DX LISTENING DIGEST 1-076, May 24, 2001 edited by Glenn Hauser, wghauser@hotmail.com {Items from DXLD may be reproduced and re-reproduced only if full credit be maintained at all stages and we be provided exchange copies. DXLD may not be reposted in its entirety without permission. For restrixions and searchable 2001, 2000 contents archive see} http://www.angelfire.com/ok/worldofradio/Dxldmid.html [NOTE: If you are a regular reader of DXLD, and a source of DX news but have not been sending it directly to us, please consider yourself obligated to do so. Thanks, Glenn] Note, too, that I {brace myself} for remarks inserted in the archive DXLD copy after initial publication, as an editorial convention -gh ** AUSTRIA. ROI -- RADIO AUSTRIA INTERNACIONAL Departamento Hispano-LatinoAmericano Manuel Aletrino, director A-1136 Wien-Viena, Austria Tel. +43/676/530 94 96 (cel.) Tel: +4301/50501-16041 - Fax: 16016 http://roi.orf.at jan.brugge@orf.at hispano@orf.at Viena, mayo de 2001 Estimados amigos de la Radio Internacional: Como veis, doy preferencia ya a la denominación de "radio internacional, en lugar de meterme en términos ya tan inadecuados, aunque queridos como "onda corta". De momento, esta emisora trata de mantenerse en pie através de varias "antenas" - cable local, Internet, OC, satélite, con el mero propósito de que "nos mantengan. ROI –- Radio Austria Internacional, reducida por motivos presupuestarios del Estado a la mitad del personal que tenía antes y a un mínimo de horarios y programas correspondientes, y esto se aplica también a las otras redacciones –- en lenguas alemana, francesa, inglesa y castellana --, y sus otros programas en árabe y esperanto; esta emisora, por tanto, quiere sobrevivir por lo menos en estas reducidas dimensiones. Dependerá de si la ORF, Radiotelevisión austriaca -- ente público que quedará convertido en "fundación de derecho público" -- se encuentra en condiciones de financiarnos, ya que el Gobierno federal austríaco, que hasta la fecha lo costeó todo, quiere que se encargue la nueva "fundación". Pronto sabremos más al respecto. Aún así, los pocos profesionales que continuamos en la redacción de lengua española, seguimos dedicados completamente a la tarea de informar sobre Austria, sobre todo también en la vertiente orientada hacia el mundo hispánico. De ahí que, como los más asiduos se habrán percatado, hayamos intentado -- y aparentemente acertado a amenizar nuestra programación con un mayor número de programas culturales, artísticos, turísticos, científicos y musicales, con más entrevistas con personalidades que puedan suscitar el interés del oyente hispano- latinoamericano. La estructuración es por tanto bastante diferente de los programas que emitíamos hasta hace aprox. medio año, hasta que en agosto de 2000 trasladamos nuestro centro redaccional del ORF-Zentrum, cerca del palacio de Schönbrunn, nuestra residencia de 25 años, a la Funkhaus (Casa de la Radio), en la antigua (y nueva) calle Argentinierstrasse 30a, en el IV distrito de la ciudad, cerca de la iglesia de San Carlos Borromeo (Karlskirche). La actual estructuración del "Noticiero de Austria" consiste en ? noticias sobre Austria, la EU, Europa y la actualidad mundial ? informaciones de actualidad adicionales – entrevistas con políticos, economistas y científicos, revista de prensa ? y luego, si es posible, durante la mayor parte de los 29' de duración nos ocupamos de los siguientes temas de fondo ? lunes: Panorama turístico ? martes: Caleidoscopio de personajes históricos ? miércoles: Mundo DX ? jueves: "La vida es música" ? viernes: Charlas Musicales ? sábado: Miscelánea de la semana & Sábado Musical ? domingo: Buzón Internacional Apenas habrá artista o cantante, político o economista, médico o científico que visite el país que no sea invitado a nuestros micrófonos. Queremos informar sobre cuánto acaezca en Austria en la voz de nuestros "huéspedes" -- como se suele denominar en alemán a personas que se encuentran de visita en el país. Y donde falte la voz (hispana), no faltará nuestra pluma para describirlo. Nuestros oyentes ya se dan cuenta. No solo sigue aumentando el número de cartas que recibimos, sino que también leemos cada vez más cartas de aprobación de la nueva programación. En Internet, nuestras páginas de orientación disfrutan también de creciente popularidad. Pero, lo que es aún más importante, y regreso así a lo expuesto anteriormente, los directivos también se están percantando de que Internet no es la panacea definitiva para la subsistencia de nuestro medio. Sobre todo en países donde la abrumadora mayoría no dispone de Internet, la OC seguirá triunfando, máxime cuando, como presagian los expertos, la OC acabe digitalizada, lo que será el caso dentro de pocos años. Os rogamos que nos sigáis apoyando, escuchando y escribiéndonos – comentarios, sugerencias, lo que sea. No queremos que se hunda la radio internacional –- tampoco Radio Austria Internacional. Os saludo cordialmente desde Viena, Manuel Aletrino jan.brugge@orf.at director Departamento Hispano-Latinoamericano (via Noticias DX May 23 via DXLD) ** BELGIUM [non]. Hi Glenn, I have today received a QSL from Radio Ezra for their broadcast on 13 May at 11:00 UTC. They give the transmitter site as Wavre, Belgium running 100 kW. The QSL is signed by John D. Hill, Station Owner. Their URL is http://radioezra.members.easyspace.com Hope that this is of use to you (Colin Richardson, Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire, England, May 24, DX LISTENING DIGEST) That`s what he keeps saying, but there is plenty of doubt about site. Someone should ask Paul Brems or Frans Vossen if it can possibly be Wavre (Glenn Hauser, DXLD) ** BRAZIL. Can you tell me about the Brazilian operation I am hearing on 5990, fade-in here 2050, and still there to 2220+. Is this a network broadcast, listed as "Radiobrás"? Brasilians very rare here at this time period. Only other ZY noted this morning was 6180 from as early as 2030. Advice welcomed (Bob Padula, Victoria, DX LISTENING DIGEST) It`s the R. Senado service, as discussed at length on radioescutas: Amigos, Assistindo durante o dia de hoje a TV Senado, para acompanhar de perto "o pedido de abertura de cassação" dos senadores ACM e Arruda, notei que nos intervalos foi citado diversas vezes as transmissoes em OC da Rádio Senado, em 5990 kHz, nos 49 metros. Vamos conferir! (Jailton C. Amaral, Presidente do SRDXC, May 23, radioescutas via DXLD) Jailton, será possivelmente uma alteração no quadro de frequencias das emissoras 'governamentais'. Estranha-me apenas que esta freqüência esteja 'espremida' entre a Guaíba 6000 e a Guarujá 5980. Seria bem melhor estarem nos 6190, ou 6195. Mas, fazer o que..... Falei com o Cláudio Moraes a este respeito ainda há pouco e ele disse que viu algo neste sentido no Diario Oficial há um tempo atrás. Ele vai dar uma checada e se houver algo neste sentido, de fato, será noticiado. Nota: Estou consultando o WRTH e lá consta 5990 Radiobrás, com 250 KW.... só que até agora, jamais se ouviu um pio lá dos prados de Brasília neste frequencia. 73s, (Rudolf Grimm, São Bernardo, SP, DX Clube do Brasil Member, ibid.) Desde segunda-feira, dia 21, a Rádio Senado passou a transmitir também em Ondas Curtas para as regiões Norte, Nordeste e Centro- Oeste, na freqüência de 5990 kHz, faixa de 49 m, com possibilidade de alcance do Caribe e de alguns estados da Região Leste. As transmissões são feitas através de convênio com a Empresa Brasileira de Comunicação S/A - Radiobrás. A Rádio Senado em Ondas Curtas tem a mesma programação da Rádio Senado - FM, com as atividades do Senado Federal (Plenário e comissões) ao vivo, música brasileira, informação e serviços. A exceção é um noticiário especialmente produzido para as regiões Norte, Nordeste e Centro-Oeste e que está no ar diariamente às 7h45, hora de Brasília. {= 1045 UT} A Rádio Senado em Ondas Curtas tem transmissões das 7 às 23 horas (hora de Brasília), de segunda a sexta-feita. A programação básica da Rádio Senado, ao vivo, começa diariamente às 7 horas, com música, informação e serviços. Às 7h45, só para Ondas Curtas, Senado Notícias, com informações de interesse para as áreas atingidas pela nova emissora. Às 8h, Senado Primeira Hora, um programa de entrevistas, notícias variadas do Congresso Nacional, do país, do mundo e que inclui cultura e esportes. Às terças e quartas-feiras, transmissão ao vivo das comissões que funcionam normalmente a partir das 10h. Às 14h15m, Senado Notícias - Edição da Tarde, com as principais notícias da manhã e a agenda do dia do Senado Federal e do Congresso Nacional. Às 14h30, transmissão ao vivo das sessões plenárias do Senado. Às 19h30, Jornal do Senado, os dez minutos da Voz do Brasil de responsabilidade do Senado Federal. Às 20h, música brasileira e informação, e às 22h, Senado Notícias - Edição da Noite. Às quintas e sextas-feiras, transmissão matinal da sessão plenária do Senado {all times above = UT -3} (do site http://www.senado.gov.br, via Célio Romais, May 23, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Rudolf: O aviso que está sendo transmitido pela TV Senado, é que a transmissao em 5990 kHz, será dirigida apenas para a Região Norte- Nordeste. Não sei se já começaram as transmissoes, pois nao chequei ainda (Jailton Amaral, May 24, radioescutas via DXLD) Amigos, escuta efetuada: 5990 Radio Senado, Brasília-DF, 24.05 2102, transmissão de sessão do Senado, com discurso de político e aparte dos senadores presentes à sessão. Sinal regular. 73s, (Rudolf Grimm, ibid.) Caro Jailton, estou a ouvi-la neste instante pelos 5990 KHz. Realmente os sinais devem de fato estarem sendo dirigidos para a região norte/nordeste, dado que não são muito bons por aqui. Está havendo um pequeno bate-boca no Senado (e não sem motivo......). Só não sei se estão ao vivo ou se é uma gravação. De qualquer forma, muito obrigado por suas informações. Vou acompanhar, e insistir com eles em receber uma confirmação. Do tempo da Radio Nacional da Amazonia (6180 / 11780 / 9745) recebia s {?} confirmações, e também da Radiobrás. Torço para que sigam a mesma linha. Um abraço, (Rudolf Grimm, São Bernardo, SP, DX Clube do Brasil Member, ibid.) ** BRAZIL. Glenn, Rádio Globo realmente uniu suas emissôras de São Paulo e Rio de Janeiro, ouvida hoje às 1508 em 11805 khz Rio de Janeiro e 1100, 6120, 9585 khz São Paulo com o programa "Tarde Legal" apresentado por João Ferreira desde o Rio de Janeiro "Alô Rio, Alô S. Paulo, Boa tarde meu Brasil...". Pela manhã anunciou as transmissões de Paul Lopes (S. Paulo) e Haroldo Barbosa (Rio de Janeiro). Não ouvida em 6030 kHz Rio de Janeiro (mas ativa, sintonizada em alguns horários). Rádio Ceará Rádio Clube, 1200 kHz Fortaleza ouvida às 0515 UTC transmitindo em cadeia com a Rádio Tupi 1180 kHz Rio de Janeiro; esta cadeia é anunciada no programa de Coly Filho pela Tupi; é uma cadeia entre as duas emissôras apenas. 73 (Samuel Cássio, DX Clube do Brasil May 23, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CANADA. This week on Quirks & Quarks we feature an interview with the man who invented Mission Control: Behind every successful space launch is one figure who determines whether the mission will take off - or not. That person is the Flight Director, and Chris Kraft was the first to occupy that position. In fact, he created the job, along with the entire Mission Control structure that has guided every American space launch since the 1950's. Chris Kraft joins us to talk about his life at NASA, and the early days of space exploration. Plus - a tiny fossil find reveals the oldest known relative to today's mammals ... All this and more on Quirks & Quarks, Saturday right after the noon news on Radio One. Bob McDonald -- Quirks & Quarks -- CBC Radio quirks@toronto.cbc.ca http://www.radio.cbc.ca/programs/quirks (Q&Q mailing list via DXLD) ** CANADA. According to the RCI Action Committee website, RCI's Executive Director Robert O'Reilly will be on the Maple Leaf Mailbag this week. The Mailbag is aired several times: first airing is Sunday 0500 UTC to Europe, and last one is Monday 0100 to Americas or 0200 UTC to India (I can't remember). Detailed schedule at http://www.rcinet.ca The website also says O'Reilly has confirmed the cuts to staff in a meeting about it on May 23. Details about this will be posted ASAP at http://www.geocities.com/rciaction (Ricky Leong, swprograms via DXLD) ** COLOMBIA. 