 Oct 01-30 Nov 01 9.475 4:00PM-6:00PM 2200-0000 28 Oct 01-30 Nov 01 3.215 6:00PM-1:00AM 0000-0700 28 Oct 01-30 Nov 01 *3.210 1:00AM-4:00AM 0700-1000 28 Oct 01-30 Nov 01 9.475 4:00AM-5:00AM 1000-1100 01 Dec 01-28 Feb 02 15.685 5:00AM-3:00PM 1100-2100 01 Dec 01-28 Feb 02 9.475 3:00PM-5:00PM 2100-2300 01 Dec 01-28 Feb 02 3.215 5:00PM-1:00AM 2300-0700 01 Dec 01-28 Feb 02 *3.210 1:00AM-4:00AM 0700-1000 01 Dec 01-28 Feb 02 9.475 4:00AM-5:00AM 1000-1100 01 Mar 02-31 Mar 02 15.685 5:00AM-4:00PM 1100-2200 01 Mar 02-31 Mar 02 9.475 4:00PM-6:00PM 2200-0000 01 Mar 02-31 Mar 02 3.215 6:00PM-1:00AM 0000-0700 01 Mar 02-31 Mar 02 *3.210 1:00AM-4:00AM 0700-1000 01 Mar 02-31 Mar 02 Transmitter #3 - 100 KW - 40 Degrees FREQ TIME (CDT)[sic] TIME (UTC) DATES 12.160 8:00AM-5:00PM 1400-2300 28 Oct 01-30 Nov 01 5.070 5:00PM-8:00AM 2300-1400 28 Oct 01-30 Nov 01 12.160 8:00AM-4:00PM 1400-2200 01 Dec 01-28 Feb 02 5.070 4:00PM-8:00AM 2200-1400 01 Dec 01-28 Feb 02 12.160 8:00AM-5:00PM 1400-2300 01 Mar 02-31 Mar 02 5.070 5:00PM-8:00AM 2300-1400 01 Mar 02-31 Mar 02 Times labeled CDT are really CST above. Note that the switchover time from 3215 to 3210 is now 0700, so WOR Sun 0730v is on 3210, but Mon 0600 on 3215. The UT Sunday broadcast, summer timing 0630v, occurs just before the nominal 0700 switch to CST, but WWCR may not actually switch until a bit later, and it may or may not air again at 0730v this week only (Glenn Hauser, DXLD) ** U S A. Subject: A Different Kind Of Oldies Show Update - 10/27/01 Program News for the week of 10/27/2001: This week's show: Jalacy Hawkins was an enigma, a contradiction to even himself. Proud for the performances he did and the way he did them, but very unhappy in that he had been typecast into his act. For Halloween, it's a rerun of the Screamin' Jay Hawkins Memorial show that we originally aired back in early March, 2000. It includes some of his best records and an indebt [sic] interview we did with him in 1982. The rerun is tonight, 10/27 at the usual time, 8PM Eastern, a/k/a 0000 UTC/Sunday, on WBCQ/7415kHz. Listen to it in MP3 Streaming Audio from live365.com by opening up url http://www.live365.com/stations/15660 in your browser. With a 56k or better connection you can listen in stereo by opening http://www.live365.com/stations/63570 instead. We've started a new almost all Doo-Wop netcast on Sundays at 3PM Eastern, (2000 UTC). By way of Real Audio you can hear our "Vault Of Vintage Vinyl" show on Doo Wop Café Radio. These shows are live and, as of right now, we don't plan to rebroadcast them anyplace else or even record them for posterity, so you gotta tune in to listen. Link to http://www.doowopcaferadio.com and your real audio player will start automatically. A scheduled outage is planed for this weekend at the main club site, but try to check the Doo Wop Café website out for more information and other shows from Doo Wop Café Radio. The site should not be down for more than a day. It's http://www.doowop.net/index.php. The club also has a presence on Yahoo! It is used for our members only chat room which is how you become interactive with the D.J. See the club's main page above for information on how to join the Yahoo! club and chat room. Live365.com changed the port addresses around this past weekend with no notice. We just fixed our Streaming Audio page to reflect the change, you can once again hear our shows over the web in the "quick" way from our web site. If you had bookmarked our old IP addresses in your player, you will have to bookmark them again after starting from our Streaming Audio page. October 27, 2001 - Encore: Tribute To Screamin' Jay Hawkins 1 (She Put The) Wamee (On