DX LISTENING DIGEST 1-028, March 1, 2001 edited by Glenn Hauser, wghauser@hotmail.com {Items from DXLD may be reproduced and re-reproduced only if full credit be maintained at all stages and we be provided exchange copies. DXLD may not be reposted in its entirety without permission. For restrixions and searchable 2001, 2000 contents archive see} http://www.angelfire.com/ok/worldofradio/Dxldmid.html [NOTE: If you are a regular reader of DXLD, and a source of DX news but have not been sending it directly to us, please consider yourself obligated to do so. Thanks, Glenn] WORLD OF RADIO 1071: (stream) http://www.angelfire.com/ok/worldofradio/wor1071.ram (download) http://www.angelfire.com/ok/worldofradio/wor1071.rm (summary) http://www.angelfire.com/ok/worldofradio/wor1071.html ** ALASKA. Dear Glenn, RE DXLD 1-027, HAARP. I guess Wolfgang got his info from http://geocities.com/brojongazette/frontpage/bj1203.html and http://geocities.com/brojongazette/frontpage/bj0201.html and http://geocities.com/brojongazette/frontpage/bj0202.html and http://www.geocities.com/brojongazette/frontpage/bj1204.html All coming from the 'Jonathan' front page of http://geocities.com/brojongazette/ But I wonder if they have sort of a regular sched. on 3390 and 6990 kHz. 73, (Erik Křie, Denmark, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Your webpage says it is 5000 miles from San José CA to Gakona AK. It is really more like 2000 miles (or slightly more). If you can make such a big error on something so easily measured, how can we rely on all your other data and conclusions?? Regards, (Glenn Hauser to BroJon, WORLD OF RADIO 1071, DXLD) Glenn -- When I was writing the first article is was made from an email which is had just sent to several people as a quick warning. I made a rough estimate on the fly. I did not check the distance number when putting together the first article. In the second article the distance was correctly identified as approx 2100 miles from San José to Gakona. Thank you for being observant. ------------------- M (teddyspeaks, evidently the author, reply to gh, DXLD) Glenn; The odd signal on 3.39 MHz is back, as of about 8:30 pm PST, this evening (Wed, 2-28) after being absent since the 20th. I doubt it`s from HAARP. I did hear it in the middle of the day, which seems unusual for this frequency. So did many others in widely scattered places, apparently, tho I haven`t seen the first hand reports. Would like to (Michael Watson, CA, Feb 28, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** AUSTRIA/SLOVAKIA. AWR changing SW relay site ADVENTIST WORLD RADIO Beginning with the new transmission period at the end of March, Adventist World Radio plans to begin the relay of its programming over a new shortwave station in Europe. Relays via the Slovak Telekom station at Rimavská Sobota will conclude at the end of next month and relays will begin via the Austrian shortwave station located at Moosbrunn near Vienna. In announcing this new information yesterday, Mr Greg Hodgson, Director of Engineering for the AWR System, stated that usage of the relay facilities in Austria will give AWR added flexibility in covering the desired target areas, due to the fact that one of the main antennas at Moosbrunn is rotatable. The transmitter for these new AWR broadcasts is a 500 kW unit operating with 300 kW output. The new transmission period begins on Sunday March 25 and AWR is taking out a daily 12 hour relay from Moosbrunn for coverage into Africa, the Middle East, and Pakistan. The antenna beam will change throughout the broadcast day and the same transmitter at 300 kW will change frequency according to propagation conditions. An additional AWR service from Austria will commence on the same day, Sunday March 25. The other 500/300 kW transmitter at Moosbrunn with an omni-directional antenna will carry AWR programming to Europe morning and evening in English and German. The AWR DX program, "Wavescan" will feature in this new programming for Europe in the English broadcasts on Sundays. The German language program, "Die Stimme der Hoffnung" ("Voice of Hope") will also be heard in this new European service. Currently Radio Austria International operates four shortwave transmitters; two new units at 500/300 kW, and two units at 100 kW. The two older 100 kW units are available for back-up usage. The final AWR broadcasts from the relay station at Rimavská Sobota in Slovakia will be on the air on Saturday March 24. AWR programming from this station has been on the air since January 1, 1994, a period of more than 7 years. During