11940 kHz. Radio Auténtica: Esta emisora religiosa emite desde Villavicencio, Departamento del Meta, y fue escuchada el día 24/05/01 identificándose a las 0300 UT como ``Cadena Radial Auténtica`` y señalando varias emisoras afiliadas como: ``Radio Auténtica en Cartagena, Radio Auténtica en Pasto, Cundinamarca, Radio Auténtica en Melgar, Radio Mundial en Santa Fe de Bogotá. Cadena Radial Auténtica de Colombia, Voz e imagen de la verdad”. Luego se escuchó cánticos religiosos y más tarde una dirección en Internet: http://www.cmb.org.co Su Código SINPO fue de 44444 (Ing. Santiago San Gil González, Barinas, Venezuela, Banda Tropical, Club Diexistas de la Amistad via DXLD) We heard this previously just off 11950, so if 11940 be correct the fundamental would be down to 5970 (gh, DXLD) ** COLOMBIA. Hi, Glenn! Just a quick note to let you know that many Amateurs are hearing a Radio "Matagual" or "Majagual" in AM mode on various freqs very close to 14301 kHz. (The signal drifts around between 14300.8 and 14301.4 kHz, mostly on 14301.1 kHz.) The audio is often distorted. Language is Spanish and programs seem to be mostly music (Latin and ballads), with some occasional news and commentaries. At times the signal causes moderate interference to the Intercontinental Amateur Traffic Net and the Maritime Mobile Service Net, operating at different times on 14300 kHz, USB. I notice that you had a report (23 Jan 1998) of a Majagual Radio, HJQX, Sincelejo, Colombia, on its third harmonic of 4290.3 kHz (making the fundamental then at 1430.1). If it is the same station, their freq hasn't changed. But tenth harmonic? Wow. Read you every month in Monitoring Times. Good Show! Very 73, (Martin H. Potter, VE3OAT, IARU Region 2 Monitoring System Co- ordinator, E-mail: ve3oat@rac.ca May 24, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CONGO. Tonight I checked Brazzaville on 4765: Indeed a remarkable signal; it would be by far the strongest signal from Africa on 60 metres without VoA São Tomé on 4950. Regards, (Kai Ludwig, Germany, May 24, DX LISTENING DIGEST) To find out when it come on in morning, started monitoring 4765 before 0400 UT May 25; *0426 with tones, 0432 into French opening, quickly followed by music. Only fair here (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CROATIA. Further to DXLD 1-075, the HRT website http://www.hrt.hr lists the following SW frequencies in use starting 8 April (times shown as UT): 0400-2300 6165 Europe 0400-0900 7365 Europe 0400-1715 9830 Europe 0900-2300 13830 Europe 2300-0100 9925 South America 0100-0300 9925 North America - East 0300-0500 9925 North America - West 0500-0700 9470 New Zealand 0700-0900 13820 Australia Note that the above times are shown as in UT. Also there is this on the website: "As of 18 April Croatian Radio will broadcast a special programme for Croats living abroad and foreigners. The programme will be broadcast on short-wave, offering two hours of programming, 2300-0100 local time, in Croatian and Spanish intended for listener in South America, and two-hour programmes in Croatian and English, 01:00-9:00 local time, for listeners in North and South America and New Zealand. The programme is a project with the Croatian Immigration Office aimed at offering better, more timely and accurate information to Croats living abroad and the international public." Comparing with the sked, I guess that the times quoted here are UT - however I've not had time to confirm any of this (Alan Roe, UK, May 23, DX LISTENING DIGEST) They are mixing the domestic service relays with the external service, something we are not supposed to do, considering them two separate `stations` (gh, DXLD) ** CROATIA. TV service for North America to launch on 30 May | Text of report in English by Croatian news agency HINA Zagreb, 24 May: Croatian Television will start broadcasting a satellite programme for North America on [Croatian] Independence Day, 30 May, Croatian Radio-Television (HRT) said on Thursday. A three- hour broadcast will be aired every day for North America's East Coast between 2100 and 2400 hours, and between 1800 and 2100 hours for the West Coast. The programme will air via the TelStar 5 satellite of the GlobeCast company. Initially it will include the daily news and domestic shows, and will not be coded. The broadcast is a joint project of the Croatian government, the Croatian Homeland Foundation, and the HRT. The project also includes Croatian Radio, which on 18 April resumed with a shortwave broadcast produced for emigrants in transatlantic countries. HRT reminds that all three of its television and radio channels are broadcast in Europe and the Middle East via the HotBird 5 digital satellite. Source: HINA news agency, Zagreb, in English 1227 gmt 24 May 01 (via BBCM via DXLD) ** CUBA. Analysis: Radio Havana Cuba 40 years on | Text of editorial analysis by BBC Monitoring's Foreign Media Unit on 24 May Cuba's international broadcaster, Radio Havana Cuba, celebrated its 40th anniversary on 1 May. The station began broadcasting during the US-sponsored Bay of Pigs invasion in April 1961. Radio Havana Cuba's transmissions as an experimental shortwave radio station were announced by President Fidel Castro speaking at the funeral of victims of US bombing on 16 April 1961. He said: "Do they believe they will be able to hide it from the world... No, Cuba already has a radio station which is broadcasting to all Latin America... being heard by innumerable brothers and sisters in Latin America and the world over." On 1 May 1961 the station was named Radio Havana Cuba. RHC was born as an alternative to the international news agencies. From two hours of transmissions in Spanish and English when it began, RHC now broadcasts over 30 hours daily in nine languages, Spanish, English, French, Arabic, Creole, Portuguese, Quechua, Guarani - and Esperanto. Broadcasting via medium