Me) 2 Person To Person 3 Orange Colored Sky 4 Little Demon 5 I Put A Spell On You 6 Feast Of The Mau Mau 7 Frenzy 8 Do You Really Love Me? 9 I Love Paris 10 You Made Me Love You 11 Deep Purple 12 If You Are But A Dream 13 Alligator Wine 14 Yellow Coat 15 I Hear Voices 16 Constipation Blues (Big Steve Cole, Oct 27, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. I noticed that the VOA schedule in DXLD 1-159 didn't have frequencies listed for the 0030-0100 period for the Far East Asia/South Asia and Oceania service. I monitored COMMUNICATIONS WORLD at 0533 October 27 when Kim was giving the new frequencies for that program, and the frequencies he mentioned for that time to that area were the same as the 0100-0300 block, so that time span should read 0030-0300 (John Norfolk, OKCOK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. Hi, here is a list of some VOA broadcasts to the Middle East effective Sunday Oct 28, 2001: SERVICES TO AFGHANISTAN: 0130-0200 PASHTO / 0200-0230 DARI on 6170, 9705, 9750 1030-1045 PASHTO / 1045-1100 DARI on 13660, 15215, 17665 1200-1215 PASHTO / 1215-1230 DARI on 13605, 15705 (BOTH NEW, not listed in IBB schedule downloaded on Oct 25, IBB schedule today not available, maybe uploading) 1430-1530 PASHTO on 11770, 11990, 15705 1530-1630 DARI on 7260, 11770, 15705 1830-1900 PASHTO on 7270, 9505, 11865 1900-1930 DARI on 7260, 9575, 11865 The broadcasts in Pashto at 1200 and Dari at 1215 are not listed in the IBB schedule downloaded Oct 25. FARSI: 0300-0400 on 1548, 7200, 9435, 15705, 17855 0400-0430 on 7200, 9435, 15705, 17855 1130-1200 on 15165, 15235, 17895 1230-1300 on 13605, 15705 1430-1500 on 11690, 13735, 15265 1700-1800 on 1548, 6160, 9680, 11835 1800-1900 on 972, 1548, 6160, 9680, 11835 ARABIC 0400-0600 on 1260, 1548, 5965, 7115, 9665, 11670, 11865, 15160 0500-0530 also on 15705, 17855 0730-0830 on 6045, 7170, 9565, 9615, 11805, 15165, 15235, 15440, 17875 1100-1130 on 15165, 15235, 17895 1400-1430 on 11690, 13735, 15265 1500-1530 on 1548, 11950, 13735, 15120, 15265 1600-1630 on 1548, 11950, 13735, 15120 1700-1800 on 1260, 7105, 11855, 12035 1800-1900 on 1260, 7180, 7205, 9530, 9770, 11825, 11905, 11960 1900-2000 on 1260, 1548, 6040, 7195, 7205, 9530, 9615, 11825, 11905, 17740 2000-2100 on 1260, 1548, 6040, 6160, 7195, 7305, 9530, 9650, 11825, 11905, 17745 Best wishes from Wuppertal, vy 55 + 73, (Manfred Reiff, Germany, Oct 27, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. Hello Glenn: United Patriot Militia Bingo, the station that Tim Hendel mentioned was on several times last week. They were on mostly on 6925 AM in the 0030-0200 UT range (which is possibly why KIPM was on 6925 and 6928 last night). In addition to the yahwehradio6925@yahoo.com e-mail, they also using one of the "established" pirate maildrops (Box 293, Merlin, Ontario, Canada, N0P 1W0). Today's Louisville paper had another article on Stephen Anderson too... (Niel Wolfish, Toronto, Ontario, co-editor of Free Radio Weekly, Oct 27, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A [clandestine] [see also for illustrations -gh] viz.: http://www.courier-journal.com/localnews/2001/10/27/ke102701s94178.htm Neighbors wary of fugitive extremist Hate-Filled Heart By Joseph Gerth, The Courier-Journal ELROD, Ky. -- When Steve Anderson bought a farm in Pulaski County eight years ago, he came dressed in what seller Marvin Cromer took to be Amish garb -- black clothes, black hat -- and wearing a long beard. But Anderson, now a fugitive who fled into the mountains of Eastern Kentucky earlier this month, soon switched to camouflage coveralls and Ku Klux Klan robes. He held latenight target practice that