this time, AWR programming has been carried by three of the four transmitters at 250 kW, and over a period of time, these broadcasts have been heard almost worldwide. Mr Hodgson states that the AWR usage of the leased facilities at Jülich in Germany and Meyerton in South Africa will continue to relay regular AWR programming. The two AWR owned stations, KSDA on Guam and the unit at Forlě in Italy will also continue to carry a normal programming load. The complete schedule for all AWR programming for the new transmission period is nearing completion and it is expected to be ready for release quite soon. Adventist World Radio invites reception reports from listeners for the new transmission period, and specially for the new broadcasts from the Moosbrunn shortwave station. Specially endorsed QSL cards will be available for the "Last Week" from Rimavská Sobota in Slovakia, and for the "First Week" from Moosbrunn in Austria. (Dr Adrian M. Peterson, DX Editor, Co-ordinator - International Relations, AWR, Feb 28, WORLD OF RADIO 1071, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** BOLIVIA. As already reported by Rocco Cotroneo, Brasil, Radio Centenario La Nueva moved from former 4855 to new 4865 kHz. I also could observe the station here on Feb. 26 and 27. Obviously the station is closing down early at around 2300 UT. R Centenario La Nueva, La Paz, February 26, 2240-2302, Spanish, religious program of a Californian bible society called "A través de la Biblia", tentative ID, c/d at 2302. SINPO 22322 vy 73 (Michael Schnitzer, Receiver: JRC NRD-525, Antennas: 25m longwire DX-One Professional EWE to South America, EWE to Asia/Pacific; Location: Hassfurt, Germany; hard-core- dx via DXLD) ** BRAZIL. According WRTH 2001 Edition, and Passport 2001, the address from Radio Capixaba is: Av. Santo Antonio 366, 29025-000 Vitória, ES. Try it. Many radio stations in Brazil no more use 'Caixas Postais', (P.O. Box). I had many negative experiences during last year, using Caixa Postal. Several letters came back to me. When WRTH or Passport indicates Caixa Postal, I phone the station, and obtain the correct address. In most cases, no more Caixa Postal. Please, try the street address. I could make it. 73s, (Rudolf Grimm Săo Bernardo, SP, radioescutas via DXLD) ** CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC. This station identifies itself as "Radio Centrafrique" or the "national station" of Radiodiffusion-Télévision Centrafricaine. Broadcasts are in French, Sango and other local languages. The frequency of the shortwave transmitter (5035/7220 kHz) is subject to variation. For example the transmission on the nominal frequency of 5035 kHz is often heard around 5033-5034. Address: BP 940, Bangui, CAR. Tel and Fax: 615124; 612588; 616125; 613707; 613242; 611822. Daily 0600-1800 on 7220v, 1800-2300 on 5035v; all also on 1440, 106.9. In French/Sango including 10 minutes of news in French at 0600, 0700, 0800, 1300; 25 minutes at 1800 (© BBC Monitoring Feb 28, condensed by gh for DXLD) ** CONGO DR. 6698, *2200-2255*, Bunia heard 9, 15, 17, 18 February, frequency varies from 6698.2 to 6698.6. Transmission is in AM but easier to copy in SSB. All programmes in French. Signal usually weak. Interval signal, identification and anthem 2200 then into talks mainly by man with short linking music. Programme schedule 2250, announcement "Ici Bunia....de la République du Congo" and closes 2255 (Arthur Miller, Wales, World DX Club via Mike Barraclough) 6698.2: Cannot confirm identification but interval signal sign on 2158 and French programming but barely above the noise level and faded completely by 2225. Very brief peak 2205 with lady talking in French. Best on LSB. Not heard on check previous night (Mike Barraclough, UK Feb 28, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CUBA. 1331.0, R Portada de la Libertad, Niquero, Granma - 0258- 0345 March 1 - blowing in w/ SP W vocal, then W "Boletín de las noticias, R Portada de la Libertad" and into nx summary by M, back to Cuban modern ballads w/ M DJ, more IDs. Super signal, thanks to being up 1 kHz. Correct site per Jay Novello log and recording from Exuma, Bahamas last fall. The first log of this Local for me. 0359 w/ M&W closing anmt from 0358: (W) "Portada de la Libertad... fin de la transmisión... Desde Niquero en la provincia de la Granma... (M) ... buenas noches." Then into vocal NA till 0359. Carrier remained till 0405* [Terry Krueger, FL, hard-core-dx via DXLD] ** DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. 