DX LISTENING DIGEST 1-112, August 20, 2001 edited by Glenn Hauser, wghauser@hotmail.com {Items from DXLD may be reproduced and re-reproduced only if full credit be maintained at all stages and we be provided exchange copies. DXLD may not be reposted in its entirety without permission. For restrixions and searchable 2001, 2000 contents archive see} http://www.angelfire.com/ok/worldofradio/Dxldmid.html [NOTE: If you are a regular reader of DXLD, and a source of DX news but have not been sending it directly to us, please consider yourself obligated to do so. Thanks, Glenn] MUNDO RADIAL agosto-setiembre audio corriente disponible de 2130 del 19 de agosto: http://www.freespeech.org/hauser/sounds/mr0108.ram Texto un poco actualizado: http://www.angelfire.com/ok/worldofradio/mr0108.html ** ANTARCTICA. Dear Friends: According the news appear in the Argentine newspapers, the Base Esperanza and others in the Antarctica will be closed and LRA36 in the next month will be out of the air. 73's (Nicolás Éramo, Aug 18, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Estimados Amigos: De acuerdo a noticias aparecidas en diarios locales la Base Esperanza y otras que están en la Antártida serán cerradas. Con esta resolición LRA36 en los próximos meses estará definitivamente fuera del aire para siempre. 73's (Nicolás Éramo, Aug 18, radioescutas via DXLD) Get it will while you can. Am I correct in that the various sideband relays we hear from Argentina are also for the Antarctica? Will these go away as well? (Hans Johnson, Cumbre DX, Aug 18 via DXLD) I heard a news report that three of the six bases will be closed; so there would still be need for the feeders (gh, DXLD) ** ARMENIA. 15270, R Yerevan, 0810 Aug 18, fair signal though slight flutter, with full English transmission schedule, then feature on life in Armenia (Paul Ormandy, Oamaru, New Zealand, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Sunday only 19/8, Radio Armenia heard for its time yesterday [Sunday only], very weak signal, sinpo 22222, 15270, 0818 utc, English program (Paul Bailey, Hobart/Tasmania/Australia, Aug 20, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** BURMA. MRTV-3 begins regular broadcasting | Text of report in English from Myanmar Information Committee web site on 20 August Myanma Radio and Television (MRTV-3) English programmes will be regularly broadcast as of 19 August morning. The morning one-hour programmes of MRTV-3 [0230-0330 gmt] will continue to be broadcast for viewers at home after the regular programmes of MRTV-3 for viewers from abroad will be from 1300 to 1400 [0630-0730 gmt], from 1800 to 1900 [1130-1230 gmt] and from 0200 to 0400 (Myanmar standard Time) [1930-2130 gmt; an earlier report gave the time of third transmission as 1630-1730 gmt] totalling four hours on weekends. Source: Myanmar Information Committee web site, Rangoon, in English 20 Aug 01 (via BBCM via DXLD) ** CANADA. 'Just watch her. You'll be dazzled' The CBC's new chairwoman is smart, rich, gorgeous and successful. Is she just too good to be true? 'She's true,' a former colleague says. The Globe's ALEXANDRA GILL talks to Vancouver's 'uncrowned queen' about how the public broadcaster can survive a 500-channel universe: http://www.globeandmail.com/servlet/GIS.Servlets.HTMLTemplate?tf=tgam/common/FullStory.html&cf=tgam/common/FullStory.cfg&configFileLoc=tgam/config&vg=BigAdVariableGenerator&date=20010818&dateOffset=&hub=comment&title=Comment&cache_key=comment¤t_row=2&start_row=2&num_rows=1 (Toronto Globe & Mail via Ricky Leong, DXLD) ** CROATIA [non]. Germany: Voice of Croatia, English, excellent signal, heard sinpo 43333, yesterday (19/8) 0506 utc, on 9470 (Paul Bailey, Hobart/Tasmania/Australia, Aug 20, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CUBA. Havana FM radio station expands coverage Habana Radio, a station that broadcasts from the centre of Havana, can now be heard in the provinces of Havana and Ciudad de la Habana, in compliance with one of the agreements that came out of the last meeting of the board of the National Union of Cuban Writers and Artists (UNEAC), Cuban newspaper La Tribuna de la Habana reported on 16 August. The increased transmissions are possible following the installation of a new transmitter and antenna on top of the Lonja del Comercio building. Habana Radio was set up two and a half years ago. It is on the air from 1500 to 2100 [1900-0100 gmt] on 100.9 MHz FM with professional broadcasters reporting on issues such as history, the environment, arts and literature, political science and economics, national property and restoration, the paper reported. The station's founders asked that it be given more airtime due to the nature of its cultural programming, and the government obliged, the report added. Sources: La Tribuna de la Habana, Havana, in Spanish 16 Aug 01 (via BBCM via DXLD) ** CZECH REPUBLIC. RADIO PRAGUE 65TH ANNI SPECIAL PROGRAM Radio Prague will broadcast a special 65th anniversary program on 2nd Sept'01 (Sunday) although their anniversary falls on 31st Aug'01. Also, don't forget to send you reception report for Radio Prague broadcasts between 31st Aug & 9th Sept for a special 65th anni QSL card (Alokesh Gupta, New Delhi, India, Aug 19, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** GERMANY [non]. I checked yesterday the announced SSB test of the Eurosonor radio project: In fact usual 9980 was in AM and additional 12115 in USB. The latter one had a preceding 1 kHz tone like 9980, ending on both frequencies simultaneously, suggesting that they indeed originated from the same site. Evidently they gave up the previously used poor method to feed audio in favour of sending tapes/CD's; there is an improvement in audio quality while the attempt to present news at the beginning of the show is gone. 9980 is still hummy and suffered a transmitter break-down around 1601. 