kept neighbors awake. He even played host to a small Klan rally about three years ago in which a cross was burned. Anderson, 54, also operated a home-based shortwave radio station, where his commentary against blacks, Jews, immigrants and most things connected to the U.S. government drew the attention of the Federal Communications Commission, which rescinded his radio license in May, and the Anti-Defamation League, which complained to the FCC about Anderson's broadcasts. Anderson continued to broadcast despite the FCC action. ''If I had it to do over again,'' Cromer said, shaking his head about the farm sale, ''I wouldn't.'' Anderson has had minor brushes with the law since moving to Pulaski County in 1993. But on Oct. 14, he allegedly opened fire on a Bell County sheriff's deputy's cruiser and then fled. Just five days earlier, Anderson told the story of ''Joe Patriot'' to his radio listeners. Patriot, he said, had been pulled over by a deputy for having a dusty license plate on his truck, and was asked to show his driver's license -- or ''national ID,'' as Anderson calls them. Patriot brandished his assault rifle and opened fire, telling the deputy that the gun is the only ''national ID'' he needs. The story was eerily similar to what police say actually happened. Anderson was pulled over north of Middlesboro because of a broken tail light. Deputy Scott Elder was about to send Anderson on his way with a warning when he noticed a couple of gun clips lying on the seat, according to the Bell County sheriff's office. When Elder asked about the clips, Anderson allegedly pulled up a rifle hidden beside him and began firing, striking Elder's cruiser about 25 times. Elder, who took cover behind the cruiser, was unhurt; his girlfriend, who was in the cruiser, suffered minor cuts from glass. Anderson drove into the nearby mountains, where authorities said his truck was found the next morning with a pipe bomb and ammunition inside. 'A matter of time' The shooting didn't surprise Pulaski County Sheriff Sam Catron, who said he and his deputies have had minor run-ins with Anderson over the years. But he was arrested only once. ''He just didn't go across that line where we could take any legal action,'' Catron said. ''Our hands were tied because we didn't have a violation, but we knew it was only a matter of time.'' Anderson first arrived in Pulaski County about a dozen years ago from the Cincinnati area, where he had been involved in Klan activities and a motorcycle club, Catron said. He first showed up in public records on May 29, 1993, when he bought the farm in the rural Elrod area between Somerset and Mount Vernon for $12,000. Neighbors said they thought Anderson originally came from Florida, where his mother had been a teacher. They said he worked some as an electrician. The one time he was charged with a crime involved a 1993 incident when he disarmed two hunters and destroyed their shotguns. Anderson - - who stands 6-foot-2 and weighs 230 pounds -- became angry that the two men were shooting crows on property near his farm. He took their shotguns and bent the barrels. Anderson was armed at the time but didn't fire a shot. Catron and about four deputies arrested Anderson, who was indicted on a charge of first-degree wanton endangerment and chose to represent himself. In pleadings filed by Anderson in Pulaski Circuit Court, he made a constitutional argument for a 12-person jury, the number of jurors that would have heard his case anyway. In another, he sought to suppress evidence obtained by wiretapping or electronic surveillance, something that was not used in the investigation. Anderson also demanded at