4930.06, 27 Feb 2315. Using USB and filter #3, 2.7 kHz, on the AR AOR7030, the signal here became audible. It was, as hoped and expected, Radio Barahona. Although music and songs were heard with acceptable sound (for a DX-er), the DJ voice was coming here in some low, from-down-in-the-basement quality. Well, that did not matter a bit later in the night, because at 0046, 28 Feb an SSB feed on 4931 in Russian knocked out the Dominican in the first round. 73 JB (Johan Berglund, Trollhättan, Sweden, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. Here`s another one, which has yet to be published anywhere: R Amanecer Internacional, 1570 (and sw 6025) has added three new MW channels, 610, 900 and 1060. No QTH given in an additional website at http://www.tagnet.org/radiodominicana/ but 1060 has already been noted in Sweden (Henrik Klemetz, Sweden, IRCA AM Newsflash March 1 via DXLD) ** ERITREA [non]. Voice of Democratic Eritrea *1700-1800* 15670 kHz Thursdays, Mondays (Direct via CRW) More details at: http://www.meskerem.net/ (Clandestine Radio Watch Feb 28 via DXLD) This was the unID under GERMANY in DXLD 1-025, and note also this one: ** ETHIOPIA [non]. Voice of Ethiopian Medhin Schedule via web site: *1600-1700* 15670 kHz Thursdays and Sundays (Direct via CRW via DXLD) ** EUROPE. We are on the air now on 11470 kHz AM, for some test, and we will be on the air sometimes until Saturday. Regular test are scheduled as follows: - Saturday 3/3 at 1700-2300 UT - Sunday 4/3 at 0830-1900 on 11470 kHz AM. We wait for your reception reports by e- mail at swrs@usa.net. New transmitter and antenna is tested. Thanks and good listening, (Steve@SWRS SHORT WAVE RELAY SERVICE - SWRS, Feb 28, hard-core-dx via DXLD) ** FRANCE [non]. José, Just wondering if you have come to any definite conclusion about RFI on 144.3 MHz -- a nearby mix with ch 4 TV video x 2 plus 9.8, as suggested? Are you still hearing it, or been able to locate the source? 73, Glenn Hi Glenn. I didn`t reach any final conclusion. RFI hasn`t been heard here on 144.300 since 06/02/2001. One of the Channel 4 engineers and I were at their transmission site with a spectrum analyzer while YV5LVT was at my house listening for RFI on 144.300 on February 7th and 9th, but since RFI was not heard those two days, the trip was in vain. I keep the radio on every day from 0100 to 0200 on 144.300, but not a trace of RFI. This signal is still baffling me. I hope the phenomenon will repeat again to keep trying to solve the mystery. I made an entry in my electronic agenda to remind me January next year to listen for RFI on 144.300. 73/DX (José (Joe), YV5LIX, Valdez, eQSL Advisory Board, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** GEORGIA. Re DXLD 1-023. Radio Georgia is again audible on 11805.3, heard 26/2 with English commencing at 0630. German followed as usual from 0700. Prior to that, was only a het on VOA Kavala, which goes off at 0630 (M-F). Reasonable amount of carrier in evidence, but usual poor modulation (Craig Seager, Bathurst, Australia, Feb 28, WORLD OF RADIO 1071, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** INTERNATIONAL VACUUM [non]. The first radio message of the children of the Earth to outside civilizations is to be sent from the Russian long-distance space communication center in August. That has been announced by the head of the project Boris Pshenichner, in charge of the section of astronomy and space research at the Moscow Children`s club. The event will be devoted to the 40th anniversary of the flight of the Earth`s first cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin and will likewise mark the entrance of mankind into a new millennium. The message prepared by the children will be sent to far away worlds through a radar formerly used to explore Venus (Voice of Russia News Bulletin 02.28.01 via Sergei Sosedkin, MI, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** JAPAN. JJY, the Japanese Time Signal station, will be going off air on 31 March. Sked is 24h on 5000, 8000 & 10000. There`s a nice time signal site: http://www.iprimus.ca/~hepburnw/dx/time.htm Tnx to Dave Tomasko for the URL (Liz Cameron, MI, Feb 28, MARE via DXLD) ** KURDISTAN [non]. Radio Bopeshawa broadcasts 1500-1600 on 9450 kHz: on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays in two languages: first half of the hour in Arabic and another half in Kurdish. On Thursdays, all hour in Kurdish. ID (in Kurdish): Aira Radio Bopeshawa. (noted in a second half of February). (R. Petraitis, Clandestine Radio Watch Feb 27, 2001, via DXLD) ** LATIN AMERICA. The LA-DX Webpage has been moved to a new home at: http://www.sover.net/~hackmohr/ (Mark Mohrmann, VT, March 1, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Very useful for checking unIDs by frequency! (gh) ** LITHUANIA. As announced 28 Feb @ ~0040 UT: Due to available funding, R Vilnius will be discontinuing transmissions from Jülich, Germany effective 5 Mar. English from 0030-0100 will continue on 9875 from Sitkunai, but 6120 will be dropped. 