12115-USB was a good signal, BUT: I would never listen to music delivered as SSB croak. In my humble opinion it is a silly idea to use this mode for broadcast purposes. Maybe a big communications receiver can ensure a better demodulation that an ordinary shortwave radio which can be tuned in 40 Hz steps only, but that's actually rather irrelevant. And it remains the circumstance that the audio bandwith of a SSB transmission is limited. A summary of technical data for the Telefunken S4105 transmitter shows for SSB (which is an option, not regular feature) an audio frequency range of 200...4500 Hz only, not much better than telephone quality. It speaks for itself that even US hams cultivate the AM mode as Kim just pointed out (and the recordings of AM QSO's were really impressive). Regards, (Kai Ludwig, Germany, Aug 19, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** GUINEA. Glenn, re the Guinea item, I suspect the only AM frequency referred to is the one listed in WRTH as Kankan on 603 kHz --- though I can't confirm if that frequency is still valid. I do wonder though if the quoted 600 kW is correct - maybe the frequency somehow got garbled into transmitter power in the report! The old Conakry 1404v kHz MW transmitter has long been inactive, but Radio Rurale on 1386 kHz from Labe is often heard in Europe with its own local programming. Regards, (Dave Kenny, BBC Monitoring, Caversham Park Reading RG4 8TZ, UK, Aug 20, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** INDIA. FM NEWS CHANNEL TO DEBUT IN INDIA All India Radio's FM News channel would finally go on air in the first week of Sept'01 at the four cities Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata & Chennai. To begin with, the channels would have around 35% news content with the remaining being infotainment programmes. These channels will become 100% news oriented within 6 months of the launch. News & current affairs have been kept outside the domain of the private FM players. All India Radio is also planning to set up 40 FM educational channels all over India in association with IGNOU (Indira Gandhi National Open University) over the next one year. Regds, (Alokesh Gupta, New Delhi, India, Aug 19, DX LISTENING DIGEST) All India Radio to launch FM news channel in four cities | Text of report from Indian newspaper The Economic Times web site on 19 August All India Radio's FM news channel will finally go on air in the first week of September in the four metros - Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata and Chennai. To begin with, the channels will have around 35 per cent news content with the remaining being infotainment programmes. "News content would increasingly be stepped up with the channels becoming 100 per cent news-oriented within six months of the launch," said Anil Baijal, chief executive officer, Prasar Bharati. The government had earlier expressed its intention of turning the second FM channel into a current affairs and news channel in each of the 40 cities across the country which had been thrown open to private players for putting up radio stations. News and current affairs have been kept outside the domain of private FM players. However, the plans were subsequently scaled down with AIR's channels now being launched with a mix of the news and infotainment programmes. The operational cost for each channel would be in the range of 6-8 crore rupees [60-80m rupees], Prasar Bharti officials said. To begin with, a special cell within AIR would market the channels. Prasar Bharati might outsource marketing activity to private players at a later date, officials indicated. Doordarshan and All India Radio are in the process of working out the synergies between their news operations. This would involve horizontal integration of the news operations with the result that both the organizations would share news gathering resources. "The move would give more depth to news put out by DD News and All India Radio," Baijal said. All India Radio has recently set up a resource centre to offer infrastructure support services to private players. It has signed a memorandum of understanding with Indira Gandhi National Open University to offer consultancy, operation and maintenance services for 40 FM educational channels to be up and running over the next one year. Baijal said AIR would offer its infrastructure for hosting and maintenance of radio stations to private FM players. Talks in this regard were on with some players, he added. Source: The Economic Times web site, Delhi, in English 19 Aug 01 (via BBCM via DXLD) ** INDONESIA. 4874.6 RRI Sorong. Local or regional news 1100, weak, then EE pops 1115. Only just separable from a strong La Cruz del Sur prior to 1100. Not noted here for a few months, 15/8 (Craig Seager, Aug 18, ARDXC via DXLD) ** IRAQ [non]. Saudi-owned paper comments on US-funded Iraqi opposition TV | Text of report from London-based newspaper Al-Sharq al-Awsat web site on 19 August A report that the US government is funding an Iraqi [opposition] satellite station that will begin broadcasting has aroused the interest of many people. It indicates that the United States is continuing its endeavour to unseat, or close in on, the Iraq regime. But in my opinion, it is a sign of the US confusion in handling a highly sensitive issue. While backing this extremely important instrument, the United States is paying [the Iraqi opposition] less that any other opposition in the world is getting. What kind of a station is this that can be run with less than 2m dollars? This is similar to the story of giving the Iraqi opposition military equipment worth half this amount when getting the military forces out of Kuwait cost more than 1bn dollars. It is no secret at all that the Iraqi opposition maintains external contacts as part of its plan to change the status in Iraq. The most important of these lines of contacts are open with Washington, which gave the impression that the US government is harbouring this opposition. It was even reported that the US intelligence was sponsoring the opposition. This, in fact, has caused more harm than provided protection or backing. The Iraqi opposition's fault is not Washington's lack of enthusiasm for it, and this is certain and clear, but its inability to produce a unified organization that could bring together some of the main factions. Such an organization must prove first that it enjoys a popular support and, second, that it is capable of carrying out significant action on the ground. These two conditions have always been missing, which is why the opposition has remained cultural in appearance. Even in the media domain, which is one of the branches of culture, the Iraqi opposition has been plagued by problems that are greater than its capacity to handle them. It was accorded small or regional transmitters or remote ones in Eastern Europe, and they were required to compete