powered transmitters, output is aimed mainly at Latin America. Audibility in Europe is patchy. The station ranks 32nd in BBC Monitoring's league table of international broadcasters with 268 hours a week. RHC also has an Internet web site in four languages: Spanish, English, French, and Portuguese. The site has audio archives, a list of hours and frequencies, and a searchable text archive. On 17 May Cubavisión TV devoted its influential two hour Roundtable programme to pay tribute to 40 years of RHC and its role as an international messenger for the Cuban Revolution. Station director Milagros Hernández said that RHC was founded to let the world know what was going on in Cuba and especially to broadcast to the poor countries of the Third World. She added that RHC aimed to disseminate the best of Cuban and Latin American culture, particularly in the realms of music and sports. Another panelist highlighted the roles of RHC in opposing the US invasions of Grenada and Panamá, as an alternative medium to broadcast the struggles and efforts of Third World countries, and its organized campaigns, such as the fight to free Nelson Mandela. She said RHC had been very important to Africa in international aid efforts and during Cuba's military missions to Angola and Ethiopia. With Castro now in his 43rd year in power, the role of the media, both domestic and foreign, is a particularly sensitive and politicized subject in Cuba. Castro's opponents abroad, particularly in Florida, beam hundreds of hours of broadcasts daily into the island via Radio Martí and other stations in a bid to undermine his rule. Local state-run media are in the front line of what Castro calls his new "Battle of Ideas" against Western-style capitalism, and in particular "neo-liberal globalization". Castro says the Cuban media represent a pure form of journalism unadulterated by greedy owners. Tubel Páez, head of Cuba's official journalists' union, commented on the foreign media on a recent state TV programme. "They have an ethic: That which is not profitable has no place on Earth". Foreign correspondents are trapped in the fierce US-Cuba ideological battle. They have sustained a barrage of criticism from Havana this year over their alleged distortions of Cuban reality. One, lampooned as "Pinocchio" in the official daily Granma, left the island for good. And the New York-based Committee to Protect Journalists in May named Castro as one of the 10 worst enemies of press freedom. The CPJ attacked what it called the government's "scorched-earth assault on independent Cuban journalists". It said that the authorities were "still interrogating and detaining reporters, monitoring and interrupting their telephone calls, restricting their travel and routinely putting them under house arrest to prevent coverage of certain events". However, speaking at a colloquium to mark the station's 40th anniversary, Ricardo Alarcón, president of the Cuban National Assembly, said that RHC maintained a revolutionary desire to change the world and would continue to provide a voice for all dispossessed and downtrodden peoples. Milagros Hernández added that the station was planning to improve programming, with a greater focus on more in- depth coverage of Third World issues, especially Africa. Despite the formidable array of opponents it faces, Radio Havana Cuba is looking to the future with optimism. Source: BBC Monitoring research in English 24 May 01 ((c) BBC Monitoring via DXLD) ** DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. 4930 kHz, Radio Barahona: emitiendo desde Pedernales cerca de la frontera con Haití, fue escuchada el pasado 22/05/01 retransmitiendo en vivo el programa de La VOA ``Hablemos con Wáshington``. Dicho programa se trató concretamente sobre los trámites para aquellos emigrantes latinoamericanos que desean obtener visa en los Estados Unidos. 2305 UT. SINPO: 33333 (José Francisco Ocaña, Barinas, Venezuela, Banda Tropical, Club Diexistas de la Amistad via DXLD) ** ECUADOR: Re: unID on 4815: Sign on at 1000 UT. Nothing before. It is an Ecuadorian station. Although there's no opening ID, the Ecuadorian National Anthem is presented at 1000. Signal gradually improves after that for a while, but by 1030 it's almost gone. As I write this (May 24 at 1008) the announcer is talking and the signal is clear as a bell, but he ain`t giving any IDs. Finally, back to steady music. At 1009 (chuck KA4PRF bolland, swl@qth.net via DXLD) ** ETHIOPIA. Media freedom situation said worsening | Excerpt from report by Ethiopian newspaper Tikusat on 23 May Harassment and intimidation of the free press journalists is worsening [words indistinct]. Seyfu Mekonen, Mebrek newspaper administrator, after being abducted by unknown people ended up in a police prison. He was released after being kept in custody for five days in a dark solitary room. While in prison he was only given a cup of tea and a loaf of bread. After Seyfu Mekonen, the deputy chief editor of Moged newspaper, Daniel Gezahegne, was arrested for publishing an article in Gemena newspaper on 20 Hamle 1991 [27 July 1999], where he used to work before joining the Moged newspaper. His article was on misappropriation of coffee money in southern Gonder, it was stated on the charges filed by the District 14 police station. Daniel after being kept for two days in custody at District 14 police station was brought to court and the court asked him to produce 5,000 birr [about 600 dollars] bond, which Daniel failed to produce. Then the court sent him to prison. It is 22 days now since Daniel was arrested. The publisher and chief editor of the World Sports newspaper, Wondmeneh Negusie, was summoned at the Central Criminal Investigation office for publishing an article on the recent Addis Ababa university students riot. However, he was released on 10 Ginbot [18 May] after producing a 5,000 birr bond. The publisher and chief editor of Tomar newspaper, Befekadu Moreda, was summoned for publishing article on the Addis Ababa university students riot and chief editor of Goh newspaper and magazine, Robel Meteku was also summoned