one point that Judge Daniel Venters ''support and defend the Constitution of the United States and the Kentucky Constitution.'' Failure to honor the demand would ''be accepted as prima facie evidence that his honor is in violation of his oath of office and represents a conspiracy to overthrow the U.S. Constitution,'' the filing said. When he posted bond, Anderson filed an affidavit saying he was a pauper -- and that because of his religious beliefs ''and for the principles of my own character'' he was ''unable to possess any lawful money of the United States under the Constitution of America.'' Ultimately, Anderson pleaded guilty to second-degree wanton endangerment, a misdemeanor. He served one year on probation and paid to repair the shotguns. United Patriot Radio Outside Anderson's small house with white vinyl siding are two large satellite dishes and a radio tower, presumably for the shortwave broadcasts of his United Patriot Radio. He also maintained a Web site. Anderson's farm is ringed with a fence looped with razorsharp wire. The farm gate is secured with a padlock, as is the mailbox, and the property is posted with ''No trespassing'' signs that warn ''all persons, officers and governmental agencies, including but not limited to: federal officers of the IRS, HEW, HUD, Environmental Health and Social Service workers and other unconstitutional agencies'' to go away. Anderson has boasted over the years that the home was booby-trapped, according to neighbors and Catron. But Catron said there were no such surprises when federal and state agents entered the home on a search warrant after the shooting. Officials removed weapons and other items but have not said exactly what they took. According to the Anti-Defamation League, Anderson is involved in the Christian Identity Movement, a loosely-defined group that claims Jews are the offspring of the devil. Marilyn Mayo, the associate director of national fact-finding for the league, said her group began tracking Anderson after he was a guest on other radio broadcasts several years ago. ''He has basically advocated confronting law enforcement,'' she said. ''He's actually told other callers and listeners if they are confronted by officers they should resist and go for their weapon, as he did himself.'' Mark Pitcavage, the league's director of fact-finding, said Anderson ''has the potential for being very dangerous. . . . He is very highly armed and has a history of making very violent threats, and now he is under more stress.'' Until April, Anderson was involved in the Kentucky State Militia, a paramilitary group that helped arrange an April meeting in Grayson County that included combat training. The group said it booted Anderson out because he refused to shut down his radio operation. But Anderson still has friends in the militia. James Latham of Radio for Peace International, which has monitored Anderson's broadcasts, said the militia's former leader, Charlie Puckett, was on Anderson's radio show months after Puckett threw Anderson out of the group. Latham, who is based in Costa Rica, said he has monitored Anderson's five-nights-a-week broadcasts since December. Each night, he would broadcast for four to six hours. Some segments would feature programs produced elsewhere and others would have Anderson, either alone or with a guest, talking. ''He would often make threats against the government,'' said Latham. According to Anderson's Web site, he had his own radio station because the ''Jew World Order owns and controls all the media, except for a few Patriot stations.'' Anderson, who was forced by the FCC to give up his broadcast license after his signal began interfering with others, said licensed stations ''place themselves under the rule of the destroyers of freedom.'' On his Web site, he calls himself ''a well-trained, heavily armed, right-wing extremist with an attitude!'' 