with a wave of paid or spontaneous propaganda that defends the Iraqi regime day and night. In this vital sphere of political media, it is a pity to see that the Iraqi opposition is finally about to launch a satellite station 10 years after the end of the war and seven years after the emergence of the Arab satellite stations. Here is the Iraqi opposition, which is supposed to represent 3 million fugitive Iraqis abroad and 15 million oppressed Iraqis at home, dreaming of a small and modest station at a time when there are so many satellite stations that some of them are owned by anonymous individuals and entities that we have not heard of before. Is the shortage of funds the reason for the absence of the Iraqi opposition from the television medium, whereas its adversary is unrivalled in space? Or does the fault lie in the opposition's inability to move forward and the fact that it awaits initiatives from the parties concerned? Is it time now for the opposition to make a satellite television appearance now that the political and economic boycott is about to ebb? As a matter of fact, it has come much too late. Source: Al-Sharq al-Awsat web site, London, in Arabic 19 Aug 01 (via BBCM via DXLD) ** KOREA SOUTH [non]. The Chinese-style jamming of 9650 during RKI`s English via Sackville 1130-1159* UT continues as bad, or worse than ever, as noted Aug 19. CNR style timesignal of five low, one high at 1200, and extremely distorted announcement, probably ID. This time I taped it for a clip on the next WOR. It appears I am the only one who cares about this, yet RKI is getting creamed, especially when Han Hee Joo is speaking. I can find no usage of 9650 by IBB, nor anything in the HFCC A-01 which would account for this. Perhaps Taiwan has moved a service onto 9650 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** KUWAIT. The Radio Kuwait schedule was printed by regions; therefore some regions have more than one frequency and time towards an area, so they printed it up this way. 0200-1305, 6055/ 9750, 0800-1000 (Gulf region) 1315-2130, 9880/15495, 0200-1305 (MEast). 1800-0000, 15495, 15505, 1015-1740, (African Regions). (Paul Bailey, Hobart/Tasmania/Australia, Aug 20, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** LIBYA: Hi Glenn, Re the DXLD 1-111 item in Portuguese about Libya (which I translated using Systran), it says that Jamahiriya literally means the state of the masses. That's correct, but what the item doesn't say is that this word was invented by Qadhafi, combining parts of 'jumhuriya' (state or republic) and 'jamaheer' (the masses). Libyan media normally refers to the country as the 'Jamahiriya', whereas anti-Qadhafi clandestines generally refuse to use the word and simply refer to the country as Libya. This is a useful aid to identifying anti-Libyan clandestines, though I would caution against basing an identification on this alone. For example they could be quoting from Qadhafi in order to express their disagreement with him :-) 73, (Andy Sennitt, Netherlands, Aug 19, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** MAURITANIA. Nouakchott 4845 was missed recently I understand? I heard just a couple of days ago around 2130 on 4845 a station which I think was them (I did not bother to identify it). Signal strength was roughly equal with Mali 4835, and now I finally remember reports about the delivery of a new 250 kW Thomcast transmitter to Mauritania. Hm. (Kai Ludwig, Germany, Aug 19, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** MEXICO. From: The Seventh Annual Meeting of Mexican DXers, By John M. Killian Ana Cristina del Razo of Radio Mexico International entitled her presentation ``Radio Mexico International``. She reviewed the station`s activities of the past year. The newly introduced 25 meter band frequency [11770] has been well received. RMI will celebrate its 32nd anniversary on September 1. Throughout September there will be live broadcasts celebrating the event and a special live concert is scheduled for September 28. One unfortunate result of the arrival of the new Fox presidential administration has been a reduction in resources for RMI making attempts to improve and expand the service very difficult (via WRMI via DXLD) ** NIGERIA [non]. DX Information from the British DX Club (BDXC-UK). Hello Michael, We are Salama Radio, broadcasting on 15.475 MHz in the 19metaband. We broadcast to Africa from 1900 hrs to 2000 hrs in Hausa and English i.e. Hausa (1900-1930) and English (1930-2000). Website: http://www.salamaradio.org God bless. Jacob Abdalla (via Mike Terry, Aug 18, BDXC-UK via DXLD) ** PHILIPPINES. Radio Veritas Asia On the occasion of its 32nd anniversary RVA has launched a bi-monthly newsletter in English titled 'UPLINK' in co-operation with RVA Foundation Inc. The inaugural issue (May-June'01) contains following topics : - A reflection on the 32nd anniversary of Radio Veritas Asia. - The Karan service celebrates 19 years of broadcast. - RVA broadcasts to the world. - RVA beefs up the Mandarin broadcast. - Living stories of RVA listeners in target areas. For a free copy write to : Radio Veritas Asia, P.O.Box -2642,Quezon City 1166, Philippines. E-Mail: veritas@info.com.ph Regds (Alokesh Gupta, New Delhi, India, Aug 19, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** PHILIPPINES [non]. Glenn, Ouvi hoje, Agosto 19, em 15750 kHz de 1940-2000* UTC a estação com o arquivo que te envio. Não consegui entender tudo o que locutor fala, incluindo e-mail, post box, etc. O som do fundo musical em relaçao à vóz está alto. Philipinnes, KA...? The Voice of The Lord? Sabe alguma coisa? Poderia transcrever o que foi falado? No ILG apenas encontrei Voice of Hope from Germany em 15750 kHz. Thank you Glenn 73 (Samuel Cássio, Brazil, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Here is the best transcription I can make from listening a dozen times to the 2-minute audio file and to my own tape of it 24h later at 1955 UT Aug 20: (gh) ``This is K-A-S [or K-A-F?], the Voice of the Lord, broadcasting 8 o`clock to 11 o`clock p.m. daily [so UT+3, 1700-2000 UT] on 15.750 MHz on shortwave beamed to Middle East and on 13.840 MHz on shortwave in Israel. K-A-S also airs twice daily on the ... ... radio channel 9-7-7-2.... To us at K A S, E-mail shafar@i-manila.com.ph That is ... [spelled:] shafar@i-manila.com.ph Or send correspondence to P O Box 2194-10, Makati Central Post Office, Metro Manila, Philippines. This is K A S, the Voice of the Lord, a radio ministry of Call of the [Night?] Foundation. We now sign off. Thank you for listening. God bless you. Tune in again tomorrow for K A S, the Voice of the Lord.