to answer charges for publishing an article which says a king who does not have an adviser will not rule even for a year, but both were released after producing a 5,000 bond each. Eyob Demeke, the publisher and chief editor of the former Tarik newspaper was arrested for an old article and ended up in prison for failing to produce a bond... International human rights group than ever before are expressing their fear on the safety of members of the Ethiopian free press journalists. Although Meles Zenawi had been named the main enemy of the press, his attitude towards the free press has further worsened more than ever before. According to some diplomats, Meles's attitude to weaken and thwart the people's right to speak has worsened more than ever before and these could in turn affect Ethiopia`s influence in the international community. Source: Tikusat, Addis Ababa, in Amharic 23 May 01 p 1 (via BBCM via DXLD) This gives us idea of why so much clandestine radio to there ** ETHIOPIA [non]. CLANDESTINE TO ETHIOPIA 12110 1706-1759* May 23, could not catch the station name but the test transmission of this well heard here on clear channel, strong signal with only occasional slight fading, excellent technical quality. Mixture of talk by man and Horn of Africa style music (Mike Barraclough, UK, WORLD OF RADIO 1081, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Bulgaria ? May 23 1700 - 1728 UT 12110 kHz AM. Reportedly this is "Netsanet Radio" beamed to Ethiopia. Opens with I.S. on flute & anncm. by lady. Much chorus music alternating with talk by man. Has QRM from ute on high side & 'hammered" at times by data bursts. Too weak to ID language but overall an African flavor. Fading under ute by end time. SINPO 23332 (Bill Flynn, Oregon, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** FINLAND. Alpo Heinonen, Rovaniemi, Finland http://personal.inet.fi/koti/alpo.heinonen/ NRD 525 "A weak voice from the Finnish Arctic Circle" Hello, Here is a newsletter of Scandinavian Weekend Radio. You have now all rights to publish this message freely in your DX-sources. (Alpo Heinonen, Scandinavian Weekend Radio) Good news from SWR, Virrat in Finland! Scandinavian Weekend Radio has got a new licence for its action on SWs. We are now allowed to broadcast on following days this year: 2nd June, 7th July, 4th August, 1st September, 6th August, 3rd November, 1st December and finally our Christmas Show on 25th December. And it is really easy to remember -– SWR is on the air every first Saturday of the month (Finnish time, so actual beginning is on Friday 21 hours UT (summertime)). And every time we have whole 24 hours showtime. And perhaps the best news is that now we have also possibilities to improve the audibility of SWR! We have got a licence from THK (Telehallintokeskus) to use three new frequencies on a new 48 mb- area. These frequencies are 6170, 5980 and 5990 kHz. Our technicians have worked very intensively with new equipment we need for 48 mb: new transmitters (both 25 and 48 mb), new antennas etc. If everything goes right we take this new band on use in a very near future. We might have some test transmissions so please follow messages in our web pages http://www.swradio.net Of course this info will be sent directly to all members of our mailing list. This new band will be taken to use to serve listeners in the near areas (where 25 mb can`t be heard regularly). We are expecting to reach a good audibility in Finland, Sweden, Norway, nearest areas of Russia and Baltic-countries (Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania). These broadcasts can be heard well occasionally in some other North- European countries, too (Poland, Belo-Russia, Germany, Denmark etc.). On 25 mb we will continue our service normally on 11690/11720 kHz. Reminder: Now on 2nd June you have final opportunity to take part to our Waiting for the Hot Summer-Competition. All correct reception reports sent from this broadcast listened on 11690/11720 kHz (and possible test transmissions on 48 mb) will automatically take part to this competition. Please, check (simple) rules of this competition from our web-pages http://www.swradio.net (message board /general discussion –messulauta). Good prices, T-shirts, cds, posters etc. are waiting for you! Good luck! Our tentative programme/ frequency-schedules can be found on http://www.swradio.net And please let us know when you are listening to us. We have a live telephone-line during our broadcasts. So call +358 400 995 559. At other times you can leave a message into our voice mail machine. Also SMS-messages are welcome. You can also leave messages to our web-pages to visit-book, message board or you can fill our reception report form there. And of course we are waiting for your reports by snail. Our mailing address is: SWR, P.O.Box 35, FIN-40321 Jyväskylä, Finland. PLEASE NOTE: We do not send our printed QSL-card without return postage (2 IRC or 2 USD and make sure that you get those IRCs stamped correctly, otherwise they are useless). Let`s meet on SWs! (Alpo Heinonen, Scandinavian Weekend Radio May 24, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** GERMANY. Radio Marabu is on the air this weekend again starting at Saturday 1800 hours until Sunday 1800 hours on 6210 kHz. If you send us a reaction about the programme until Monday 1200 hours via E-mail, phone, telefax or leaving a message at our guest book on http://www.radiomarabu.de, we will send you again a CD free of charge. RADIO MARABU e.V. - Postfach 1166 - D 49187 Belm - Germany Tel.: 05406/899484 -- Fax: 05406/899485 E-mail: marabu@radiomarabu.de -- Homepage: www.radiomarabu.de Europe`s radio station for alternative music (SW pirates via Paul Ormandy, ARDXC via DXLD) ** GREECE. Thessaloniki: tonight the MDR transmitter at Wilsdruff on 1044 is off (supposedly already since yesterday and not to return until tomorrow; the matter yet needs to be clarified), allowing me to check in more detail the Thessaloniki MW outlet against shortwave: Between 2000 and 2100 I found SW (9935) as in // with 1044 but not so after 2100. Instead SW (then 7430) now had the programme with Greek folk music I already described while 1044 carries a magazine with English pop songs. I guess they consider such broadcasts as not suitable for the shortwave outlet and therefore now replace it by a special output, which is carried on shortwave exclusively. By the way, like the shortwave outlet also 1044 evidently uses no soundprocessing, and the modulation would fit the theory that this is still the old VoA transmitter (Kai Ludwig, Germany, May 24, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ICELAND. 