'Eric Rudolph II' Earlier this year, after Anderson was expelled from the militia, the Commonwealth-Journal, a daily newspaper in Somerset, began a series of articles about hate that mentioned Anderson. In August, Anderson accused the newspaper of trying to have his farm raided, and he singled out articles by news editor Carol Coffey. ''The local newspaper is continuing to comment to try to get me raided,'' he said, according to a transcript of his remarks provided to Coffey by the Anti-Defamation League. ''Coffey, she's a Jew and she doesn't like the (Christian) Identity shows.'' He went on to threaten Coffey with retaliation if he was raided. The newspaper reported the statements to Catron and turned over information it collected on Anderson to state police. Coffey, who is not Jewish, said she wasn't scared of Anderson but that the longer he remains on the loose, the more uncomfortable she feels. Mayo, of the Anti-Defamation League, said Anderson may be difficult to capture because of a network of supporters willing to harbor him, and because he has survivalist training. ''Some of his supporters call him 'Eric Rudolph II,' '' she said. Rudolph is suspected in the 1996 Centennial Olympic Park bombing in Atlanta and a fatal abortion-clinic bombing. He has not been seen since fleeing into the North Carolina mountains in early 1998. Police say they don't know where Anderson is, but they think he has left the Bell County area, possibly with help. ''Us, the state police, ATF, FBI, everybody -- we had dogs. We went over every inch of that ground and didn't find anything,'' said Bell County Sheriff's Deputy John Hoskins. ''Right now, we're just checking out every tip we get and hope we find him.'' Don Halcomb, who lives a stone's throw from Anderson's house, said he thinks Anderson may be back in the area. Last week, someone stole three game birds from his Brush Creek Farm, where he raises everything from emu to deer. ''I don't know who else would do it,'' he said. Halcomb had little interaction with Anderson, and said he's surprised they never had a runin since Halcomb follows the teachings of Judaism from a Christian perspective and often flies the Israeli flag at his home. ''If he does come around, I promise you, I can match him tit for tat,'' he said. (Louisville Courier-Journal Oct 27 via DXLD) ** U S A [non]. Adventist World Radio 28 October 2001 to 30 March 2002 Language Time (UT) Freq M Site AFRICA Zone A Arabic 0600-0700 11905 25 Jnlich, Germany Arabic 0700-0800 7260 41 Forlì, Italy Arabic 1330-1430 11805 25 Forlì, Italy Arabic 1900-2000 11845 25 Jnlich, Germany Dyula 0730-0800 17820 16 Moosbrunn, Austria Dyula 2000-2030 13690 22 Moosbrunn, Austria English 0830-0930 17820 16 Moosbrunn, Austria English 2100-2200 9660 31 Moosbrunn, Austria French 0630-0700 7260 41 Forlì, Italy French 0700-0730 11905 25 Jnlich, Germany French 0800-0830 17820 16 Moosbrunn, Austria French 1300-1330 11805 25 Forlì, Italy French 2030-2100 13690 22 Moosbrunn, Austria French 2000-2030 11845 25 Jnlich, Germany ZONE Zone B Arabic 0600-0700 11915 25 Moosbrunn, Austria Arabic 0900-1000 17560 16 Forli, Italy Arabic 1900-2000 11870 25 Moosbrunn, Austria English 0500-0530 5960 49 Meyerton, South Africa English 0530-0630 15345 19 Meyerton, South Africa English 1800-1830 5960 49 Meyerton, South Africa English 2000-2100 15295 49 Meyerton, South Africa French 0430-0500 15225 19 Meyerton, South Africa French 