`` (via gh) * European DX Report with Christopher Lewis And something a little unusual. Christopher hears a very strong signal from the Philippines on 15750 kHz at 1730 UTC in the Tagalog language. This station, or this program, is called the ``Voice of the Lord`` and they give an address in the Philippines (AWR Wavescan 346, August 12 via Adrian Peterson, DXLD) It was audible here Aug 20, not at 1800, but from 1905 tune-in, in the sideband of 15745 USA station, with gospel-rock nonstop still at 1926; 1951 recheck found a woman with devotional in English, and with the same tick-tock tune in the background as on Samuel`s recording, the sign off announcement ran at 1955-1956 with the music continuing until 1959* (gh, DXLD) Here is the entire VOH segment of the DTK Jülich schedule revised August 1, including the time/frequency in question set apart: 21590 0700 1200 38,39 101 115 217 1234567 250301 281001 VOH 15715 1200 1559 38,39 102 115 217 1234567 250301 281001 VOH 17550 1330 1535 40,41 109 90 217 1234567 100501 281001 VOH 5975 0700 0900 27,28 406 290 106 1234567 250301 281001 VOH 9495 1700 1900 29,30 202 70 218 1234567 010701 281001 VOH 13820 1300 1559 43,44 202 50 218 1234567 010401 310701 VOH * ************ 15750 1700 1959 39,40 103 115 217 1234567 010701 281001 VOH ************ 15750 1330 1430 49,50 206 70 218 1234567 240701 310701 VOH * 15750 1330 1430 49,50 202 70 218 1234567 010801 281001 VOH * 9595 0100 0330 8,9 119 295 216 1234567 250301 281001 VOH later 13810 1755 2100 46E,47,48 406 180 106 1234567 250301 281001 VOH later 11725 2100 0100 12,13,14 112 240 216 1234567 250301 281001 VOH later 11960 2100 0100 10,11 110 270 217 1234567 250301 281001 VOH later 15420 1400 1500 44S 206 50 218 1234567 250301 281001 VOH later (Ralf Weyl, DTK via WWDXC August 2 via DXLD) * = changes [not 15750] There is nothing to be found about this at the High Adventure website http://www.highadventure.org Searches on ``Voice of the Lord`` turned up probably unrelated broadcasts on AM from Kentucky, but the phrase seems to be favored by the Messianic Jews (for Jesus) and Mormons in particular; no hits on ``Call of the Night/Foundation`` (gh, DXLD) Ciraf Zones: 39 Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Jordan, Arabian Pen. 40 Iran, Afghanistan. This is 100% definitely via DTK Jülich, as scheduled above. I think that program originates from an Asian branch/brother station from Asian soil, and not of western world US/UK based Voice of Hope programmes. And there are hundreds of thousands of Tagalog speaking foreign workers living permanently in the Middle East Arab countries, so the transmissions reach a Christian oriented Philippine nationals audience. I guess Dr. Hansjörg Biener is on annual holiday tour outside Germany, but I will copy this mail to him too; maybe we will hear his comment soon. 73 de wb df5sx (Wolfgang Büschel, Germany, Aug 20, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** RUSSIA / UKRAINE. Glenn, Although the VOR website hasn't updated the "asterisk" dates for the freq change, I assume that as of Sept 2, 11675 will be replaced by 11630 & 9685 1700-2100. And 7180 will replace 9665 0100-0500. Ukraine will probably move off 12040, but who knows where? 73, (Ivan Grishin, Ont., Aug. 20, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** TURKEY. Twice recently I dared to try to listen to VOT on their webcast; once I got nothing but a screwed-up screen as the VOT site somehow knocked it off-center, not easily restored. The next time I got some scratchy audio and the same tampering with My Computer! So I must advise everybody to avoid it, back to SW-only (Glenn Hauser, DXLD) Voice of Turkey has switched its webcast from an ordinary Real Audio stream to an embedded player that functions poorly and often has distorted audio. Moreover, TRT/VOT has gone to unprecedented lengths to obscure the stream addresses by encrypting the underlying code for the player page, something that even commercial streamers like broadcast.com don't do (Kevin A. Kelly, publicradiofan.com Aug 19, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. Utility QSL from KPH, Bolinas, CA - 8642 kHz CW: One-time "San Francisco Radio". A partial-data "RCA Marine Radiogram" in 34 days for S.A.S.E. - not used. "From the gang at KPH". Was a special event commemorating old RCA shore-to ship radio stations. Came from T. Horsfall, 1862 Tulare Ave., Richmond CA 94805 (Bill Flynn, OR, Aug. 18, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. KIRK TRUMMEL: We dedicate this issue to Kirk Trummel, pirate/free radio enthusiast and co-founder of the Free Radio Network website, who passed away from pancreatic and liver cancer at the age of 37 this past Wednesday. For information on donations you can click on to the main page of http://www.frn.net (the Free Radio Network website). Kirk's personal website is also still online at http://www.janics.com/kirk (Free Radio Weekly Aug 18 via DXLD) ** U S A. Re ``sweepers`` under INDONESIA, DXLD 1-111: Are these transmissions not in violation of the FCC HF bandplan? Since these "sweepers" operate within the USA, it seems like they would be subject to the regulation of the FCC. My FCC freq allocation list is dated '94, so perhaps it's changed. I have noted sweepers all over the spectrum, including high priority areonautical freq space. Is the FCC just looking the other way? (David Hodgson, TN, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. ARRL ANNOUNCES AMATEUR RADIO INTERFERENCE ASSESSMENT PROJECT The ARRL has inaugurated the Amateur Radio Interference Assessment (ARIA) project. The effort will involve amateur volunteers across the country to assess the noise levels primarily from unlicensed devices in bands above 400 MHz. ARRL President Jim Haynie, W5JBP, has advised the FCC that ARRL plans to conduct ARIA as a "real-world" noise study. The League will contribute its results to an overall radio noise study sponsored by the FCC Technological Advisory Council. The TAC study will look into whether noise generated by low-power unlicensed Part 15 devices is on the rise and whether it's adversely