73, (Mark J. Fine, WORLD OF RADIO 1071, DX LISTENING DIGEST) mark.fine@fineware-swl.com Serving the Shortwave Community since 1988: - Owner/Proprietor, FineWare: http://www.fineware-swl.com - East Coast Monitor, Monitoring Times: http://www.grove-ent.com - English Schedules Editor, NASWA Journal: http://www.anarc.org/naswa - CumbreLite Editor, Cumbre DX: http://www.cumbredx.org ** LITHUANIA [non]. Unfortunately I missed the last shortwave broadcast of RFE Latvian but followed the last 15 minutes of the Lithuanian service on shortwave. 9750 from Morocco was the strongest signal here but clashed with co-channel Rampisham (BBC, should be Turkish until 2100, then something else), 7130 from Playa de Pals was during the last minutes spoiled by Galbeni, running open carrier prior to a RRI broadcast at 2100. Actually I expected to hear a good- bye, at least a closing announcement, but instead at least 9750 closed simply by brutal cut-off inmidst an ongoing report a few seconds prior to 2100. This was no burial of a shortwave service; instead RFE simply threw away the corpse (Kai Ludwig, Germany, Feb 28, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** MAURITANIA. Radio Mauritanie, 4845 kHz, full data "Ici Nouakchott Map Card" with station stamp, in 11 weeks, for taped report, English letter and IRC, no v/s only Arabic initials. Sent direct from Canada air post to: Radio Mauritanie, B.P 200, Nouakchott, République Islamique de Mauritanie (Joe Talbot, Red Deer, Alberta, Canada, March 1, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** MONACO [non]. TWR A-01 in English, UT: 0655(Sun 0645)-0820 on 9870/6045 (TWR via Wolfgang Büschel, March 1, DXLD) Excerpted from a complete printed schedule in multiple languages. Sites not clear, but has been Albania recently, I believe. Nor is it clear what the / between the frequencies means: and? Or? (gh, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** PAPUA NEW GUINEA. NBC - National Broadcasting Corporation is creating its web site at: http://www.nbc.com.pg/ 73 de Pentti Lintujärvi, Helsinki, Finland, March 1, hard-core-dx via DXLD) ** PERÚ. 4759.96, Radio Tingo María. Feb 28 0708 - 0720 UT American- style country song with Spanish lyrics sung by female. 0711: ID by male, then gospel song by a cappella group. 0715: ID by male, leading into commentary and/or news. Back to music at 0718. Fair-to-poor signal strength (Jim Barrett - Elmira, NY, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SRI LANKA. Voice of the Tigers repaired after the air attack ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka Dec. 12, 2000, Colombo: The LTTE`s clandestine radio 'Voice of Tiger', silenced last week due to an air attack on its main relay center in the Iranamadu Jungles at Mullaitivu, resumed broadcasts since Sunday night. Military sources said that the army`s Intelligence Unit had received information that transmission had been resumed with a broadcasting mobile vehicle owned by the Tigers. They also said that the Tigers are trying to erect the relay station close to Iranamadu area once again. It was revealed that the air attack, conducted by two assault planes on Saturday, had destroyed several studios of the radio center and completely destroyed the transmission tower (Feb 19, 2001 via N. Grace, Clandestine Radio Watch via DXLD) Head of Voice of the Tigers Reportedly Killed in May 2000: "The Daily News... reported that the head of the LTTE`s clandestine radio Voice of Tigers had died. Jayneshan Sudhakaran reportedly died at Mallavi hospital in the LTTE controlled northern Vanni Thursday. However, the LTTE has not confirmed his death. "Sudhakaran was injured when security forces in a joint operations attacked the communication tower at Pooneryn, located on the western side of the Jaffna peninsula." "Tigers Ask Government Soldiers to Surrender," The Times of India, May 20, 2000 http://www.timesofindia.com/200500/20worl11.htm (Feb 20, 2001 via N. Grace, Clandestine Radio Watch March 1 via DXLD) ** TAIWAN. CBS, Taipei 15060.1, now heard in our local mornings here, quite strong \\ 9630. Carrying the Variety Program in Mandarin 2200 w/news, followed by some sort of