0500-0530 15225 19 Meyerton, South Africa French 2000-2030 12105 25 Meyerton, South Africa 17695 16 " Fulfulde 1900-1930 17695 16 Meyerton, South Africa Hausa 0600-0630 15225 19 Meyerton, South Africa Hausa 1930-2000 15255 19 Meyerton, South Africa Igbo 0530-0600 15225 19 Meyerton, South Africa Igbo 1930-2000 17695 16 Meyerton, South Africa Yoruba 0500-0530 11970 25 Meyerton, South Africa Yoruba 2030-2100 12105 25 Meyerton, South Africa Zone C Afar 1700-1730 15485 19 Abu Dhabi, UAE Amharic 0300-0330 11975 25 Abu Dhabi, UAE Amharic 1700-1730 15465 19 Abu Dhabi, UAE Arabic 0500-0600 11915 25 Moosbrunn, Austria Arabic 1800-1900 11740 25 Moosbrunn, Austria English 0400-0300 9650 31 Meyerton, South Africa [sic, must mean 0300-0400] English 0500-0530 6015 49 Meyerton, South Africa English 0600-0630 15345 19 Meyerton, South Africa English 1800-1830 6100 49 Meyerton, South Africa English 1800-1900 11985 25 Meyerton, South Africa English 2030-2100 15295 19 Meyerton, South Africa English 2000-2030 15295 19 Meyerton, South Africa French 2000-2030 17695 16 Meyerton, South Africa Malagasy 0230-0330 3215 90 Talata, Madagascar Malagasy 1530-1630 3215 90 Talata, Madagascar Masaai 0430-0500 12080 25 Meyerton, South Africa Masaai 1730-1800 12130 25 Meyerton, South Africa Oromifa 1730-1800 15485 19 Abu Dhabi, UAE Somali 0330-0400 11955 25 Abu Dhabi, UAE Somali 1630-1700 15465 19 Abu Dhabi, UAE Swahili 0400-0430 12080 25 Meyerton, South Africa Swahili 1700-1730 12130 25 Meyerton, South Africa Tigrinya 0300-0330 11945 25 Abu Dhabi, UAE Tigrinya 1730-1800 15465 19 Abu Dhabi, UAE AMERICAS [Spanish text badly scrambled in download, was unable to salvage] EUROPE Zone A English 0830-0900 9660 31 Moosbrunn, Austria English 0830-0900 9765 31 Forlì, Italy English 1130-1200 12020 25 Forlì, Italy English 2030-2100 5955 49 Rimavska Sobota, Slovakia German 0800-0830 9765 31 Forlì, Italy German 1600-1630 7135 42 Moosbrunn, Austria German 1100-1130 12020 25 Forlì, Italy German 0800-0830 9660 31 Moosbrunn, Austria Zone B Bulgarian 0500-0600 9885 31 Jnlich, Germany Bulgarian 1800-1900 12015 25 Jnlich, Germany Italian 1000-1100 9740 31 Forlì, Italy Italian 1000-1100 15195 19 Jnlich, Germany Sat-Sun Italian 1200-1300 9885 31 Forlì, Italy Romanian 1700-1800 5840 49 Jnlich, Germany AWR can be heard on satellite in Europe: European Satellite Schedule Programmes in German can be heard at the following times on EuroMax: Satellite ASTRA and EUTELSAT: WRN/EuroMax 03:30 - 04: UTC = 04:30 - 0500 CET 10:00 - 10:30 UTC 12:00-12:30 CET 15:30 - 16:00 UTC 17:30-18:00 CET 21:00 - 21:30 UTC 23:00-23:30 CET The same program is available in the Internet: http://www.wrn.org/live.html. ASTRA 1B (19* east) Trsp. 27 analog, via subcarrier by "MTV deutsch" 11,612 GHz horizontal, subcarrier frequency: 7,38 MHz EUTELSAT Hot Bird 5 (13* east) digital 12,597 GHz vertikal, SR: 27.500, FEC: 3/4 DVB Audio "WRN/EuroMax" MIDDLE EAST ZONE A Arabic 1600-1700 9385 31 Agat, Guam Arabic 1700-1800 17735 16 Moosbrunn, Austria Zone B Arabic 0400-0500 9875 31 Moosbrunn, Austria Arabic 1800-1900 11740 25 Moosbrunn, Austria Dari 0230-0300 7135 42 Abu Dhabi, UAE English 1730-1800 9385 31 Agat, Guam 11560 25 " Farsi 0330-0400 9740 31 Moosbrunn, Austria Farsi 1630-1700 11905 25 Moosbrunn, Austria Tagalog 1700-1730 9385 31 Agat, Guam 11560 24 " CENTRAL ASIA English 0330-0400 11795 25 Abu Dhabi, UAE English 1300-1330 17630 16 Abu Dhabi, UAE Mandarin 1100-1300 17835 16 Abu Dhabi, UAE Russian 0300-0330 11795 25 Abu Dhabi, UAE Russian 1330-1400 17630 16 Abu Dhabi, UAE SOUTHERN ASIA Zone A Dari 0230-0300 7135 42 Abu Dhabi, UAE English 0030-0100 6055 49 Abu Dhabi, UAE English 0100-0130 6160 