impacting other services. ARRL's role will be to measure radio noise in the amateur bands above 400 MHz, with initial emphasis on the band 2400-2450 MHz, where Bluetooth and IEEE 802.11b-protocol wireless local area networks are gaining popularity. The ARIA's noise-measurement program will begin with some exploratory tests by the ARRL Laboratory. Long-term tests starting next year will assess noise trends on the UHF/microwave bands over a period of several years to determine if the situation is staying the same, getting worse or getting better. "If it's getting worse, as some suspect, we will then be armed with factual data to develop a strategy for continued Amateur Radio access to the UHF/microwave spectrum," said ARRL Technical Relations Manager Paul Rinaldo, W4RI. ARIA is attempting to identify volunteers to participate in the program. Rinaldo asked that "qualified and motivated" individuals send resumes and information related to test and measurement capability and equipment availability to aria@arrl.org. Initial volunteers should be willing to review the test plan, have receiving equipment and antennas capable of covering the 2400-2450 MHz band in a vehicle, and be able to report results in a timely manner (ARRL Letter Aug 17 via John Norfolk, OKCOK, DXLD) ** U S A. WBCQ Planet Program Schedule (rearranged into UT days and times) UT SATURDAY 0000-0100 7415 Allan Weiner Worldwide 0100-0200 7415 Tasha Takes Control 0200-0400 7415 The Right Perspective 0400-0415 7415 Amos 'n Andy 0400-0600 9330 The Overcomer Ministry 0415-1000 7415 Available time slot 1300-1700 17495 Available time slot 1700-1800 17495 Marion's Attic 1800-1900 17495 Available time slot 1900-2300 17495 Available time slot 2000-2100 7415 Radio Caroline - starting Aug. 18th 2100-2200 7415 HarvZower 2200-2300 7415 Radio Timtron Worldwide 2300-2400 17495 Available time slot 2300-2330 7415 The Real Amateur Radio Show 2330-2400 7415 Fred Flintstone's Music Show UT SUNDAY 0000-0100 7415 A Different Kind of Oldies Show 0000-0100 9330 Bible on Tape 0100-0200 7415 Marion's Attic 0100-0230 9330 Available time slot 0200-0300 7415 Magic Radio 0230-0330 9330 Available time slot 0300-0400 7415 The Big Kaboom 0400-0500 7415 Tom and Darryl - Sun after 2nd & 4th Sat 0400-0600 7415 Tom and Darryl - Sun after 1st & 3rd Sat 0400-0600 9330 The Overcomer Ministry 0600-1000 7415 Available time slot 1400-1800 17495 Available time slot 2000-2100 7415 Radio Caroline - starting Aug. 19th 2100-2130 7415 Communications World 2130-2200 7415 Available time slot 2200-2300 7415 American Viewpoint 2300-2400 7415 Le Show 2300-2400 9330 Veterans Information Radio UT MONDAY 0000-0400 7415 Radio New York International 0000-0100 9330 Available time slot 0100-0200 9330 Back to Basics 0200-0300 9330 Available time slot 0400-0415 7415 Amos 'n Andy 0400-0600 9330 The Overcomer Ministry 0415-1000 7415 Available time slot 1400-1800 17495 Available time slot 1400-1600 9330 The Larry Nichols Show 1800-2100 17495 Global Spirit Proclamation 2000-2100 7415 Financial Survival 2000 2100-2145 7415 Jean Shepherd 2100-0400 9330 Christian Media Network 2145-2200 7415 Seldom Heard Radio - through September 2200-2230 7415 Wanton Display of Control & Disruption - 1st Monday 2200-2230 7415 A Few of My Favorite Things - 2nd Monday 2200-2230 7415 Seldom Heard Radio - 3rd Monday in Sept. 2230-2300 7415 Faith Holiness Church Broadcast 2300-2400 7415 Table of Truth UT TUESDAY 0000-0100 7415 The Hal Turner Show 0100-0200 7415 Pro American 2001 0200-0300 7415 Hour of the Time with Bill Cooper 0300-0400 7415 Financial Survival 2000 0400-0415 7415 Amos 'n Andy 0400-0600 9330 The Overcomer Ministry 0415-1000 7415 Available time slot 1400-1800 17495 Available time slot 1400-1600 9330 The Larry Nichols Show 1800-2100 17495 Global Spirit Proclamation 2000-2100 7415 Financial Survival 2000 2100-2130 7415 Watch America 2100-0400 9330 Christian Media Network 2130-2200 7415 Available time slot 2200-2230 7415 Available time slot 2230-2400 7415 A Voice in the Wilderness UT WEDNESDAY 0000-0100 7415 Off the Hook 0100-0130 7415 Available time slot 0130-0200 7415 Mike Gibson's Bluegrass Gospel - starting Aug 21 0200-0300 7415 Hour of the Time with Bill Cooper 0300-0400 7415 Financial Survival 2000 0400-0415 7415 Amos 'n Andy 0400-0600 9330 The Overcomer Ministry 0415-1000 7415 Available time slot 1400-1800 17495 Available time slot 1400-1600 9330 The Larry Nichols Show 1800-2100 17495 Global Spirit Proclamation 2000-2100 7415 Financial Survival 2000 2100-2200 7415 Uncle Ed's Musical Memories 2100-0400 9330 Christian Media Network 2200-2300 7415 The Planet 2300-2330 7415 Wings of Healing 2330-2400 7415 Glenn Hauser's World of Radio UT THURSDAY 0000-0100 7415 Idio-Audio 0100-0200 7415 Table of Truth 0200-0300 7415 Hour of the Time with Bill Cooper 0300-0400 7415 Financial Survival 2000 0400-0415 7415 Amos 'n Andy 0400-0600 9330 The Overcomer Ministry 0415-0445 7415 Glenn Hauser's World of Radio 0445-1000 7415 Available time slot 1400-1800 17495 Available time slot 1400-1600 9330 The Larry Nichols Show 1800-2100 17495 Global Spirit Proclamation 2000-2100 7415 Radio Caroline - starting Aug. 16th 2100-2130 7415 Watch America 2100-0400 9330 Christian Media Network 2130-2200 7415 Available time slot 2200-2230 7415 Available time slot 2230-2300 7415 Goddess Irena 1 Music Show 2300-2330 7415 A Voice in the Wilderness 2330-2400 7415 Steppin' Out of Babylon UT FRIDAY 0000-0100 7415 Everybody's Uncle 0100-0200 7415 Table of Truth 0200-0300 7415 Hour of the Time with Bill Cooper 0300-0400 7415 Brother Walter 0400-0415 7415 Amos 'n Andy 0400-0600 9330 The Overcomer Ministry 0415-1000 7415 Available time slot 1400-1800 17495 Available time slot 1400-1600 9330 The Larry Nichols Show 1800-2100 17495 Global Spirit Proclamation 2000-2100 7415 Radio Caroline - starting Aug. 17th 2100-2130 7415 Juliet's Wild Kingdom 2100-0400 9330 Christian Media Network 2130-2230 7415 The Pab Sungenis Project 2230-2300 7415 The Alan Sane Show 2300-2400 7415 The Lost Discs Radio Show - starting Aug 31 (http://wbcq.net via John Norfolk, OKCOK, Aug 19, DXLD) ** U S A [clandestine]. Cumbre DX Special 360.2 August 19, 2001 CLANDESTINE from/to USA United Patriot Radio The Somerset, Kentucky, Commonwealth Journal ran three articles on UPR today. Here they are (via Hans Johnson) Activites escalating SOMERSET CAROL COFFEY Steve Anderson has