13865 USB, Rikisutvarpid, May 24 1840, SW relay of Channel 1 nx and wx. This time/freq has been working very well to N America recently (David Hodgson, TN, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ISRAEL. 23170 (2 x 11585) May 23 at 1935, Kol Israel, Harmonic weak, fundamental fair. Sporting event with Tel Aviv team playing. // 17535 (David Hodgson, Nashville, USA, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ITALY. RAI website now has summer schedule up with the long established pattern of broadcasting so I guess the reorganisation has been abandoned. English is shown as North America 0050-0110 9675 11800 North Africa 0425-0440 5975 7150 Western Europe 1935-1955 5970 9750 East Africa 2025-2045 7125 9635 11800 Japan 2200-2225 9675 11900 15240 (Mike Barraclough, UK, May 24, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** LIBYA. Voice of Africa broadcasts 1000-0355 on 17725 kHz, also widely heard on the parallel MW frequencies 711 and 1251 kHz. The main language is Arabic, but station carries the news in English and French. The English news lasts from 2 to 12 minutes, but mostly 7-8 minutes. The news in English and French noted at 11 o'clock and than every hour starting from 17 o'clock. Here is a monitored schedule of the news in English: 1140-1150, 1735-1745, 1820-1825, 1920-1925, 2030-2040, 2120-2130, 2220-2225, 2330-2340, 0020-0025, 0130-0140, 0220-0225, 0320-0330 UTC. Note: all times variable day to day approx. plus minus 10 minutes! The French news follows right away after the news in English. Heard in May 2001. The news last shorter or longer depending of the hour, so I wrote 5 or 10 minutes long; the starting times of the news are different at various hours (Robert Petraitis, Lithuania, World DX Club via Mike Barraclough, WORLD OF RADIO 1081, DXLD) ** LIECHTENSTEIN. Dear Glenn, When listening last Saturday via WRN/Hotbird/digital with a lot of digital drop-outs (same occurred during Elliott's C.W.) I noted that you only mentioned the Liechtenstein News on demand. But, their whole programming can be heard in MP3 by clicking up right on their web site on 'mp3 jukebox live-radio'. By the way, I visited Liechtenstein a couple of years ago and heard them on e.g. Vaduz 96.9 MHz. 73, (Erik Køie in Copenhagen, May 24, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SOUTH AMERICA. Subject: [HCDX] Desde los Andes Sudamericanos PIRATAS SUDAMERICANAS -Horas UTC *RADIO COCHIGUAZ probará durante unos minutos una nueva antena dirigida a Sudamerica en 11440 khz USB con un programa de Radio Dr. Tim. -Sáb 26 May 2001 -> *00.00-01.00* *02.00 Saludos a diexistas, prueba. -Enviar sus reportes a: -Radio Dr TIM, Postfach 520112, D-44207 Dortmund, ALEMANIA. Email: doctortim@t-online.de -Radio Cochiguaz, Box 159, Santiago 14, CHILE. FFFR, ;-) (Cachito, Radio Cochiguaz op. http://members.xoom.com/rcochiguaz/ May 24, hard-core-dx via DXLD) ** SPAIN. Spain is phasing out all VHF television and moving it to UHF. For a complete chart of what stations are going where, check out http://www.isesatv.com/migrar.htm A couple of them could have been good multi-hop Es targets (Mike Bugaj - Enfield, CT USA WTFDA Circulation, via DXLD) ** SPAIN. SEPI (SEPI) El Mundo (Spain), May 22, 2001 Spanish state industrial holding company SEPI will meet today with representatives of Spanish public radio and television company RTVE to discuss the future of the state-owned company. Meanwhile trade unions have scheduled stoppages for 24 and 31 May and 7 and 15 June. (World Reporter All Material Subject to Copyright via Mike Cooper, WORLD OF RADIO 1081, DXLD) Affecting SW? All but last on Thurdays ** TURKMENISTAN. 4930 Turkmen R, Asgabat, May 23, *0100- 0110 and 1815-2100*, All relays of Home Service 2 in Turkmen language. Thus all relays of Mayak from Moscow have been dropped ! Can somebody in Asia please tell us, if they are Off between 0900 and 1400, or broadcasts full time *0100-2100*. Best 73, (Anker Petersen, Denmark, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** UKRAINE. External radio survives on enthusiasm alone - comment | Text of report by Voice of Russia "DX Club" web site on 9 May Ukraine, Kharkiv: Here's a quote from another letter by Andrey Erlikh, our esteemed colleague and faithful listener resident here: "In Club DX Issue 545, I heard a report about Radio Ukraine International's plans to add broadcasts in Arabic, Russian, Polish, French and Spanish, and thought it to be an April Fool's Day joke. The fact is that, in the new season, broadcasts even by the radio's current language services (that is, Ukrainian, English and German) are almost inaudible. Thus, it simply beggars belief that it will be able to expand broadcasting so dramatically. "This year, there already have been cases when radio and TV stations were cut off for unpaid electricity bills... "A recent TV report showed how radio technicians, for a pittance and on enthusiasm alone, operate worn-out, threadbare equipment... "Meanwhile, staff at Ukrainian radio transmission centres eke out a miserly existence and live on service premises by inertia, as there is nowhere to move and no money to move." Source: Voice of Russia web site, Moscow, in Russian 9 May 01 (via BBCM via DXLD) ** U K. This from the ShortWave Magazine Yahoo egroup. For those of you with an interest in VLF. "Listeners may be aware that the UK Royal Navy are celebrating the Centenary of the Royal Navy Submarine service with a gathering of UK and overseas submarines in the Clyde. This year is also the 75th anniversary of operation of the GBR transmitter (Rugby). As part of this celebration 'It is hoped' that a special A1A Morse code transmission from the GBR long wave transmitter will be made. For those with an interest in VLF reception please listen to 16kHz (yes 16kHz not 60kHz!) on Tuesday 29th May 2001 at 1200 and 1345 GMT." Regards (Tracey Garder, UK via Mike Barraclough, WORLD OF RADIO 1081, DXLD) ** U K. Subject: BBC Radio 2 Goon Special schedule From the BBC Radio 2 web page which has the schedules for a week and thus the next Tuesday schedules from today. All times are, presumably, GMT+1 (British Summer Time) 19:00 Goons Night Introduction -- A unique introduction to an evening of Goons entertainment. 