English lesson at 2215. No jamming on 26/2, but almost always jammed local evenings (Craig Seager, Bathurst, Australia, Feb 28, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** TURKEY. V. of Turkey, finally got around to checking new 9655 for English at 0400, UT March 2, supposed to have changed from 6020 on Feb 18. Not bad, a little DW on the side, Reshide Morali opening with English transmission schedule, 0402 news (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U K. I received the following reply from Gill Wright of "Earth One" the other day, some weeks after enquiring about progress of their proposed shortwave service: "Thanks for enquiry re Earth One Radio. We have had to push back broadcast dates due to seeking further funding; however, having just secured what is needed we are once again moving forward. We cannot as yet determine a broadcast date, but this coming autumn looks likely." As I recall, the initially promoted on-air date was September or October 2000. Regards, (Craig Seager, Bathurst, Australia, Feb 28, WORLD OF RADIO 1071, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U K. Re: 70 Years of British TV: Hi Glen[n], Alan Wicker presents this programme "over the next six weeks", i.e. there are six parts to the series. It being on Radio 2 ("light entertainment") the technical content will be minimal but nevertheless a fascinating series, judging by the first part last night. Regards, (Klaus Werner, G7RTI, High Wycombe, UK, Feb 28, WORLD OF RADIO 1071, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U K. The curious case of Esther`s sidekick, the BBC, the RAF and the bombing of Baghdad The BBC gets kicked around in various media, and in one case it is specifically the World Service for dissembling. An interesting article. From: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/ By Liz Kershaw 1 March 2001 This is a tale from the twilight zone, involving a dictator and a radio commentator, surgical strikes and Esther Rantzen, the Pentagon and the Babes in the Wood. And it all began when most of us were safely tucked up and sleeping soundly in our beds. At 4 am last Thursday, the most unbelievable Boy`s Own-style account of the bombing of Baghdad was broadcast around the globe on From Our Own Correspondent (FOOC) by the Foreign Office-funded World Service. It began, "Last Friday, Howard Leader was by chance in the Coalition Command Control Centre sitting behind the general commanding the air operation." ... It seems that Leader was NOT one of BBC`s ``own correspondents`` and his journalistic qualifications were questionable. Read entire story: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/UK/Media/2001-03/esther010301.shtml (via Mike Terry, BDXC-UK via DXLD) ** U K/RUSSIA [non]. From http://newsvote.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/talking_point/forum/newsid_1160000/1160471.stm Wednesday, 28 February, 2001, 19:00 GMT Quiz Russia`s President Vladimir Putin will be answering your questions in a unique webcast LIVE from the Kremlin, on Tuesday 6 March at 1500 GMT. What would you like to ask the leader of one of the largest and most powerful countries in the world? Take this chance to question him via BBC News Online. Additional Info: This webcast is actually organized jointly by BBC News Online, Strana.Ru and Gazeta.Ru. It will last for approximately one hour. After the session, its text and RealAudio/ RealVideo recordings will be available presumably at all three sites. Also, BBC Russian Service promises to carry special radio broadcasts right after this unique webcast (via Sergei Sosedkin, MI, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U K [non]. BBC WS relay via WYFR, 9590, Feb 28 at 1305 tune-in had open carrier, tho it was OK with Outlook via Canada on 9515. Finally at 1307, 9590 went to well-produced backup tape with announcer apologizing for ``a few problems``, and music fill starting with Andrew Lloyd Weber`s Paganini Theme & Variations with brother Julian on `cello, very nice. Later, Bream on guitar; 1326 recheck the tape must have cycled through to start over again with the Paganini; around 1340 finally got feed back (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Feb 28 tune-in at 0530 until 0614 - BBC 6,175 replaced with instrumental singles, no announcements. Suddenly back in mid-stream at 0614. Any ideas? (Alan Johnson, NV?, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U K/INTERNATIONAL VACUUM. Glenn: This may be a temporary technical problem, but the BBC World Service on C-band satellite (an audio subcarrier