put Somerset, Ky., on the world-wide map, but chances are that the majority of Pulaski Countians don't approve of the way he's done it. On Aug. 8, Anderson and his clandestine radio show United Patriot Radio, was named the number one hate show on short-wave radio today by the Far Right Radio Review, a program that has been challenging the far right dominance of short wave radio since 1993. The hosts of the show, James Latham and Naomi Stone, said during the broadcast that of the more than 40 far right short wave radio show hosts, over 30 fit into the militia or hate group category. Latham said the group used several different criteria to rank the top ten most hateful radio shows. The criteria included scapegoating the rhetoric the broadcaster uses, including Christian Identity, anti- Semitic, racist, homophobic, anti-immigrant and advocate violence. Also included in ranking the most hateful broadcasters on short wave radio today was how often they were on the air. The hosts of the show indicated that in previous broadcasts, Anderson had "hinted about taking out some robbers" in his area during a recent show. The host said Anderson said people who do robbing in the mountains will be found months or years later, their skeletons found around a tree. Anderson's and his shows were named the most hateful broadcast on short wave radio today. According to Anderson's web site, United Patriot Radio (UPR) is committed to keeping shows like his on the air. Anderson particularly targets Jewish People in his hate messages and says in his mission statement that he has received assistance from people like pastor James Wickstrom and others. The mission statement listed on his web site reads, "As the Jew World Order owns and controls all the media, except for a few Patriot stations here and there, the 'good' shows have been all but silenced by removal from air time. United Patriot Radio is dedicated to keeping the 'endangered species' of the Patriot shows on the air. Freedom of speech must include those that are considered too controversial by licensed commercial stations. By being licensed, they place themselves under the rule of the destroyers of freedom. As they are commercial, they may not risk their income by angering their sponsors, or present information that would bring down the wrath of the likes of the ADL (Anti-Defamation League), in the form of financial punishment. UPR is not licensed, or commercial in nature. It is strictly a free, First Amendment station. There is no income to lose, or jurisdiction by any agency by a license. We exist on listener donation ONLY. We don't charge for air time, and advertise for Patriots FREE! As you can imagine, this causes considerable consternation among the money whores. We care nothing for the railing of the likes of the commie ADL, and their minions. To my knowledge, at this time, we are the only one carrying "The Intelligence Report," and Pastor Wickstroms' show. My show, "The Militia Hour" is also exclusive to UPR. As I am Identity myself, I feel very blessed to be able to get our message out through Pastor Wickstrom. We have letters of support coming in in overwhelming numbers, and the negatives are extremely few. To the fans of 'The Intelligence Report,' we have been a lifesaver, and are also thankful for that blessing. I say to any detractors, that we realize that there are controversial views expressed on the shows, and if you dislike one show, but like another, listen only to what you like. Free speech must include the controversial, as well as the 'mainstream.' The 'mainstream' shows out there are not cut off from air time, and we don't feel the need to carry un-endangered broadcasts, commonly heard on many stations. It is our mission to provide a free voice to those wrongly censored for their 'politically incorrect' views. The First Amendment applies to all, including us. We fully intend to use it." The Commonwealth Journal has repeatedly attempted to ask Anderson about his broadcasts, however he has always refused to speak with "mainstream" media. On his web site, Anderson also asks for donations to be sent to his home on Elrod-Martin Road in Pulaski County to keep the "100 percent Patriot supported" show the Militia Hour on the air. This isn't the first time Anderson has made news despite his disgust with mainstream media. In April, the Commonwealth Journal ran a story about Anderson being kicked out of the Kentucky Militia. According to the web site http://www.clandestineradio.com the head of the Kentucky State Militia ousted Anderson after he disobeyed a command to cease transmitting his radio show over a particular the short wave radio frequency. Anderson was apparently expelled from the Kentucky State Militia for continuing broadcasts of United Patriot Radio. The site says "an official communiqué" was sent to CRW-CDX and to the Federal Bureau of Investigation on April 9. In that letter, Kentucky State Militia Brigadier General Charlie Puckett said Anderson violated "specific orders to close his radio station." Anderson allegedly did obey the cease orders to end his transmissions as Puckett requested, however, he began broadcasting only three days later as "United Patriot Radio" (UPR) on March 23. UPR is allegedly sponsored by the Kentucky Riflemen Militia and not the KSM. Anderson later claimed to be aligned with the Kentucky Riflemen Militia after being booted from the Kentucky State Militia. Far Right Radio Review isn't the only organization monitoring Anderson's radio show. The Anti-Defamation League has also been listening to Anderson for quite some time. Joel Ratner, with the Cleveland ADL, maintains that Anderson received a warning from the Federal Communications Commission earlier this year because he was allegedly jamming another short wave frequency. He apparently turned over his FCC operators license. Anderson has allegedly claimed in the past that the FCC is an agent for a foreign corporation and he does not recognize it as a legitimate authority. Ratner said Anderson has claimed that there "no point" in the FCC citing him because they have no authority over him. According to the Anti-Defamation League, intelligence reports indicate that law enforcement has observed cars with out of state license plates at his residence and neighbors have reported to authorities the sound of gunfire on a regular basis from Anderson's