49 Moosbrunn, Austria English 1330-1400 15385 19 Abu Dhabi, UAE English 1730-1800 7455 41 Agat, Guam Farsi 1700-1730 7455 41 Agat, Guam Hindi 0000-0030 6055 49 Abu Dhabi, UAE Hindi 1530-1600 11625 25 Agat, Guam 17640 16 " Hindi 1530-1600 15215 19 Abu Dhabi, UAE Nepali 1500-1530 11625 25 Agat, Guam Nepali 1500-1530 17590 16 Abu Dhabi, UAE Punjabi 1500-1530 15215 19 Abu Dhabi, UAE Punjabi 1500-1530 17640 16 Agat, Guam Urdu 0130-0200 6160 41 Moosbrunn, Austria Urdu 1400-1500 15385 19 Abu Dhabi, UAE Urdu 1600-1630 11980 25 Agat, Guam Zone B Bangla 1300-1330 15385 19 Abu Dhabi, UAE Bangla 1330-1400 15660 19 Agat, Guam English 0030-0100 6025 49 Abu Dhabi, UAE English 1300-1330 15660 19 Agat, Guam English 1430-1500 15660 19 Agat, Guam English 1630-1700 11980 25 Agat, Guam English 1630-1700 9890 31 Abu Dhabi, UAE Hindi 0000-0030 6025 49 Abu Dhabi, UAE Hindi 1400-1430 17760 16 Abu Dhabi, UAE Hindi 1530-1600 11625 25 Agat, Guam Hindi 1530-1600 17640 16 Agat, Guam Kannada 1430-1500 17775 16 Abu Dhabi, UAE Kannada 1530-1600 17815 16 Agat, Guam Malayalam 1530-1600 11800 25 Agat, Guam Malayalam 1530-1600 17590 16 Abu Dhabi, UAE Marathi 1600-1630 9890 31 Abu Dhabi, UAE Sinhala 1400-1430 15660 19 Agat, Guam Sinhala 1430-1500 17590 16 Abu Dhabi, UAE Tamil 1330-1400 17775 16 Abu Dhabi, UAE Tamil 1500-1530 11800 25 Agat, Guam Telugu 1400-1430 17775 16 Abu Dhabi, UAE Telugu 1500-1530 17815 16 Agat, Guam Urdu 1600-1630 11980 25 Agat, Guam NORTHEAST ASIA Zone A English 1330-1400 11755 25 Agat, Guam English 1330-1400 11980 25 Agat, Guam English 2130-2200 11960 25 Agat, Guam 11980 25 " Japanese 1300-1330 11980 25 Agat, Guam 11755 25 " Japanese 2100-2130 11980 25 Agat, Guam 11960 25 Agat, Guam Korean 1200-1300 11825 25 Agat, Guam Korean 2000-2100 6185 41 Agat, Guam 9515 31 " Mandarin 1100-1200 11900 25 Agat, Guam Mandarin 2300-0000 11970 25 Agat, Guam Zone B English 1000-1100 11900 25 Agat, Guam Mandarin 0000-0200 11975 25 Agat, Guam 17635 16 " Mandarin 1000-1100 11870 25 Agat, Guam 15260 19 " Mandarin 1100-1500 15725 19 Agat, Guam Mandarin 2100-2200 11720 25 Agat, Guam 11970 25 " Mandarin 2200-0000 17880 16 Agat, Guam Zone C Mandarin 0000-0200 17880 16 Agat, Guam Mandarin 1100-1200 11870 25 Agat, Guam Mandarin 1400-1500 11870 25 Agat, Guam Mandarin 2200-2300 11970 25 Agat, Guam Mandarin 2300-0000 11975 25 Agat, Guam SOUTHEAST ASIA Zone A Bangla 1330-1400 15660 19 Agat, Guam Burmese 1400-1500 11625 25 Agat, Guam Chin 0000-0030 11770 25 Agat, Guam English 1300-1330 15660 19 Agat, Guam Karen 0030-0100 11770 25 Agat, Guam Zone B English 1000-1030 11705 25 Agat, Guam Indonesian 1100-1130 15260 19 Agat, Guam Indonesian 2200-2230 11775 25 Agat, Guam Javanese 1130-1200 15260 19 Agat, Guam Javanese 2230-2300 11775 25 Agat, Guam Tagalog 1030-1100 11705 25 Agat, Guam Vietnamese 1200-1300 11775 25 Agat, Guam Vietnamese 1200-1300 15225 19 Agat, Guam Vietnamese 1600-1700 15275 19 Agat, Guam Vietnamese 2200-0000 17835 16 Agat, Guam (awr.org via John Norfolk, OKCOK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** YUGOSLAVIA. R. ``Yugoslavia`` returned UT Wed Oct 24 0000 on 11870. Gave fall/winter sked: ENAm 0100-0130 exc Sun on 7115; Daily: WNAm 0200-0230 on 7130. Au 1330-1400 11835. Eu 1930-2000 and 2200- 2230 on 6100 (Bob Thomas, CT, Oct 23, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Radio Yugoslavia: Period: 1330 UTC 28 October 2001 to 1330 UTC 24 March 2002; English excerpt 0100-0130 (Except Sunday) N.AMERICA/ce 7115 0200-0230 N.AMERICA/w 7130 1330-1400 AUSTRALIA 11835 1930-2000 EUROPE/w 6100 2200-2230 EUROPE 6100 (Radio Yugoslavia website, via Daniel Sampson, 10/27, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###