on C-SPAN's transponder) has been missing since last night. I've sent e-mail queries to BBCWS and C-SPAN (though the latter doesn't even mention this feed or its relay of WRN anywhere on its Web site) asking about the status. (Mike Cooper, GA, Feb 28, DXLD) LATER: Subject: BBCWS satellite relay for US Dear Ms. Joy: The BBC World Service relay on a the C-band satellite audio subcarrier of CSPAN is not functioning. The audio subcarrier (5.4 MHz on satellite C3/7) is there (and a World Radio Network feed on 5.2 MHz is still there) but there is no BBCWS programming. This problem was first noted last night, U.S. time, and continues today. Can you let me know the status of this feed, which I have relied on for almost 15 years? Regards, (Mike Cooper, Atlanta GA, Feb 28, to BBC, via DXLD) Subject: RE: BBCWS satellite relay for US Thank you for your email, which has been forwarded to this department for attention. Unfortunately, a major circuit failure occurred from about 0400 to 2030 GMT, which meant that NPR, who normally take the BBC streams from our digital satellite system and deliver them to their own local stations and to C-SPAN, were unable to do so. The Bush House Control Room was able to provide back-up 20 minutes by ISDNs, which ran all day, but it appears that while delivery to local Public Radio stations was resumed, C-SPAN did not get its feed - and did not notice the loss.... We are sorry for the interruption to your listening, but hope that all is back to normal now. Please let us know if you experience further problems. Regards (Audience Relations, BBC World Service, March 1 reply to Cooper, via DXLD) Feed seems to be back this morning as normal. Guess it was a minor technical "cock-up" as the English would say... (Mike Cooper, March 1, DXLD) ** U K [non]. BBC via Antigua 17840 is usually clear of interference, but March 1 at 1615 past 1630 there was a subaudible heterodyne continually varying in frequency, and when it approached and receded from zero-beat became very noticeable and annoying. This may have been due to Doppler effect in propagation rather than the transmitter. Modulation must have been below par, since that remained barely audible, fortunately. Perhaps it was in French? Then looking at HFCC I see that Romania is co-channel scheduled for one hour only toward the southeast; could be longpath, or off-the-back shortpath: 17840 1600 1700 39 GAL 250 140 1234567 291000 250301 D ROMANIAN RRO ROU 6134 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. Here is a message just received from Erik Disen of KRLD: "Due to the fact that our common point RF meter has not yet been returned from the mfr. after recalibration, I am cancelling the off- air period for KRLD that had been scheduled for March 4, Midnight to 1:30 AM. We`ll reschedule in a couple of weeks when we have the unit in hand. Thanks." I will get a definite time from him when he reschedules (Bill Hale in Fort Worth, NRC-AM Feb 28 via DXLD) *** So what does this mean as far as WTIC ? Will they delay also ? (Russ Edmunds, Blue Bell, PA, ibid.) YES YES YES. It is a joint effort (Hale) Cancellation too late to delete item on WOR 1071 ** U S A. WHRA serves some useful purpose in providing one of the most distant DX signals I can hear on the planet. March 1 at 1630 I noted 17650 with an extremely heavy echo, almost as loud as the direct signal, and too quick to be a satellite delay. Therefore, it is longpath in addition to short path. In round numbers, WHRA is about 2600 km from me; Earth`s circumference is about 40100 km, so the long path is 37500 km, which is 34900 km further than the short path. At the speed of light, 299000 km/sec, the delay is 0.12 second. The echo severely degraded intelligibility of the preacher, tsk tsk. A brief piano interlude followed, sounding as if it were four-hand rather than two-hand (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. Amateur Radio Mounts Quick Quake Response NEWINGTON, CT, Mar 1, 2001--After several tense hours in the aftermath of a magnitude 7.0 earthquake in the Seattle area, Amateur Radio now is scaling back its response as power and telephone service returns to the stricken region. Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) and Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service (RACES) teams in the quake zone were mobilized within minutes of the event. The Salvation Army Team Emergency Radio Network (SATERN) and the Military Affiliate Radio System (MARS) also activated. ... By afternoon, the Washington Emergency Net on 75 meters (3.987 MHz) was activated between Seattle and Spokane for cross-state communication between the State EOC and Spokane County Department of Emergency Management. Eastern Washington SM Kyle Pugh, KA7CSP, said Spokane ARES also stood by on 2 meters and handled some message traffic. In addition, what Pugh called "a loose information net" took up operation on 40 meters to handle general inquiries and health-and- welfare traffic as needed. The Alaska Pacific Emergency Preparedness Net also took the airwaves on 20 meters (14.292 MHz). "The net was opened within minutes of the quake, and I know from monitoring much of the day that hundreds of messages were passed," said Bob Baker, NL7UH, in Anchorage, Alaska. "I hasten to add as an old Navy Commander with some communications experience that the net was conducted in a very highly professional manner." The SATERN Net activated for about six hours on 20 meters (14.265 MHz), processing health-and-welfare information requests and handing out situation reports from Washington and Oregon amateur stations. "Scores of stations over the nation assisted in relay," said SATERN Coordinator Pat McPherson, WW9E. (ARRL March 1 via John Norfolk, OKCOK, excerpted by gh for DXLD) ** U S A. A USENET posting about a month ago said that the Kentucky Militia in Somerset KY, would be broadcasting a program on 560 (presumably an area MWBC) and on 3260 kHz. I've checked 3260 often and heard zip. Another recent USENET posting had them on 6880/U @0245 (Harold Frodge, MI, MARE Tipsheet March 1 via DXLD) ** U S A. The University of Northern Colorado announced this afternoon (3/1) that it has decided to sell KUNC-FM (Greeley, CO) to the Friends of KUNC, a community group that raised $2 million in 3 weeks to purchase the station and preserve its current format. They prevailed even after Colorado Public Radio increased its previous bid for the station. Announcements at http://www.kunc.org/ http://www.friendsofkunc.org/ Also a new story, already outdated, at http://www.current.org/ Colorado Public Radio says it still intends to pursue its 2-channel network without KUNC. http://www.cpr.org/html/2_channel_full.htm (Kevin Kelly, Arlington, Mass., PublicRadioFan.com March 1, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. NPR`s The Dis-Connection. Here`s the latest [Mar. 1] about the two week standoff at NPR`s The Connection from WBUR. A Statement from Christopher Lydon and Mary McGrath http://www.christopherlydon.org/ [Posted March 1st, according to a Producer in a Forum at http://www.theconnection.org/ ] WBUR broke The Connection today instead of negotiating the future of the program with the people who created it. It is yet another very sad surprise and disappointment to us. To the end we were willing to return to WBUR and do the program under any reasonable contractual terms. Today WBUR walked away from the discussion entirely. It is our view that unilateralism and bad faith have marked the station's performance with us for many months, culminating in the lockout two weeks ago and the announcement today that they did not want to talk with us any more. To the incomparable listeners who drove the program with their own energy, and to the thousands of people who shared our great fun and encouraged us in recent weeks to save something rare on the radio, we are endlessly grateful. We want, and we intend, as we have since the lockout, to continue this remarkable conversation on the air. See you on the radio! In the meantime, please visit this site http://www.christopherlydon.org/ to share our plans and your thoughts by emailing us at feedback@christopherlydon.org (via Chet Copeland, NY, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** URUGUAY: Re: DXLD 1-027: I haven`t heard any transmission on 15670 (Horacio Nigro, Uruguay, Feb 28, WORLD OF RADIO 1071, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** VIETNAM. VOV, off-frequency as usual around 9839.5, Feb 28 at 1250 in English with Letterbox, unspontaneous M&W hosting; 1252 Viet music break, 1254 calling Vinay Abuja in Belgium; 1257:35* off abruptly as they were spelling the VOV street address. Fair, with flutter (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED. On 13597.3, Feb 28 at 1326 heard an open carrier with a brief tone. Sounded like a broadcaster about to start up. Left a receiver on here, and still just a carrier past 1400, weakening after 1430, still audible after 1500. Only change was a bit of RTTY idle or some such noise around 1443. So I guess it could be a ute. No sign of WJCR (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###