home on Elrod Martin Road. Ratner said reports have also indicated that at a recent local gun show, Anderson introduced several people with him as "brothers from out of state." During his recent short wave broadcast, Anderson allegedly said that "patriots" should "shut up" because something undercover was being planned and those faithful to the cause should "bide their time." Ratner said he wasn't sure what the threat meant. After being ousted from the Kentucky Militia, Anderson has used his daily, one-hour broadcast, called "The Militia Hour" to taunt the FCC. The ADL monitors Anderson's broadcasts and has reported that he makes vague threats towards the FCC, following a warning from that agency that he must follow their guidelines in order to broadcast. The FCC is the primary organization responsible for enforcement of rules regarding the Communications Act of 1934. Although the FCC does not have the authority to take criminal action against persons who violate those rules, the FCC does refer these cases to the U.S. Justice Department. Story created Saturday, August 18, 2001. Latham labels Anderson dangerous SOMERSET JEFF NEAL Steven Anderson may live a life isolated from other Pulaski Countians. But on a worldwide scope, he is a man who has put this area on the map - for very notorious reasons. Anderson's United Patriot Radio short-wave show and Christian Identity philosophy has earned him the No. 1 spot among a group of infamous hate-mongers, as rated by Radio for Peace International, a group dedicated to tracking hate groups who broadcast on short-wave radio. "It's interesting how people crop up at your back door," said James Latham, the co-founder of Radio for Peace International, which is based in Costa Rica. "He may have a few local listeners. But I can tell you he's well known worldwide. I can assure you that he has put Somerset, Ky., on the map for a segment of people." Latham's group has monitored Anderson's broadcasts for seven months, and say his bold broadcasting stance sets him apart from others like him. "There are other extreme-right racists on the airwaves," Latham said. "What makes Steve Anderson different is that he runs an illegal station openly and has not been shut down. "Most pirate stations are run very secretively ... they move around," Latham added. "Anderson doesn't do that. He defies the federal government and he threatens violence to back what he says up. He says he will defend his station if anyone tries to shut him down and I think he's serious." Anderson has a well-defined nightly prime time schedule, which includes his show and a broadcast which is headlined by Pastor James Wickstrom, an old-guard leader in the right-wing movement who was involved in the Posse Comitatus group in the 60s. "Wickstrom is a hero and mentor to Anderson," Latham claims. The message espoused by Anderson is simple: America is a Christian nation and all of those who have "mongrelized" it should be put down. "It's a very racist and anti-Semitic philosophy," Latham said. "They believe Jews are sons and daughters of Satan and people of color are related to the Beast. "The frightening thing is that Anderson and Wickstrom back their rhetoric with threats of violence," Latham added. "They say it's OK to shoot these people because they're not really people ... they're the Devil's seed." Latham said Anderson's broadcasts were often rambling. "He talks about the egg cartons on his ceiling where he transmitter rests ... sometimes he seems quite lonely," Latham said. "Perhaps he doesn't have a lot of visitors because his message is frightening. People are scared of him." Latham noted that there are times when militia-oriented individuals do join Anderson on his programs. Charles Puckett, the commander of the Kentucky Militia, was on from time to time until Anderson was expelled from that group. On another occasion, according to Latham, Anderson greeted a visitor to his property with an AK-47. "He's even talked about taking care of trespassers," Latham claimed. "... he doesn't go into any detail, but the message is pretty clear." Anderson's message, according to Latham, can be heard clear at his Costa Rica residence. It also reaches such faraway venues as England, Ireland, Germany and Italy. So why hasn't the federal government tried to shut him down? "That's the $64,000 question," Latham said. "The FCC tells us that it is an ongoing investigation and I can understand that. "I think perhaps the government is trying to figure out the best course of action," Latham said. "I'm sure they want to be able to close him down without any bloodshed ... without any violence." But is that possible? "Anderson talks about sitting at his microphone with an AK-47 locked and loaded," Latham said. "Anything could happen." Story created Saturday, August 18, 2001. Wickstrom is Anderson's mentor SOMERSET CAROL COFFEY Jesus. Yahweh. Whatever name is used, He is seen as the world's greatest teacher by Christians, especially those in the heart of the Bible Belt in south central Kentucky. Steve Anderson also has another mentor and teacher - Pastor James Wickstrom. Pupil and teacher took the number one and two spots respectively in Radio for Peace International's top 10 list of hate broadcasters on short-wave radio. Anderson openly thanks Wickstrom for spreading the message through his broadcasts in a mission statement on Anderson's United Patriot Radio web page. The UPR web page is actually a link to Wickstrom's Posse Comitatus home page and also has links to web pages from all over the world. After accessing the Posse Comitatus web-page, links to more than 20 other web pages are found. Included in the web links are Army of God, Shepherd's Call, YHVH's Truth (a Wickstrom page), By Yahweh's Design, Intifada, Radio Islam, The Hamas, The Turner Diaries, Timothy James McVeigh and the Hal Turner Show. On the Posse Comitatus web site, the claim is made that Posse Comitatus is Latin for "power or force of the county." The Posse Comitatus is also said to be an "ancient English institution consisting of the shire's force of able-bodied private citizens summoned to assist in maintaining public order. Citizens in every County of the nation have available to them, the Law of the Posse Comitatus." The web site offers an example that citizens in California choose to protect themselves from unlawful activities conducted by