19:10 Spike's Pick Of The Goons -- To start this 50th anniversary evening, Spike Milligan is let loose in the archive to choose his all- time favourite Goon Show. 19:40 Comedians' Goons -- The younger generation of comedians, including Harry Hill, Al Murray and Lee Hurst, pick their favourite Goon Show extracts and explain how the Goons influenced them. 20:00 At Last The Go-On Show -- A revised edition of the programme celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Goons. Featuring the late Peter Sellers, the late Sir Harry Secombe, Spike Milligan and Michael Bentine. 21:00 Just Before Goonrise -- Denis Norden traces the history of radio comedy from the end of World War II to the first broadcast of Crazy People in May 1951, when four bright young comedians turned comedy on its head. 21:30-22:30 Goon Again -- The 50th Anniversary Cardboard Replica Goon Show by Spike Milligan and Larry Stephens. Featuring Andrew Secombe, Jon Glover and Jeffrey Holland (via Joel Rubin, NY, May 23, WORLD OF RADIO 1081, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U K. Glenn & Sheldon, Bill Westenhaver thought this article would interest you. http://www.roanoke.com/roatimes/news/story112017.html Here's an apparently new customer for the BBC WS overnight. 73- (Bill Westenhaver, PQ, DXLD) Media Network has learned that the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office has circulated a questionnaire to UK High Commissions and Embassies about the effects on the average listener of the BBC World Service decision to end shortwave broadcasts to North America, and severely curtail those to the Pacific. It would therefore seem a good idea, if you're affected, to contact the nearest UK High Commission, Embassy or Consulate without delay to make sure your views are taken into account (Andy Sennitt, swprograms via DXLD) An escalating postal strike in London has left millions of letters undelivered. Affected sorting offices include Mount Pleasant, which handles international mail. I therefore strongly advise you *not* to spend money on airmail letters to London, which could - because of the backlog - be delayed for many weeks. Further, we now know that the embassies and consulates have been officially told of the BBC's move, and - at least in Australia - they are actively soliciting input as to the likely effects. Any such input will be communicated to London through diplomatic channels, giving it a much higher priority than letters sent by individuals to a large government department in the UK. Therefore, if you want to make a difference, I urge you to contact your nearest UK embassy, consulate or High Commission (Andy Sennitt, May 23, swprograms via DXLD) It looks as if the postal dispute which has been affecting many of the country since last Friday is coming to a conclusion. Workers at the Watford sorting office, just outside London, where things began, have accepted a Union-brokered agreement and should be back to normal working by 2100 UT Thursday, and most other areas where workers have been in dispute should be back to normal by midnight or so, local time. Of course it will take a while for postal services to return to normal, given that there are estimated to be 10000000 items undelivered, so I would still urge caution in using snail mail to get to UK addresses, such as the BBC, for perhaps a week or so. Incidentally, here in Wembley we seem to have got away with it (touch wood). (Paul David, 020 8933 9126 swprograms May 24 via DXLD) ** U K / NEW ZEALAND. Dear Glenn, Further to John Figliozzi's comments in your latest listening digest, please advise John that BBC is on 1476 in Auckland. The Auckland Radio Trust, which runs the station, survives due to the enthusiasm of Vince Geddes and a handful of sponsors. Best regards (David Norrie, Auckland, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U K. Subject: BBC Abandoning Us? Maybe Not! After we've beaten our heads against the wall complaining to the BBC, us Canadians have one more avenue with which to voice our concerns - our Queen, Her Royal Highness Elizabeth II, Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Queen of Canada. Adrienne Clarkson, the Governor General of Canada, is the Queen's representative in Canada. The suggested format to write to her is:: Her Excellency the Right Honourable Adrienne Clarkson, C.C., C.M.M., C.D. Governor General of Canada Rideau Hall 1 Sussex Drive Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A1 Her fax number is: 1-613-998-1664 If you want to do it up right, your salutation to Ms. Clarkson should be "Your Excellency" or simply "Excellency" and your ending should read "Sincerely Yours and Her Royal Highness the Queen's loyal subject". (Mark Coady, ODXA via DXLD) You can find a complete list of contact info at the following URL's: http://www.fco.gov.uk/directory/posts.asp?US (for USA) http://www.fco.gov.uk/directory/posts.asp?CA (for Canada) http://www.fco.gov.uk/directory/posts.asp?AU (for Australia) These include E-mail and Web site addresses If you're elsewhere, go to http://www.fco.gov.uk/directory/posts.asp and click on the appropriate country (Andy Sennitt, swprograms via DXLD) Embassy in USA: Washington : British Embassy Website: http://www.britainusa.com/ Address: 3100 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Washington DC 20008 Telephone: (1)(202) 588 6500 Embassy Facsimile: (1)(202) 588 7870 Chancery (1)(202) 588 7866 Management (1)(202) 588 7901 Trade (1)(202) 588 7850 Consular Ambassador to US: Sir Christopher Meyer, KCMG E-mail: Public.Enquiries@newyork.mail.fco.gov.uk (this is the E-mail link shown for the British Information Services office in NYC, not the embassy) There is also an FCO (Foreign & Commonwealth Office) web-based feedback form at URL http://www.fco.gov.uk/feedback.asp . (Richard Cuff, swprograms via DXLD) Note that my local (New York) fax number for the Consulate General of the U.K. is +1 212 754 3062 and I faxed them on May 17 (Joel Rubin, May 23, DX LISTENING DIGEST) [The May 23 edition of Marketplace from PRI had a report on BBCWS quitting SW to NAm; about 20 mins into the show -gh] But somehow, Stephen Beard managed in his report on Marketplace today to get Mr. Timmins to say that the 12% represents 250,000 listeners. That places the total number of BBC listeners in North America at about 2 million. 29% of that is 580,000 who combine FM and shortwave. Add that to the 250,000 who listen to shortwave exclusively and you get 830,000 people in North America who listen to the BBC on shortwave. Hell, you could count *me* as one of that 29%; I occasionally hear "The World" or even "Newshour" on a local station. I don't doubt that most of the 580,000 who combine FM and shortwave hear BBC feature programs on shortwave and some of the news programs on FM; they will be deprived just as much as any of the people who listen on shortwave exclusively (-- Ralph Brandi, ibid.) Thanks for catching this, Ralph. We have now nearly completed this algebra. The BBC e-mail response says that the BBC audience in the United States numbers about 2.3 million. From this I extrapolate: 100% 2,300,000 All BBC listeners in the USA 88% 2,024,000 All FM listeners 59% 1,357,000 Listen via FM exclusively 41% 943,000 All shortwave listeners 29% 667,000 Listen via FM plus shortwave 12% 276,000 Listen via shortwave exclusively That 943,000 is an amazingly high number, higher than I have ever seen before for BBC shortwave in the United States. However, I'm comparing this to weekly or past-week listening rates I've seen previously (in the 1980s). The numbers above might be past-year, or what the researchers call the "total" audience. If anyone sees or hears a reference to "weekly" or "past-week" or "past-year" in BBC statements about its audience size, please let me know. Almost all World Service program producers will lose most of their U.S. audience after July 1. I wonder how they feel about that? (Kim Elliott, speaking for ke and not for voa.gov, swprograms via DXLD) ** U S A. I am pleased to announce that Andre de Nesnera has been selected as VOA News Director. Andre has been Acting News Director for the past sesquiyear, during which he has shown the kind of initiative, drive, and dedication I believe is necessary to maintain a strong and vital news operation. At the length-of-service awards the other day, I congratulated Andre on his 20th year at the Voice of America. He joined the organization in December 1980, and his work since then certainly qualifies him to lead our news operation. In 1984, Andre opened VOA's Geneva bureau and, in 1989, became VOA's first bureau chief in Moscow. He also has distinguished himself as a senior European correspondent for five years in London. Andre is fluent in English, Russian, and French, and he has a solid command of German. He also has worked as a central news desk writer and as a background writer specializing in East European affairs. Before coming to VOA, Andre worked for CBS News and WMCA Radio in New York. Please join me in congratulating Andre de Nesnera on his appointment as VOA's News Director. (Sandy Ungar, VOA Director via Kim Andrew Elliott, May 23, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 8635 (mixing product) WWCR. 1815 May 24. 12160 and 15685 mixing to produce this spur. Different programs on fundamentals, so both heard on the spur. Poor to fair. I live in Nashville. Don't know if this is strong enough to skip. Does anyone else hear this? (David Hodgson, TN, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 3525 kHz aparts ** U S A [clandestine] UPR has been on extended schedule overnights on 3.260 USB past 0800Z since Tuesday when Steve Anderson got wind that the Feds were going to make a move on the station. I enjoy your DXLD for many years now. Thanks, Have a great weekend! (Chris aka Rafman, Chase City Virginia, May 24, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Subject: 3.260 link and ham freq use From: "loosie goosie" sosdiffday@aol.com Date: 5/24/01 11:04 AM Central Daylight Time Forum: rec.radio.shortwave 3.260 UPR seems to be using http://www.pbn.4mg.com as a pseudo-webpage for info dissemination. You can even get the station`s address and telephone number at this URL. Finally check 3.860 LSB ham radio (+/- 5 kHz) at 8:00 PM on Mon, Tue and Thur nights eastern (usa) time for the Eastern Regional Patriots Net. Steve has been heard to check in in the past, along with several other un-ID stations with "reports". It just keeps gettin stranger and stranger. I think Art Bell should set up an interview with Col Steve. This would surely be interesting and amusing (via John Norfolk, DXLD) ** URUGUAY. SODRE Another e-mail address for them is programacionradial@sodre.gub.uy (Horacio Nigro, Uruguay, May 23, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** YUGOSLAVIA. Hoy 23 de mayo he ubicado nuevamente en la Onda Corta a Radio Yugoslavia en su Servicio hacia América Latina en idioma español. Como siempre con una programación informativa, sobre la ex- Yugoslavia, y la guerra separatista de Bosnia, Croacia y Kosovo. La escucha fué por los 9680 kHz, que corresponden a los 32.26 metros con un SINPO de: 4 4 4 4 4. El esquema en español es: Europa de 19.00 a 19.30 UT, por 7200 Khz. América de 23.00 a 23.30 UT, por 9680 Khz. Su dirección postal es Apartado 200, Hilandarska 2, 11000 Belgrado Yugoslavia radioyu@bitsyu.net (Adinet, Uruguay, May 23, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###