people on the public payroll. The California constitution, the web page maintains, says that all political power is "inherent in the people" and that government exists for the protection, security and benefit" of the people. The people of California, therefore have the right to change or reform the government "when the public good may require." The web site also maintains that the United States Constitution, not statutes enacted by the legislature, are the supreme law of the land. The site also says that citizens have unique rights granted by the constitution to take action against other citizens, even those on the public payroll, who violate the constitution. "It is clear from reading the Constitution of the State that citizens have the right to impanel Citizen's Grand Juries to indict and even convict anyone, including persons on the public payroll, for crimes and violations of the Constitution and constitutional rights of citizens of the State. In fact, a Citizen's Grand Jury, upon investigation and findings, may declare a person to be an "OUTLAW". In this event such person may be apprehended by any citizen of the State or by any member of any Citizen's Posse, by any means necessary. The Law of Posse Comitatus provides that when an Outlaw is apprehended, he should be taken to the most populated intersection of a township and there be hung by the neck at high-noon, with the body remaining until dark, as an example to those who would subvert the law," the web site says. It is through this web site that Anderson and Wickstrom are linked literally to the world. Web sites about Russia and the Ukraine appear as links, as are Radio Islam, Intifada and the Hamas. The site also includes quotes from Dr. Albert Schweitzer and Benjamin Franklin that the Posse Comitatus claim support their beliefs. Most of the web site links contain information that is similar to that espoused by Anderson and Wickstrom. But some offer much more detailed information that can be used. The ELF - or Earth Liberation Front - provides an extensive guide for setting fires with electrical timers and other information about arson, devices, security and more. The site is also linked to The Turner Diaries, which is provided over the Internet in its entirety. The Turner Diaries were mentioned often in conversations involving Timothy McVeigh, who also has a site linked to the Posse Comitatus. (via Hans Johnson, Cumbre DX, via DXLD) ** U S A [non]. Received a beautiful new full data QSL card from 'Radio Africa Intl' (United Methodist Church) for my report dated 17th May'01, v/s Donna Niemann & Raphael Mbadinga. Seems that their QSL cards have finally arrived from printer, as earlier they were verifying thru letter only. Warm regards, (Alokesh Gupta, New Delhi, India, August 19, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** YUGOSLAVIA. Radio Yugoslavia also missed: Yesterday German 1630- 1700 on 9620 was on air as usual, although probably with some audio/modulation problems, but I was otherwise occupied, so not able to listen more carefully. Right now at 1400 the scheduled "Beograd 1" rebroadcast is up with audio okay. Regards, (Kai Ludwig, Germany, Aug 19, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Re my previous note of RY missing: UT Fri Aug 17 on 11870 they returned, 0000, repeated at 0430. The first airing to ENAm is daily except UT Sun; the second, to WNAm, is daily, and had a respectable signal here. Towards the end of the transmission they make a plea for donations (with an account number) for a staff member who is in dire need of meds, suffering from a serious disease (Bob Thomas, Bridgeport CT, Aug 16, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ##################################################################### BOB PADULA The following has been received from Robert J. Padula, Australia, in P-mail, which we retype verbatim: ``August 14, 2001 DEFAMATORY COMMENTS Sir, I refer to derogative comments about me, as published by you and distributed to a worldwide readership, in your 1. Public access archived Web site http://www.angelfire.com/ok/worldofradio/dxld1097.txt (July 12, 2001) http://www.angelfire.com/ok/worldofradio/dxld1098.txt (July 19 [sic], 2001) 2. Internet-delivered publication titled ``DX Listening Digest`` (July 12 and 19 [sic], 2001) A copy of the published remarks is attached. A professional ``without prejudice`` legal opinion advises me that the remarks are defamatory, reflecting unfairly and falsely on my character and reputation, and may well result in litigation proceedings being taken against you and the writers. I suggest to you that the remarks: have injured my reputation by exposing me to hatred, ridicule and contempt have lowered me in the estimation of ordinary right-thinking members of the community I seek your immediate retraction of the aforementioned comments, attributable to yourself and to other people, in the form of a public apology to be included in the next edition of your newsletter and placed on your public-access Internet Web site I also request that you undertake to cease and desist from publishing any further public comment critical of me, my character or my reputation, whether related to my hobby pursuits, my work as a Professional Engineer, or in any capacity. Failure to comply with the above request may result in instructions being given to my solicitors to proceed with a writ of defamation against you, seeking remedies as outlined above, in addition to damages in the form of monetary compensation and costs. Such a writ would include a requirement that publication of your newsletters, including Web postings, be suspended, with non-conformance being regarded as Contempt of Court. You are asked to confirm in writing by return mail that you agree to all of the above, which are not-negotiable. Yours Faithfully, /signed/ Robert Padula`` gh: In the attachment, he only objects to portions of the material about him in the issues mentioned, which of course, we cannot reproduce here if we are going to comply with his demand to remove them from other issues. So those passages only have been removed, and responding to the above threats, we hereby apologize. You will note that we have made no such demand upon him for the vicious personal attack made on us, which led to this (Glenn Hauser, August 20, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###